Why is facecamping with the cannibal still a thing? Why are devs ignoring it?



  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,612

    you see, it's for post like your that keep the bubba camp meme going on... if you complained it means that it worked... just don't give it too much importance and take kindred, for me it works perfectly

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    It's a design flaw, facecamp can secure 1-2 kills easily sometimes whole team lol, zero skill needed you just stay in front like a moron, they also swing at you until you're dead and it works like a charm against solo queuers, I'm sorry it's just trash

    I'm iridescent and facecamp is like 30% of my matches, it's not even a low rank thing people do it because they can... If I want a fun match nowadays I have to go killer and play "nicely", solo q survivor is just BS camp and tunneling

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    from what I know killers would like to change survivors gameplay too... You can actually change your gameplay with perks tho. 

    I wouldn't say it's trash overall. That would mean it's hard / bad for them, which is true for soloQ for sure. I have played only SWF, so survivor side seems easy and boring to me instead.

    I don't mind tunneling, that means I get to have chase, which is most fun thing.

    Camping is not really an issue for us neither, everyone in our group use BT and we just trade hooks if needed.

    That is not possible for soloQ of course.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,486

    Camping definitely is an issue. It's no fun for either side to have 1 person on the hook knowing that they will die in 120 (or 60) seconds, just waiting for it to happen. However camping works. Camping is often a lot stronger than leaving the hook and going for someone else. As soon as the killer leaves the hook they have no pressure anymore. 2 people work on gens, 1 goes for the rescue, the killer needs to make their way over to the next survivor. That's it. The biggest problem for many killers is, that they can't traverse the map fast enough to actually not give survivors free quality time pressing M1 (and sometimes Space, I know) and doing their objective without any interruption. So instead of calling for punishments (that would be abused by SWFs, let's be real), why does no one ever ask for incentives for killers to decide against camping? Even something small would be a possible reason to consider leaving as the better option.

    Also there is a very similar strategy, that is often used by survivors, which is considered annoying but not unfair. Commiting on a gen means you STAY near your objective even though technically it could put you at a disadvantage to achieve something the killer cannot revert. Finished gens can't be reverted, same with hook stages.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    New perk Angry Camper -When Killer Stands near hooks grants immunity to Survivor against Killer chainsaw attack for 1,1.5 and 2 seconds.

    -Deactivates if more then one survivor is near by during the rescue

    -Also grants %1 to repair and healing speed for the remainder of the trial (stacks for each camp rescue)

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    We would still just grab you off of the save you think is free and then you will be parroting Otz about how there should be no counterplay to unhooking.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Losing to a gen rush doesn't feel that bad tho, it just means you have zero pressure and you get no value out of your perks but at least you still get to play the game.

    Dying on first hook in solo queue because you're facecamped and your mates are afraid/can't save you is far more frustrating, lot of players just DC or suicide on hook when it happens it's so lame, and if you DC you get the penalty not the killer

  • Salacia
    Salacia Member Posts: 51

    The bodyblock hook is not fair play or even anti game, I never do a bodyblock hook.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,486

    I see where you're coming from. But my point is: More incentives to actually leave the hook as a killer = less facecamping. At least in theory. It's always a killer's obejctive to kill survivors. The issue is that facecamping is a better and easier to execute strategy than playing the game normally in many cases.

  • Salacia
    Salacia Member Posts: 51

    Except that a draw will remain a draw, no matter what bhvr will put in place (penalty), a draw will always camp. Only effective solution temporary ban after x temporary ban you will see, they will finally learn to play.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,486

    So overall your suggestion is to ban people for playing in a way that you don't like? Imagine if the survivors got banned for doing the gens too fast or finishing it in the killer's face because they don't like it. It's basically the same. One side is unhappy with how the other side played.

    That might kill the game entirely as it would punish survivors just as much as killers. Killers getting banned (even temporary) = less people playing killer = longer queue times for survivors = less people playing survivor because waiting 30+ minutes for a match is boring.

