REMOVE Deadhard

I´m so sick of it. Its a third hit every fckin time. The next pallet, the next window... everything is guaranteed. And then, against good SWFs, 3 Gens are done before the first hook is there. Most of the time you have 3 hooks at the end of the game against good players. It doesnt matter, if u use Corrupt, Ruin, Pop or whatever, it just doesnt matter.
Make windows blocked after the 2nd vault, not the third and remove Deadhard from the game!
Edit: i dont care about survivors who likes to hide in corners, because they dont know what a gen is.
How about no?
I had a pretty great team on Suffocation Pit as Nemesis where they did nearly 3 gens because of one bad chase.
Still 4K'd before the gens were done. Most matches are perfectly winnable. Are they frustrating? Yep. Fun? Not really. But winnable? Absolutely.
DH is an issue. The Devs have already said they are looking at it and, presumably, it will be nerfed.
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This is true there is always way to win every match but is it going to be fun? Probably not and most important thing is are you ready to do everything to win. Which can mean camping/slugging and tunneling.
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Am I ready to camp and tunnel a Claudette in order to win?
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Leave claudettes alone. they are people too
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Theoretically, some of them could be bots
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Dead hard is hit and miss- and a good killer can counter it.
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With all the Auto-Deadhard-Hacks in the game? Yea, sure thing.
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A good killer can counter it? Or can a bad survivor not use it?
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I won´t miss it if it was removed. It is really annoying to play against if they use it decently.
It probably would make the game better. (or - make it a one time use).
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Dead hard needs to die.
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jUsT wAiT iT oUt
Seriously though you'll have to wait till August minimum and then killer perks will also get nerfed for some reason
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While I dont like removing perks I do want DH adjusted. Seriously I dont think there is any other perk, from either side, that is as impactful as dead hard.
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Dead Hard should be attached to No-Mither with DH being given a brand new effect altogether. It would balance DH naturally because of the tradeoff of a healthstate AND make No Mither more than a troll perk.
It's killing two stones with a single bird.
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it literally counters everything
outplay them, dead hard
read them, dead hard
reach a pallet, dead hard
its like pickle rick by this point, a joke that has been told so many times it become extremely annoying
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I thought this at first too but honestly I've grown to despise EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so much that I just want it gone. I'd accept this if nothing else, there's certainly worse things that you can do (like nothing or just making it's cooldown longer or something stupid like that) and further it's also got the advantage of the fact it's public knowledge that the survivor has it so you don't have to sniff their butt for 5-10 seconds to confirm they don't have it. If they aren't broken from the start, they ain't got magic invincible.
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There’s no such thing as waiting out dead hard. If you have to wait, you’ve wasted time that you wouldn’t have had to if not for a perk carrying. Most chases already take too long because of map design and what’s your reward at the end of every chase? Dead hard and another 30-60 seconds of chasing if used at the right time for distance. And keep in mind that dead hard is a reward for the survivor losing the chase and getting hit lmao.
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No, you can’t. You can try and bait out someone holding Dead Hard to dodge an attack, but survivors can 100% dodge based on attack animations (not to mention a cheat out there which automatically does it.) And dodging attacks isn’t even the best use of Dead Hard, the stronger effect of it is lunging for additional distance to reach vaults and pallets. You can’t “counter” a lunge for distance, if a survivor wants to do it there’s no way to stop them.
And that’s why Dead Hard is getting a nerf soon, it’s two solid effects that each could be a perk in their own right combined into one mega perk. It’s no wonder literally 75% of killers at above average MMR use it.
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Tell @deKlaw_04 that.
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given the skill level of the Claudettes i've played with and against, i'd say it's a lot more then just some
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Or you could just wait for the rework as well as the 40 plus perk changes that are coming to the game, hopefully next month.
just bait it like the rest of us. other wise just be a bit patience. We know the pain bud.
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I like the way you think my friend
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The dead hard THROUGH THE DAMN KILLER is a major problem. Make it single use like the unbreakable recovery and remove the ability to phase through the killer.
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Just removing dead hard will push the game balance WAAAY too much in favour of killers. Dead hard increases survivability by alot but it is rooted into the core balance of the game. removing dead hard will have to come with some big survivability buff for survivors as well.
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how about this when the game start the gate are powered ready open....
ready for this I escape a lot and I don't use deadhard
I also play Solo so yea.
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Very thoughtfull and constructive comment with alot of logic applied. However, this doesnt change the facts.
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then how removing dead hard will push the game balance WAAAY too much in favour of killers? when some do fine with out it.
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"some" is the keyword in your comment, im talking about the total dbd community on which the stats are bases. Imagine if balance changes are made on the experience of "some" people... you have to look at the total population , its really not a hard concept to understand.
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Once they change DH people are going to be screaming about sprint burst. I guarantee it.
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I hate Dead Hard as much as any killer main, but full on removing it is a little much.
Remember OG Ruin? How they nerfed and changed it? It completely through the killers out of whack for like… what a week? Same with Survivors Botany perk. It used to almost insta heal if you had a basic med-kit. It was a meta for the first two years. Took 27 seconds for them to find a new thing. Mainly DS, DH, and BT. All these things need to be nerfed so that Killers can feel rewarded for playing the killer. Not bullied because they won a chase. Same with why I feel like a lot of killer Perks get nerfed. Devs are scared that the biggest base (Survivors) will leave if they don’t have fun, but then they forget killers are people too.
As for the Survivors who will try to be salty with me. Just remember, it’s a 1v4. The advantage is on your side. Yes you deserve good perks, but not ones that overshadow all killer perks.