Question w/ Prestige for BHVR

WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

A long time ago I decided not to prestige any characters I did not care about the default cosmetics for, since the blood was not something BVHR could make an overlay out of. Now we have that with Nemesis blue slime, but whatever. Because of this I have MANY characters that have EVERY SINGLE PERK ON THEM but they are un-prestiged.

In a recent post BHVR said that characters would be evaluated based on their progress and prestiged accordingly. Now here is my big question:

If I have, say, my Legion with every single perk but I don't actually prestige her do I get this unique reward for having prestiged the Legion if I use this option...

.... or do I literally have to throw away over 6 million blood points of buying everything and start over?
