Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

About Our Resident Well Ghost.

So after some help with figuring out how to use her (thanks to some kind people on this forum.). I’ve realized how she can be a much better killer.

1: She needs some sort of active AOE like what the Doctor had (2017). Let it only give two strokes to Condemned however so she won’t be OP. Also have it only happen when she is in the Physical world.

2: She has a lot of basic attack potential. I think running the basic recovery speed on her will help her a lot, but her attacks also seem to have some range issues. Good and bad issues.

3: Change where those TVs face. Some face in directions no Survivor would ever run. Or add a add-on that does it.

4: I get you didn’t want her to be a discount Wrath but because of her Lullaby range is just big enough she is a ACTUAL discount Wrath. She isn’t like Freddy or the Huntress. She doesn’t need a huge Lullaby. Maybe have it’s range increase as she manifestes. Scare the pants off some poor Bill.

Final 5: Why not 7 TVs? To match the 7 condemns. Gives her more mobility. AND can help her catch up to Freddy and Dredge.

I’d like to hear other peoples ideas too.


  • Babalonkie
    Babalonkie Member Posts: 153

    I have directly suggested to devs 3 SLIGHT buffs to improve her.

    1) SLIGHTLY faster manifest and demanifest.

    2) SLIGHTLY faster condemned application from projection and tape carrying.

    3) Make Video Tape addon basekit: Any survivors within 7 meters of manifesting are hindered for 3 seconds. This will work similar to Wraiths speed boost when decloaking.

    Minor tweaks that do not break the abilities.

    Helps with chase. Helps with keeping survivors slightly more occupied and helps dealing with tape hot swapping.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2022

    Disclaimer: For basically couple years Ive hated this game for nerfing the killers I loved to play the most into oblivion (nurse, spirit, I played both before the world realized they were good).

    I hated the game so much, not only I uninstalled but also hid DBD from my steam inventory so I didnt have to see the name.

    Yet Sadako brought me back.

    Sadako was always the killer I wanted to play the most (thus I played ethereal scary girl killers like nurse and spirit) and gave the suggestions to include her long before Behaviour even had their own forums. I didnt want to give any real money to this game due to how much I hated it the recent years, but eventually I caved in. Ive been loving Sadako since I got past the no-perks stage. I love mindgaming survivors, which is why I hate the rest of the game so much. Mindgames are always nerfed in favor of some linear loop-running.

    I dont think she is weak (unless in ass maps), and Ive so far been pretty consistently getting 3-4 kills per game (unless in ass maps). Its like old days! I love it.

    In fact I am pretty convinced the world will eventually realize her strength (just like what happened with nurse and spirit) and BHV will nerf her.. but at least Im enjoying the game while it lasts.

    One thing I agree with though: Her condemnation is ass. Its nothing more than a curiosity. I get a kill with it only once every blue moon.

    Proposed buff: Make it so that TVs will always spread condemnation slowly when they are on. That way the survivors might actually have to interact with the TVs to get rid of condemnation instead of completely ignoring it. Tying condemnation to Sadako teleport is too little.

  • kira31219
    kira31219 Member Posts: 35

    Agree with above comment. I do fairly well with Sadako usually getting 3-4K unless I take it easy on survivors and let them escape. I definitely feel her condemn power is absolutely useless though. The only time I get a condemn kill or anyone who even gets close is because they are either new or don't care and want me to condemn kill them. That part of her power is so disappointing.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    Hmmm I have a few issues with these

    1. Having an AOE would just make it unfun, she would become the best tunneling killer since you could just chase a Survivor until theyre fully condemned

    2. I have no idea what you mean by this

    3. TVs usually spawn in loops where a Survivor will absolutely runs towards. Map mobility isnt the only use for them either, zoning, forcing condemned and gaining information are also uses.

    There are exceptions to this of course, and on indoor maps like Gideon the TV spawns could be improved

    4. Her Lullaby is already pretty small at 24m, and doesnt really change much.

    5. Theres a TV for every Generator, in fact a TV can only spawn at max 16m away from a Generator. Meaning there already is 7 TV's.

    The changes I would do, is focused more around Condemned. Not making it overwhelming, but still more of a threat.

    - Survivors within range of a TV now passively gain condemned at half the rate they would normally gain it while holding a tape (50 seconds for 1 stack)

    - Survivors who are Fully Condemned can no longer retrieve/insert a tape to remove Condemned stacks.

    - Inserting a tape will no longer turn off a TV, but instead turn it on/keep it on.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    As I Said for the AOE I would only want it to get the first two levels. Just like how Doctors only brought you to Madness 1.

    As for the second point I was talking about how her basic attack seems like it’s hit box is very bi-polar. I think the main problem is she just sends out the wave so you can’t accurately pin point hits like with other killers. The way I tried to imagine it is like the clawed killers attacks. Straightforward with no arc, but it also doesn’t help her symbol does block 1/4 the screen. Just seemed odd to me that the symbol is so big yet it doesn’t hit them when I snap turn on them.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    Doc didnt have a limit, his static field could build you up all the way to T3, how fast it was built up depended on how close you were to him.

    And for her lunge, all killers have the same hitbox for their lunge, Sadako just takes time to get use to since her "weapon" is a lot different compared to other killers, and she is much shorter compared to other killers

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I think she shouldn’t be slowed down while manifesting, TV cooldown should be shorter, and that inserting tapes should take longer.

    I’d also love if her TV’s would actually face generators

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Every killer functionally has the exact same basic attack range and the attack is cone shaped so it is can be easier to miss if you're trying to do it out of a turn because I don't believe the animations sync up exactly with what the game is checking for in the background to see if you hit.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    Just feels weird because Doc swings his stick to the side so if I turn as I swing it feels like a arc. With her however it doesn’t have that same feeling. My main guess is because she straight up attacks ahead of her so it just looks weird compared to what I’m used too. I was playing her again today and was able to snap down someone. Maybe it just takes time to learn it?

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450
    edited June 2022

    I want to see her get some help for her chase. She needs help in loops and my suggestion is to start messing with survivors vision.

    When In a chase with the killer survivors start to get static or the Japanese words from her own tv on their screens. The more condemned a survivor is the more there is on their screens.

    I would also add the more TV idea and decrease their cooldown.

    I would change several of her addons. Her video tape copy one specifically because SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE MADE WORSE...! Anyway I would change that addon to where Survivors automatically get 2 condemned levels upon completion of a gen or are within 15 meters of that complete gen. If they are holding a tape it is 3 levels instead. I did it this way because I think she would be more angry that a copy has been made of her tape and she has no one to kill.

    The fishing net addon I would actually change to have this happen. When a survivor is injured the next pallet they throw it is instantly broken after 2 or 3 seconds.

    I have several ideas that will help change her addons to help in chase but those were the first ones I think needed to be addressed.