New Gamemodes needed for a much more refreshing game.
Hey guys, let me get straight to the point. Dead by Daylight is a fun game and it has many iconic killers but there is one thing that really hurts. With so much potential, it still has only one game mode. I like it but it gets boring after just a few rounds. We need something refreshing. So my idea is new game modes. I know that many people already requested it but Behavior still doesn't do anything. So here are some ideas:
1. The most requested one. 2v8, I know it sounds crazy but I would love to play with my friends. When me and my friends play custom games they always kick me out of their discord call because I am playing killer and they have to discuss their tactics but then I am really lonely. So thats why a 2v8 would be really cool, you would have a friend that you could talk to while playing killer and it is also very refreshing from the normal dead by daylight gamemode.
2. Some form of hide and seek would be nice. The last one that lives wins. It would be fun.
3. This idea i got from a youtuber, the map is dark you can't see very far, this gamemode gives another use for the flashlight and also if a generator is repaired, the lamps of it can glow.
4. This is not a gamemode idea but i will still talk about it. More options for custom games. Like everyone is crazy fast or really slow. An option for survivor lives, I mean the survivor has to get hit a specific amount of times to be downed. Another option could be, how many generators need to be repaired before you can open the exit gate. Maybe an option for respawning or for how many perk slots someone could use. A darkness option or a random killer option. Custom games options would be a great addition to the game.
These gamemode just have to be for custom games. I love to play with friends, but dead by daylight has very limited options, you can only play survivor with them and that is it. New gamemodes would bring my old friends back to dead by daylight, because it is refreshing.
i agree, but sadly people would like that. meaning less people in public and que times would be worse. although they arent even bad, unless you want to play a specific role at a specific time.
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There will never be a new game modes. Think how much that will break core mechanics. 2x bigger maps an absolutely HUGE update file and lots of chaos. It's basically like duplicating the game and adding it on to its og form. It's gamebreaking and will most likely be a disaster
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New game mode does not make BHVR $
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it will. Because I know so many people that don't want to play dead by daylight because of its lack of content
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It wouldn't change the core mechanic. We just need it in custom games. Also more custom games options would be easy to do and would make them a lot of money.