  • Salacia
    Salacia Member Posts: 51

    Do you think the developers had planned the camping when creating his game? answer no, a killer who camp will never red rank.

    Camping is anti game, go do anti game in a sport, you will be banned from the sport very quickly, camping = taking the party hostage forbidden thing.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,486

    Devs say camping is a viable strategy though... Also taking the party hostage? I disagree. It's boring to be camped but it will end after a maximum of 2 minutes. Killers that camp will never reach Red Ranks (I assume you mean grades.)? Maybe watch 1 or 2 streams by killer mains in supposedly high MMR. If they want to win, they will camp, slug and tunnel relentlessly. Somehow these people still manage to get to Iri 1 every month. Last but not least DBD is NOT a sport. It's not hockey, it's not football, it's not baseball, it is a game. That is a difference.

  • Salacia
    Salacia Member Posts: 51

    Camping, tunnel, team are the main causes of players stopping.

    You say that the devs encourage players to go see competitor games?

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    But if there's 5-4 gens left they wont be done until the first person dies.

    You see the problem?

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    They would have to completely rework Bubbas entire power in order to change this. His current kit makes him unstoppable in regards to camping.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    Not true also not sure what Otz has to do with this but gotta say he's pretty great at the game and gives good advice.I made a needed suggestion link to yours if you have one.

    Face camping doesn't bother me but I've had friends quit day 1 because of it. Seems a problem to me if people think it's trash.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    So 2 survivors are guaranteed kills for Bubba. How is that not broken?

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    The devs have made it perfectly clear on many occasions that camping (though not as much facecamping) and tunnelling are perfectly legitimate tactics.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    So when a Bubba spawns into the map, it randomly picks a Survivor and hooks them right next to him? Weird, mine doesn't do that.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    it’s a bad one. I understand it at endgame but at 5 ####### gens is ridiculous.

  • Salacia
    Salacia Member Posts: 51

    They should find out why players quit the game, I think they will soon change their minds.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Bubba is sort of designed to do exactly this and while not the most engaging for all parties involved it is in a lot of situations just the most optimal way to play him as until recently he wasn't even really able to effectively chase folks with his power. He was designed with very strong defensive instadown unlike Billy whose designed to be hyper aggressive. He still has to work for it, but once he gets a person that person is usually just dead unless you have coordinated teammates who know how to navigate making a save again a camping Bubba.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited June 2022

    Oh boy you clearly havent played Killer enough. Also you seem to lack the ability to use other things then busted meta perks, I feel sorry for you.

  • Viridyan
    Viridyan Member Posts: 78

    Why is complaining about facecamping still a thing? The year is 2022, we are approaching the 6th anniversary of this game. The only counter to a facecamping killer is gen rushing and getting out of there. Yes, it may suck. Yes, it may seem unfair if you are the one being facecamped. The best thing to do is to deny the killer a 4k by getting out of there asap. The killer will use your altruism against you. Don't play into it.

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 552

    A lot of facecamping bubbas also bring Noed too which doesn't give anyone time to find totems because you have to rush the gens to get out, which then gives him another unearned kill for putting in so little effort in doing so

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 552

    While I do agree that AFK Pig was pretty stupid. You still have to remember that her power is based on RNG meaning whatever box she chooses to camp, it's a 50/50 chance that either the survivors get unlucky with their key being in that box she's camping, or everyone gets their trap off and Pig gets no value out of it. Against a facecamping Bubba, it's always a 100% lose because you cannot save you teammate no matter what. Hook trading doesn't matter and BT doesn't matter. There is no saving against Bubba.

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 274

    Atleast with newer killers they included limitations to their power around a hooked survivor.

