
Hey Behaviour, it's time to nerf legion (again) since you made him just as annoying and unplayable against as the Legion when it came out in the game.

Thought you guys would need a hint since you're always late to catch on with the state of your game.


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Legion on release was entirely broken. Legion now is just an even more annoying mending simulator.

  • Impalpable
    Impalpable Member Posts: 152

    Someone got a link of the tutorial for that poor man?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Are you really the true naratu? I mean the real one?

    Btw yes I agree Legion is so ######### op you cannot do anything, we are at the point where they look at you and you just drop dead. There is no counterplay whatsoever, the only way to play this game is to watch streams cuz the game makes it impossible to be playable for ppl.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I totally agree with you. They really need to nerf Pig and Sadako. They're too overpowered with their stealth.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Except when he is on the 4th hit and insta downs you, regardless of health state.

    I think if they just removed this unnecessary addition, survivors wouldn't mind it as much. Not a big deal on huge maps but small maps it happens often.

    I find Legion OK when you compare to Nurse/Blight but his playstyle is really boring. Deep wounds is non-gameplay.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Occasionally I play legion and run the mending add-on and just run around and stab people to spite people like you. No downs. No hooks. Just mending.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Yeah but it doesn't *have* to happen if you play with it in mind. Run away from your teammates. Count down the frenzy timer. Literally just think a little tiny bit.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Man stealth is so broken, how do the devs even justify that??

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    How often does this even happen without Never Sleep Pills? It doesn’t seem like it actually works that consistently. Never Sleep Pills let you get the fifth hit more often, but it also takes longer because of the lower speed, Legion spends 60-90 seconds just going through that chain of hits using that add-on and honestly one down per minute or more is not overpowered.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    You know we all criticize BHVR but I will admit that constantly asking for pointless nerfs doesn’t make their job any easier.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,166

    Just get better pls, we reach this point, calling legion op

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I haven't seen a legion in a while now

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    actually a huge skill issue on your part. legion are exactly the same with the same counterplay they moved an inch in their own tier but they're still ######### just more fun to play with the music, different addons and the rare ability to get a down in power due to survivor ######### ups.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Like really, with the oblivious effect being so op, how can they let that be unleashed on every killer. They basically made all killers stealth killers at this point. A lot of killers don't even need a perk, they have built in add-ons that make them stealthy.

    Jokes aside, whenever I face a Nemi with tinkerer, his feet are so loud lol. I can hear him coming from a mile away.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    If you're team is THAT grouped up together, something is wrong and you deserve that down

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I don't know what you would nerf? I am of the camp "legion is fine" but lets look at their powers

    Frenzy lasts 10 seconds

    Speed increase by .6 m/s

    Speed increase per hit by .2m/s

    Can Vault at Med Vault speed

    Can do non basic attack during frenzy that will put survivors in deep wound

    Can see survivors not in deep wound in his terror radius with killer instinct

    Cannot See Scratch marks or blood

    if he hits 4 consecutive slashes with he can instadown

    exiting frenzy is 3 seconds of 2.07 ms

    So Speed, Sight, Delay, and Down.

    The speed/vault is his only chasing bonus. Only thing he can do and is not able to down someone during it unless its the final hit. I don't feel like you can nerf this. and the slowdown makes it so even if the survivor is right next to the killer at the time when they go into fatigue the survivor gets a 6 meter head start running which takes a killer 10 seconds to catch up with using base movement speed, so 13 seconds total. plenty of time to go to a window pallet or other safe area.

    Deep Wound/Killer Instinct - Only triggers after he hits someone, only in his terror radius and wont trigger for those in deep wound. I dont think you can remove either of these. Its what causes legion to be the hit and run champ. Without it there is 0 reason to go after someone else after the first hit.

    The biggest change, the instadown - This really should only happen in 1 circumstance and that is the survivors make a mistake. Between mending timer being paused when running, being able to 99% mend and having Killer instinct not effect you when in deep wound the first 3 survivors should NEVER get hit twice in the same frenzy. as for the 4th. If all 4 survivors are close enough to get all 4 stacks even if they run in opposite directions that was a mistake. This is his only down potential with his power other than getting downed from not mending which is 100% survivor fault.

    I don't see what in his base power you would nerf. I think the 3 second head start for the survivor is fine, as is the mending time, and the down. He also has his own unique terror music so at the start of the match you KNOW to split up.

