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How do you choose your charms?

tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,158

Just curious how other people determine what charms they wish to wear. Like...do you wear charms you just like? Wear charms you think look the coolest? Wear rarer charms you're proud of achieving? Wear a charm based on your character and what you think they'd like?

For myself, I choose charms that I think the character would wear if they were choosing their charms.

There's some pretty obvious ones (Resident Evil characters with the Umbrella Logo, Saw characters with The Jigsaw Puppet, etc). Licensed characters are usually relatively easy. Sometimes I do get a bit creative (like Myers has the straight jacket cause he's a little loony, a jackolantern cause Halloween, and The Blood Moon because I feel like it represents pure evil of the night).

Some of the originals I have to think about their character a bit and what I think they would like. Like David has his own action figure (cause I feel like he looks out for #1, himself), brass knuckles (his fighting background), and obviously the Progress Flag or Ace gets the poker chip (gambling), the gnome (I actually don't really know why I think he'd like the gnome but I feel like he'd really like the gnome), and the Tiki Drink (cause I assume as a heavy gambler, he would enjoy a drink or two).

So what makes you choose your charms?


  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    I choose whichever looks the coolest. I always wear my resident evil charm

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    For survivor if it's shiny I use it lol.

    For killer, either none or something that reflects the killer and mood I'm trying to portray. Although I don't like the ones that make hooks even easier to spot because I have ptsd from sabo squads.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,878

    Well I main Dweet so I had to have the pizza slice one. Then I have the pot of gold one from Prime because I am Irish. My third charm is a pride charm (the feathers of pride one currently) as I always support that.

    On killer Mikey is my main so I have the pumpkin charm because Halloween and Mikey go hand in hand. I have the pot of gold charm for the aforementioned reason. I have the Dweet crow charm because I main Dweet and it looks like a Halloween decoration. Goes well on Mikey's hook.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,962

    I tend to pick charms that I think fit the character. For instance, my Ace is wearing three of the coins from one of the tomes, and my Elodie is wearing some golden artifacts - the lunar new year tiger statue and some shiny tome sculptures. Killer hooks are the same - Artist is wearing the skeletal crow and the pride bird, Pig has a bunch of SAW memorabilia, Plague has Babylonian idols, Legion has a bunch of assorted knives, Bubba has food-related charms, Clown has various toys and games (it is a CRIME that the Mr. Puddles plushie is survivor-only.) If I can't think of anything, I glow it up with pride charms.

    I like your Myers idea - I'm going to have to remember that, because he was one of the characters I was stumped on.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090


    On killers I like to make themes. Like my clown has the mr puddles plushy, popcorn and a clown one.

    On survivors it's just rainbow ones

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,147

    Varies. Sometimes I choose ones that I think fit the character - pumpkin on Myers, can of worms on Meg, charms that came from their specific rifts, etc. Sometimes it's just a charm I like alot. Sometimes it's whatever is the current holiday/season. Right now I have Maurice on everyone because #justiceformaurice🐎

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I have the current Tome chapter's charm at whatever level I've gotten it to, plus a charm or two tied to the character I'm playing, and fill it out with other prior Tome chapter charms. I like the Tome chapter charms because I feel like I at least "earned" them versus getting them by chance or buying them.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    TBH I nearly entirely forget they exist until I notice one that I chucked on my own hook, and keep thinking it's a survivor until I do a double take.

    Then I remember to take that charm off and that's pretty much the extent of them.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited June 2022

    I only used one pride charm and nothing else on everyone, now i swapped it everywhere with the pride birb

    One charm is enough

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I only use pinhead box, auric cell and blight pustula flower charm.

    The rest looks ass to me and mostly I dont even use them, in fact theres only one survivor that wears those 3, the rest of cast wears no charms.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 686
    edited June 2022

    edit: never mind

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,145

    I find most survivor charms pretty disappointing, because you can hardly see them on the character model, but I guess thats kinda unavoidable. That being said, I often try to tell a story, or somewhat adhere to the background of the killer, ie lots of food and meat packing stuff on Bubbas and Billies hooks, or coins and plants on Jills hip, like stuff she would probably keep finding to use on some door or puzzle in her games.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    For survivor I pick a charm or two I just really like. One of my favourites is the pocket entity charm

    For killer I pick charms that I think are related to or relevant to that specific killer

    For example on Trickster, I had all the Trickster themed charms and so on

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,033

    I use themed charms wherever I can.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I either make them try to fit a certain theme or just throw random stuff together and see what works

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Survivor I tend to stick to a rose, Medusa (love her lore), and the glowing moon. They're so cute and I think recognizable despite size on survivors.

    Killer I often theme it around them, or use the dolls, or use all the horse ones, lol. RIP Maurice.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Survivor: only the pride charm, bc using too many looks cluttered and out of place on some characters.

    Killer: charms that match the killer's lore and theme, pride, or something shiny.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,050

    On hooks, it's a combination of increasing hook visibility and going with what I think matches that killer. It used to be completely about the latter, but unfortunately it's recently become more and more about the former. Having the Auric Cell charm on every hook is too damn useful to skip, but that alone eat up one of the three charm slots. I wish hooks had four charm slots.

    On survivors, I might choose a charm because I really like it (Mr. Puddles!!) or because I think it matches their character. I usually only put one charm on survivors at most because it quickly looks silly to have more what with them being so bunched up and all.

  • rooCraah
    rooCraah Member Posts: 138

    Since a few days ago we now have 3 rainbow charms, so it's been pretty easy to decide since then

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    i dont. I've been ignoring them ever since there were more then 8 pages of them

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,260

    I like to use the lighthearted ones, like the Hooked on U, Heart in a Cage and the Vic Viper.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Canon to the character story or for aesthetics. For instance Leon and Claire have Claudette's plant, neas spray paint can and the blight serum because they look like items from re2.

    And jake has a Claudette doll bc when I play him, I favor the life of Claudette.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I just say "good enough" 😐