    Maybe it's just complicated to include those changes to old killers, without reworking them...... AGAIN. (Thinking of canibal and hillbilly. And I guess hag and huntress could fit, but they weren't ever reworked as far as I know)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,996

    That'd prevent a lot of plays, though. Bubba deserves to be able to saw someone who's dumb enough to rush a hook with him on their tail. Plus survivors would use hooks as safe zones against him - same issue as people looping near hooks during the paused hook timer experiment.

    I don't think there's a foolproof way to do this, and there's probably flaws in this suggestion I haven't thought of, but disabling the saw if he spends too long in the same tile as a hooked survivor without being in a chase sounds better. He can still proxy camp with the saw, just not facecamp.

    Because it creates games that are boring as sin for everyone involved, and it's extremely effective for the amount of effort it requires, so it's common enough to not be the occasional annoying fluke? It's not healthy for the game any more than a killer who is literally AFK is healthy for the game, because that's the experience you get if you play it correctly. When you have dominant strategies that are uninteractive, you get an emergent problem with gameplay - see Dead Hard.

    Also, the complaint isn't facecamping, per se. You can counter any other facecamping killer with a coordinated rescue or even just a hook trade. Some make it more difficult and require several people or for you to wait out a timer (Trickster, Myers, Oni, Plague), but saving your teammates is an option. A competent Bubba no-sells saves.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421


    Bubba: Chainsaw goes vrrrrrrrrrmm ahahaha

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 597

    Yea, I forgot to add such detail as it was stupid late. But yea, the idea here is that his saw is disabled whenever he is camping to the hooked survivor if he stayed there for x amount of time. He could still proxy camp of course. If there no one on the hook then there no reason to shut his saw down, other wise that would be a bit unfair. Otherwise, what you said made sense and I agree.

  • FushionCactus
    FushionCactus Member Posts: 16

    If you're the one getting facecamped by bubba, you can still help ur team by not dcing and just stay hooked thru struggle hit all ur skillchecks til u die. If bubba camps u to death without moving it gives ur team lots of time to get gens done. Sounds very boring i know but he will only get 1 kill from doing that.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Real thrilling gameplay, all for 800 survival BP for me. Yippee!

  • FushionCactus
    FushionCactus Member Posts: 16

    You should feel honored if you're the one chosen by the bubster 😂😂

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited June 2022

    You mean like how we can ignore it by doing gens instead of feeding the camper?

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    How many times does it have to be said and illustrated that there isn’t enough time (and on top of that information in solo queue) to do all five gens and open the gates in two minutes?

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    you can do 5 gens in two minutes? Also bubbas always have noed so

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Yeah, Bubba is by far one of the worst (if not the worst) designed killer in the game in terms of playstyle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no other killer in the game who's that strong just from camping a hook. I'd say 9/10 Bubba's I go against usually play this way, and they almost always bring NOED as a fail safe just in case the survivors are efficient and don't swap hooks by being too altruistic. Like I get it, the "Basement Bubba" thing was a bit of a funny meme for a while, but now it's just boring going against this killer.

    I really wish he'd get a rework.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2022

    Unless you're going against a complete baby Bubba who manages to mess up the most simplest things, you won't "play around the saw." The way Bubba's power works allows him to down anybody who tries to trade hooks and he will completely confirm the kill. Yes, you can just do gens while the Bubba is camping, and while I do get that players who hover around the hooks will probably complain that face camping Bubba is OP since they all end up dying for not just rushing the gens, it still isn't fun for the Survivor on the hook, or even the Survivors in the game.

    To me, this whole argument was never about losing or winning. It's the fact that the person on the hook literally can't play the game anymore all because the Bubba's face camping, and there's basically nothing the Survivors can do to get that person off. Also, it isn't fun for anyone else in the game since they have no choice but to hold M1 the entire game and they get absolutely no Killer/Survivor interaction.