    Like I know this response is long but if you want to tell me what part you think is an issue I am willing to discuss.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    It's really not difficult to hit 4 people, even spread out on a small map (please note I already said large maps don't apply to this). Legion also gets a speed increase after each hit. AND can hit the same person after they mend. Again, it is really not hard to do.

    Happened to me twice on Haddonfield, and another on Saloon.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    I specifically said small maps. And it is common enough. Its really not hard to hit 4 people. You get a speed increase after each hit and you can hit the first person after they mend.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    Legion is fine just learn to play against them lol.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Legion only improved against survivors that can't or don't employ the simplest counterplay.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    So what? Three times in 2 matches? I honestly don't think that falls under the category of "not hard to do"

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    I have to support this now.

    He absolutely destroys in SoloQ if he is not new. (SWF gods may have no problem)

    2x in a row 4k at 5 gens - yeah - 1 fast dc in second game.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    Well with never-sleep pills it might happen, otherwise it's not that common for legion to hit everyone and then down someone

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    I agree legion is op af

    He falls in pig tier whom is op for year and bhvr stil didnt nerf her

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Yes legion's extra speed should be reverted. In fact, he should have never sleep pills basekit, minus the extra duration. We should also make it so that legion tech is either not possible or bannable, this is an EXPLOIT, stupid killer mains need to stop EXPLOITING. All killer do is get carried. I mean what's so hard, just hit the guy lol haha. Survivor cannot kill killer, bad game design, unfair. Killer kill survivor easily because they hand holding with behavior. stupid game nerf clown nerf legion nerf killer

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Absolutely awful to play against Legions atm.

    Don´t know if they changed MMR again - my games are really not very good these days.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited June 2022

    Legion is fine. Genuinely only see them get a down with their power 1 in every 5 games.

    When you know it's Legion you just get distance from your teammates and it's fairly easy. Also don't mend for about 20 seconds to be safe.

  • TheShakenCondor
    TheShakenCondor Member Posts: 13

    I don't even think their buff was that strong to be honest. They're just more popular at the moment because of the update so as survivors we're facing more of them so it becomes annoying to go against. Don't worry, in a week you'll be complaining about dredge.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745
    USSEG Member Posts: 6

    I dont find legion easy or hard. I am just so sick of 95% of killers playing legion....ugh

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2022

    tbh, there was a Legion buff patch not that long ago, of course, people were trying them out, but generally, I don't see that many anymore

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    Why are we still complaining about Legion nobody plays him anymore people realised he's still garbage even after the buffs he received.

    The last time I played against Legion was last week and it was against a streamer with the Never sleep pills add-ons he literally threw the whole game just to get a down while in frenzy.

    the game was so long and boring but hey that's Legion for you it's all about game slowdown with the mending mechanic.

    Nothing really changed about Legion hes still bad and annoying to go against,tho they made him even more boring with the recent buffs.

    What a badly designed killer.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Nerf? No.

    Adjustments? Sure.

    He is easily the most unfun Killer to play against.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    If anything I'd be giving them more buffs, they're still quite weak.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The only time I see Legion get a 4k is whenever the survivors insist on healing for no reason lol

    Played against a Legion today and after the first gen was done a survivor who hadn't been hooked yet was t-bagging constantly for me to heal them 😂 surely enough a boon was placed and within 10 seconds of healing they were hit by fetal frenzy lol

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Just split up. Legion can still get bullied pretty hard. Don't be like those many, many survivors I see where they wait until the last second to hop off the gen then get mad when I get the 5th frenzy hit on them.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Legion is very strong against weaker players but is still trash against competent ones who know how to exploit their gaping holes.

    Ultimately the rework changed nothing about this and the core of this is that unlike every other killer they cannot use their power to down anyone unless the other side clumps up massively, or forget to mend. They can't use their power at all against wounded survivors other then to inflict deep wound again and they also know they are safe from feral frenzy and therefore must rely entirely on m1. Every other killer has either a tool to assist (e,g clown bottles), a projectile or can get the exposed status on a survivor. Legion can only cause a deep wound and otherwise has to m1, which puts them at the mercy at any semi competent looper and bonus points if Dead Hard is involved.

    I can see the frustration factor in coming against them and agreed the rework completely failed at addressing their underlying design problems but calling them too strong is ridiculous when their power has such a strategic disadvantage.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Legion is fine the only difference is now they not so unbelievably easy to beat you actually have to use your head.

    If you think that makes them unbeatable then I definitely question your playmaking.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
  • FushionCactus
    FushionCactus Member Posts: 16

    Legion complainers enjoy nurse then👍