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How do YOU counter Sabotage?

Member Posts: 2,197

I just had a match where at least one player kept saboing hooks when I downed someone.

The person I would down had Boil Over and they were SWF so they were playing this way to stop me from getting any hooks. The only way for me to get any hooks and not flat out lose the match was to kill one of the two that kept doing this.

I got called toxic for tunneling, etc but what were my other options? I am genuinely curious? Am I just supposed to let them deny me any hooks? Go and look for the other two that were hiding/rushing gens?

I'm genuinely curious as to what YOU do to play around Sabo/Boil Over teams like this?

Note: Just to clarify I'm not throwing around SWF as a catch-all term for a well co-ordinated group. They told me they were in endgame chat where they gave out to me for killing their friend.

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  • Member Posts: 1,230

    I down one guy and wait with him until he bleeds out. I don't care, they asked for this gameplay and I'm honored to give them what they want. Games like those to me count like nothing to be honest

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Thats what I think! If youre entire playstyle is to prevent me getting any hooks - what do you expect?

    I hate to think I'm being toxic, etc. but as far as I can see thats the only counter? Unless I'm missing something?

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    You made the right call.

    You're gonna get some hate for it, but strictly speaking on strategic play, if you're able to see that two people are constantly doing something that makes it extremely difficult to hook the other person you gotta break them up. The more coordinated they are the more aggressive you have to play which for this game usually means slugging them or camping/tunneling one out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,230

    if they want they can prevent you from getting any hook. Just be annoying by walking on top of them when they're downed. They get super annoyed by that, trust me. I did it multiple times and everyone said "nice gameplay" and I reply with "you asked for it" and they insult me and so on... If they insult you it means you played definetly better than them in most cases

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Give them what they so desperately want. Get them in the dying state and wait 4 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Usually paying attention to when it seems like a survivor with a toolbox might try and sabo

    Against sabo squads where I'd only have one or two hooks available and both are behind saboers, nothing to do but slug, though slug matches against sabo squads are also some of my favorite games because they tend to have a lot of chasing with very little time spent having to look for survivors or kick gens

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I had this match earlier this week trying out Dredge and got a 4 man group sending me to RPD and one of them was trying to sabo and running boil over. Needless to say they didn't like that I slugged them to death (one guy even d/c, but still stayed for end game chat).

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    tunnel them out, bleed em out if you must

    as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited June 2022

    If it's only one sabo'ing, I'll make sure they're always on the ground before I try to hook someone else or possibly even tunnel them out. A lot of these matches have more than one person sabo'ing, and then everyone's getting slugged a whole hell of a lot. I've had matches where all four are sabo'ing, so then I put all four on the ground, three bleed out, and finally I put the last one on a hook. The last time that happened, they seemed pretty good sports about it, getting in a pile and spinning around and stuff. I'm on console with messages turned off, so if they had nasty stuff to say after I'd never know.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Lmao just run to the next hook preemptively? Sabotaging never works unless you have more than one guy doing it, any competent killer will be aware after one attempt and see the sabotager nearby then run to the next nearest hook immediately and watch as they are unable to catch up, happens every single time I try to do a sabotage build and the only chance as a single sabotager is to hug the killer and race them to hooks but you get hit and can't tank another one at hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Doesnt really work when theyre downed in corners, etc. Also, indoor maps dont exactly leave you with a lot of options (luckily that wasnt the case here but point still stands)...

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Never used it, but I feel like Hangman’s Trick may be a little underrated for some reason…

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    Franklin's is one of my favourite perks. It takes only one toolbox for me to put that bad boy on.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Slug the little shits

  • Member Posts: 188

    Agitation + Iron Grasp

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I main Pyramid Head, and I think that's about all I need to say to give the full picture

  • Member Posts: 809


    They can't be mad at you for slugging if they didn't want to be hooked in the first place.

    Don't want to be hooked? Lay down and wait

  • Member Posts: 685

    As others have said, if possible bait them to run to one hook while you juke to another. If it's not possible, Survivor on my shoulders gets dropped and the Sabo get downed.

    If they are persistent about attempting it everytime I try to hook, or are very good at it, unfortunately they are getting tunneled out. My goal when I play is to get hooks (with the exception of the occasional match where i'm looking to have a bit of mori fun). I generally don't try to tunnel or camp because it's simply not beneficial for me, nor fun for the survivors. That being said, if a survivor is stopping me from getting the hooks I earned, they gotta go. The same can be said with survivors that are on point with flashlights and blinding saves.

    Altruism squads in general will end up in a big slugfest because it's about the only real counterplay i've found, but usually it's a pretty fun little melee of sorts while it lasts.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Agitation, Mad Grit, Iron Grasp, Hangman's trick.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    If they're average, I ignore it or hook trade when applicable. Doesn't hurt to scope the area before a pickup and identify several possible hooks so you have a backup plan, or can fake out what direction you're going in to throw off the saboteurs. But if the whole team is persistent, or it's an indoor map with oak and the usual nonsense, I'm introducing everyone to my good friend, the ground. I'll hook 'em when nobody's running around trying to stop me and not a second before.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    It’s been said but the main way is to slug.

    Its not malicious it’s just how you counter a boil over sabo play.

    spread injuries get multiple downs and then only hook once you’ve secured enough pressure to make it worthwhile.

    Sabo squads are usually hanging around the downed survivor so you often don’t have to go far to get the hits.

    Also lastly don’t let it tilt you it’s just gameplay. If you keep a cool head and prepare for a long haul you’ll probably get enough hits in that any sabo/locker stun/flashy group will screw up and you’ll get the kills.

  • Member Posts: 847

    Sounds like a swf to me lol

    The biggest way to counter a sabo team is anticipating it and responding to it properly. Slug and bait the sabos. Usually if done right they kill themselves. Where I have massive issues is this plus a no mither group. Absolutely infuriating, and it has no counter that I'm aware of.

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