    There's no way that any competent Bubba will allow a hook trade in most cases. Now sure, there are some cases where the Bubba can slightly mess up and won't be able to rev his chainsaw fast enough to stop the save, but assuming that the hooked Survivor doesn't have DS, the Bubba can just hook the Survivor again since he'll eat through BT, or he'll just have the other Survivor to hook and it restarts all over again.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    “The person on hook can’t play”

    This is a very common misconception about DBD, loss of license or inability to participate is a core part of survivor gameplay.

    It’s one of the threats you face.

    You are still playing while hanging in hook. It’s not particularly interactive but it’s still in game.

    If you struggle to outplay a camping bubba then play some camping bubba and you’ll see what works and what doesn’t against it.

    I’ve never understood people who hate non participation and elimination signing up for a non participation and elimination game.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    As unfun at it is for the camped person it's a strategy to secure a kill with a drawback,,,A camping killer isn't patrolling gens,,i swear survivor players aren't happy with anything,,,just do your gens and leave,,let the Bubba take his one kill,,maximum 2 if they run deadlock/noed and leave,,they will get a black pip at best,,

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2022

    How to fix camping, take away hooks. Survivors now become a orb that must be picked up and get revived at a altar. Orb has a time limit like hook phases. Basically how Fortnite and apex revive dead teammates

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    No one is forcing you to go trade or die trying to trade hooks,,,Bubba takes a good of amount of time to get a down unless you get caught out in a dead zone you should have enough time to finish gens unless deadlock,,Also the way killer mmr works ( 2 + kills = win = higher mmr) indirectly endorses such tactics if killer can't get good chases,,face camping is boring specially with instadown killer but that's the way game works,,,what would you have them do ? remove chainsaw instadown ? and put aside those who face camp at 4-5 gens,,let's say you play killer and you got a strong 3 gen and you also manage to get a down and a hook in that said 3 gen,,why even leave that area ? you can't change how camping works just because bubba can abuse it,,sometimes, like it or not it's the best play for killer IF they want their win

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Complaining about 1-step-camping is still a thing because it unfairly rewards the killer with kills. I played 40 straight games 1-step-camping and had a 3.1 kill rate. In a well designed game, the less effort you put into something, the less points you should get. I shouldn't be able to stay within one step of downing a survivor the entire game and get a 3.1 kill rate.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126

    Such a terrible argument.

    Yes, the basis of the Survivor role will sometimes leave you with the inability to play the game. That alone isn't the issue. The issue is that it takes no effort on the Killer's end to make that happen, it has no room for interactive counter-play. I have no idea what kind of Bubbas you go against, or how you play Bubba, but face camping isn't some big brained strategy that can be outplayed. It's literally standing still in front of the hook. It's nearly impossible to ever mess it up if you know what you're doing. If you're gonna make the argument that it's possible to get that one person off the hook, then sure, maybe it can happen, granted that you're in a 4 man SWF, and the Bubba isn't amazing. But, the fact is that the Bubba will never leave without someone on the hook or have people slugged. If you're somehow able to bait him into downing another Survivor, giving you time to save, he can still hook the Survivor he just downed, and it's just a rinse and repeat after that, where it eventually ends up with a Survivor dead anyway. It takes no effort, and there's no gameplay involved.

    You can't just dumb down the argument to "it's a part of Survivor, deal with it," because it's a flaw in game design. It's not an easy issue to fix, and honestly, they Devs shouldn't even be putting priority on this since it really isn't that big a deal, but I didn't know anyone in their right mind would continue to defend it.

    I can assure you, any time I ever face camped with Bubba, I confirmed the kill on the hook, or I walked away with even more kills. It isn't hard to stand still. Again, I'm not saying that this strat is necessarily OP, since Survivors can just do gens, but the fact that the entire team has to finish the game with a salty Killer who won't do anything other than stand still, and the person on the hook just has to hang there, it creates a really boring game without any interactivity from both sides.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    So he has to only do 1 chase and hook and effectively do the same...? Its not as bad but still the same sort of concept.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Because how else am I supposed to face camp survivors during the anniversary?