first time reaching Iridescent I as Legion

fcb Member Posts: 159
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

my thoughts: the pip system needs a rework because I can pip much faster with legion than Bubba. I can't even get 1 pip after 4k with Bubba, and I get many double pips with legion. 4ks should give you at least 1 pip.

is this the reason for the double pip? the stack-able bloodpoints.


  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Congrats on getting to Iri 1 as killer! Enjoy the bp on the 13th, very nice this month because it's right before the anniversary too.

    Also, the emblem system has nothing to do with the bp you gain but instead the descriptions that pop up when you hover over the emblems in the end game screen. I would advise reading these descriptions or looking them up online to get a better understanding of how you earn emblem status. Some killers are easier to pip than others because the emblems rely on your chase time, hits on survivors, and how long the game lasts. This is why it's harder to pip on insta down killers or killers who can snowball quickly.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Ranks don't matter. I've ignored pips since I started playing the game. Can't even conceive caring about them.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I mean, getting 2 million BP on the 13th sounds pretty damn good.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Shrug. I've got all the perks and stuff and I don't bother prestiging. It's nice but not a huge incentive. It's weird to me how other people operate. Always more more more.

  • fcb
    fcb Member Posts: 159
    edited June 2022


    I need bloodpoints to level-up the killers. I have like 40% of the perks. waiting for pop and bamboozle. but what I'm saying is the pip system should take into consideration all killers.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    You have done well.

    We are Legion.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    "is this the reason for the double pip? the stack-able bloodpoints."

    Nah. BPs dont have anything to do with Pipping.

    But the System is a bit flawed in general. E.g. if you Chainsaw a lot with Billy, you might get punished. Meanwhile, Legion is basically impossible to depip and very easy to pip for some reason.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Damn right. Wish there was a Joey icon.

    I got to Iri 1 as well for first time but not exclusively with Legion. Mostly with Plague, Mr. Puddles, Trapper and whatever dailies required except Nurse. On Iri 4 on survivor too... so that's been fun. Should look up how much is given for each.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Congratulations on the Iri 1! While I can't speak to your playstyle, of course, it's much easier to pip as Legion than as Bubba because Legion's power lends itself to the Emblem objectives better than Bubba's.

    Emblems and MMR are basically measuring different things; MMR measures escapes/kills no matter what. Emblems reward multiple chases/hooks with a much weaker correlation to if you kill survivors.

    As an example, you can get to Gold without killing a single survivor as long as you eight hook. You can get to Iridescent One by killing a maximum of two survivors and letting the other two go. I did that as an experiment for myself a few months back just to test how many survivors had to be killed to pip.

    Presumably, it's that way since games with multiple hooks and chases are more engaging for both sides as opposed to just one. Your MMR will be super low if you try that out for yourself after but you can get to Iri 1 that way. It just takes more games than if you try for 12 hooks and 4K (which is normally always a double pip).

    As for Bubba, Bubba can get 4K with 4 hooks if there is facecamping far better than Legion can. Since Legion's power encourages multiple chases and hooks that's why you will find it easier to pip up.

    As a side note, any perk or power that allows you to kill directly will lower your Devout emblems and Plague's power lowers your Malicious because everytime a survivor uses a fountain it counts as a heal.

    I'm assuming it's that way because if a game is no fun for one side the other side stops playing so a compromise has to be reached that allows for fun on both sides. The Emblem system encouraged that more on paper but my other assumption is that the devs feel the unbalanced matches didn't make it work as well in reality which is why they're experimenting with and tweaking MMR.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Legion Encourages multiple chases, so you got iri in Chaser already,

    Legion Also Encourages multiple injures, so you got iri malicious already (or w/e it's called)

    Legion works well with thanato and some slowdown, so Gatekeeper is up there with it =D

    Legion is just all around, =D