

Should Prestige rework reward exclusive cosmetics?

Member Posts: 7
edited May 2022 in Polls

Should you be rewarded exclusive cosmetics similar to legacy for your 6 years of grinding? The last time this was seen was after 6 months of the game coming out in 2016. Now we are seeing a 6 year grind not being rewarded with similar exclusive legacy style cosmetics is this fair? Not to mention the loss of progress that took a lot of people’s legacy clothing.

Should Prestige rework reward exclusive cosmetics? 36 votes

61% 22 votes
38% 14 votes
Post edited by Kidpesce on

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  • Member Posts: 1,071

    No, no, no. Exclusive stuff is dumb. Just give a bunch of free Irishards.

  • Member Posts: 564


    The current P3 items make perfect sense in the setting of the game, and the legacy items were different as they were rewarding people who carried the start of DBD by playing the game into the ground. It took extreme work to get even one prestige of legacy items. In current DBD, prestige items only take about 1-2 weeks of grinding per character. Maybe 3 if you do not play often, MAX.

    Exclusive items like event items also make sense, such as the anniversary crowns, as there is only ONE 4 year anniversary, one 5 year anniversary, etc.

    Changing the cosmetics now would take a lot of time, plus might be impossible for ST characters, or picky licenses like the Nightmare on Elm Street chapter.

  • Member Posts: 7

    You seem to not have the right information p3 bloody clothing has always been a thing legacy was rewarded for the rework of the bloodweb which they are doing again so it is very relevant. It was not for people who played the game before it took off that is not true if that was the case 2017 was actually the lowest player count in history. Also the amount of characters and perks 200+ on survivor and 200 on killer is the reason why the grind is more ridiculous and why people don’t prestige their characters. It’s because it doesn’t reward them with anything but rewarding people that have P3 and gotten all the perks on a specific character require a good reward as they have grinded the game when it was harder now everyone will have a much much easier time getting all perks etc. so yes it is a great idea to reward their loyal OG players that put in the work. It’s the same concept as before. Nightmare on elm street was released when legacy released this is only for original characters btw and it wouldn’t be that much work they are designing a reward regardless.

  • Member Posts: 326

    The prestige rework was already confirmed not to be cosmetics/charms, so while I would like to see some sort of reward for people who had to suffer through the grind, we're not getting any cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    i wouldn't mind either way. games are not blind to exclusive content that were only available to those who played or done said action during said time period.

    legacy shows those who had played during the early games. i dont know when those times were, but i can tell you i've played since even before the doctor rework. i dont mind i dont have them even if i could have gotten them, i didnt even know about them after all.

  • Member Posts: 305

    I kinda wish they at least gave cosmetics to the original killers and survivors who are prestige 3 all way up to Nurse as a console player we were never given the option to get legacy it's one of the reasons why I prestige 3'd all my characters just in case they ever reworked the system again.

    Like I would understand the argument that the legacy pc players worked hard for their legacy, but not everyone had the option to get legacy I didn't even have a pc at the time and I was just waiting for the game to come out on console.

    Like I don't care if it's not exclusive I just want a cool reskin of a legacy like maybe a blue legacy or purple legacy reskin. People act like the 4-5 million bloodpoints you spend to fully p3 isn't a lot of time to dedicate to the game, but it really adds up.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    There's no point arguing if it should or not, which is highly subjective and isn't going to change anything because they've confirmed it's not a cosmetic.

    Also, as much as i would have loved an exclusive cosmetic, I would rather get a reward for all my prestiged characters rather than only the original ones, considering we wouldn't get cosmetics for licenced characters even tho they're the characters that people are most likely to prestige (because they have less cosmetic options and said options are only buyable in auric cells)

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    We don't need another 5 years of whining from people who missed out on the new legacy.

    We don't need a new legacy for BHVR to lose from peoples' accounts and refuse to restore.

  • Member Posts: 64

    I like so much a cosmetic, but we already that wouldn't be.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Honestly I wouldn't mind the reward being bloodpoints or shards

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