Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Possible in game penalty for being toxic?

So before I get Burned at the stake for this one, I play both sides, which is why I make this one. The Toxic Survivor is making a major comeback, especially with the new map. Rapid clicking, unnecessary Teabagging, and all around clownish behavior that often gets the other survivors killed, or makes a killer DC out of annoyance. Can an in game penalty possibly be added for this obnoxious behavior? Like a 30% reduction in speed for 30 seconds after teabagging 5-6times rapidly? Or maybe a survivor loses a health state for it? Anyone else hot a fun idea for it? These are merely ideas I think that would help keep the toxicity low, or at least...bring it down.


  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    I like toxic, hell I HUNT for flashlight SWFS every night as Franklins Bubba, flashy clickers do not bother me at all other than the flickering light, but toxic? pfft, the things people consider toxic in this game is childsplay to the stuff we did in late 90s online MMORPG gaming. They had to create words like "griefing" too describe the stuff we were doing for fun in those days.

    I honestly get excited when I see last second flashlight equips and stuff, bring it on you little teabagger, I love knocking flashlights out their hands

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    The devs said during the stream that they are going to address toxicity.

    However, I don't think teabagging o clicking is in the "toxic" category for them. I think they will mostly address the endgame chat verbal abuse.

    The best thing you can do against toxic survivors is to ignore them. They just want the atenttion their parents never gave to them, if you ignore them they might even disconnect.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    So how would you interpret sandbaggin a teammates at a pallet and then teabagging 20 times at said pallet? Like really. If that isn't toxic. What is?

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    THIS. Now this is the kind of change I could get behind. Reward the killers for taking down the the tainting survivors. That would be awesome!

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    It's one of those things, ya know? It's something that often done deliberately after certain actions yhats meant to provoke and just be obnoxious. Especially when it's done to teammates. I'm fine when I'm killer and I can handle it, but it tends to screw the teammates

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702
    edited June 2022

    If their standards of toxicity is 'whatever we deem it to be' without much ability for empathy, I would not expect much to change.

    Ironically the chat censor does more harm then good. People know the general vibe of what you are saying if you want to be a jerk. Yet some sentiments are hard to convey and can be hard to understand and misunderstandings can lead to thinking someone is saying something negative when they aren't.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I don't know. The only time that t-bagging can get annoying is when they're all waiting at the exit gate for you to watch. This is the only scenario where I get annoyed and it's mainly because sometimes I have to walk to the other exit gate to push them out, which just feels like it takes forever on some killers. People have suggested mechanics to speed up EGC if all survivors are within the exit gates but of course this can be circumvented if they stand just outside.

    Although it can be annoying to have the survivor taunt you throughout the game, it's kind of at the benefit of the killer. Instead of getting more distance or playing the tile correctly, they'll t-bag or point at you which just means it gives you more time to catch up. I had a survivor who kept t bagging after they would vault, I 4k that game after having a slower start (playing myers).

    On the flip side for killer (you didn't mention anything for killer), hitting a survivor on hook repeatedly also has disadvantages. I've literally been saved by someone during the cool down of the hit and then everyone escaped. So built in punishment for that childish behavior. Bleeding survivors out for no reason is annoying, but it gives you a 4 min break to get water or pee so no biggie.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    Because......killers don't teabag and click flashlights......They've already handled the killer side of things.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Hitting survivors while on the hook, letting all 4 survivors bleed out after being slugged, Teabagging Ghostface, Teabagging Pig, Shocking Doctor...

    They totally took care of all the killer sided toxicity.

    Oh, btw, Teabagging Ghostface and Teabagging Pig.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2022

    As a killer I would probably be triggered less if they removed teabagging from the game.

    Bodyblocking, swarming, all that jazz can at least be interpreted to "just playing the game". Teabagging cant.

    As a killer I would also like an option of just leaving the game once the gates are open. The collapse tried to resolve the issue of survivors holding the game hostage but I would personally just want to leave faster.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    If you can't take the Teabag, then you aren't worthy of playing Killer.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2022

    Teabagging is the only thing there is no defense against. It is also entirely survivor sided. Killers cant do any teabags, taunts, animations or such. I wish the devs would grow up and see how unfair this is for the killers. How much ######### we take every day with no way of fighting back.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252


    although clicking/macros are an accessibility issue and need to be removed

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    imo this goes both ways. I do not mind a "gotcha" type of teabag done after the surv outplayed me, and likewise when I clearly outplay a surv I do and will nod like "gotcha" this is done in comp all the time and if a surv outplays me, I dont mind the quick single tap like a surv to surv thank you ctrl tap. I do it too.

    I also will chainsaw 360 spin chop the last on hook until the game loop closes, not to be toxic, Im just having fun. dont take it personal bois.

    people are way too sensitive in this game.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I agree. Teabagging and hitting-on-hook is just static. Honestly, I think it toughens people up and helps them to quit being so sensitive.

    In fact, I really think the developers should add taunts to both killers and survivors. It would probably make the game less toxic. Look at League of Legends, it has a bunch of taunts in it and it's a lot less toxic than this game. You don't try and remove toxicity, you bombard the entire game with it until no one notices it anymore.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I think a better solution is to grow thicker skin.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,595

    Playing both sides or not has nothing to do with the reaction you'll get. The word "toxic" has no meaning in this context.

    I'd look at the ones that tend to use it though. They are the ones with a problem.

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    Yea agreed. I don't mind the quick bags and quick flashes to let me know I've been outplayed or outdone. It's when it gets excessive that becomes tye issue. These same survivors are usually the ones that sandbag the random at pallets and ruin the game for them. It's usually how the new players stop playing

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    Killers gwt penalized for it pretty hard. Point wise, we'd get nothing. At this late stage in the game, if your whole team is getting slugged while people are also running unbreakable and I belive...soul guard?....You've really messed up somewhere in that game. Not to mention all the med kit add ons that grant health states and endurance upon use. On top of that, swinging on hook nets us a slightly increased cool down that is easily taken advantage of. 4 man slug fest is one of the easiest things to avoid in DBD, ESPECIALLY with a SWF group.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Oh, I didn't realize the developers intentionally punished killers for slugging by reducing the amount of points they received. I thought that killers just received less points because slugging excludes you from all the points you get for hooking a survivor. What patch did they introduce that punishment in, I'm curious to read those patch notes.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    It's been a thing for quite a while actually. I think it's one of those "secret" nerfs that was quietly rolled in. But you get about a 25% extra reduction in points for just slugging like a tool, and on top of that, it's also an automatic pip loss. If you refuse to hook and just slug, you get absolutely nailed for it

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    The most entertaining response yet

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Bring lightborn, it's even more fun to see their reactions of "oh dear oh no why isn't it working" lol

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Nothing is toxic except the endgame chat of calling people names and slurs

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Personally, unless the player is doing a bannable offense action, I don't see how any in-game action is toxic. It can be annoying depending on how you interpret it, but the toxic word loses its meaning by saying the simplest things are toxic.

    Harassing someone in the end game chat is toxic. Playing the game how you want and using the mechanics of the game is not toxic.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I'd consider them the actions of a person who wants to be tunneled out of them game and I'd follow that up by taking mercy on those who remain.