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Dead By Daylight Content Creators

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
edited June 2022 in Off-topic

Before I start this discussion (if it does not get shut down) please refrain from naming any content creators. I do not want to send hate to anyone and just want to keep it general about SOME of the content creators that use DBD as their content. Not all content creators are like this, but the few that I have ran into, I personally feel do not deserve their platforms.

Have you ever watched a DBD video & loved the wholesome energy the person gave off on their channel, but then you catch them live & realize they are NOTHING like they are on their videos? Had that happen to me with at least 3-4 different streamers (I wont say what platform they were on or who they are) and just wanted to know if anyone has experienced some distasteful creators (without naming of course).

What was it that you felt was distasteful and probably will impact your outlook on them in the long run?


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,809

    Yeah, editing videos is standard really. I watch some streamers live who will think nothing of badmouthing other players in the game, and yet when the game is uploaded to YT later all that has been edited out. I suppose they just want people focusing on the game and not getting distracted by their angry rants lol

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    All of the DBD streamers I have ever watched have been very wholesome people but there isn't any one particular I consistently watch. Sometimes when I see a streamer on my team I'll visit their channel to say hi after the match (especially if it was a fun one). They're always happy to see people visit their channels. I've never seen anything like what you mentioned in the OP but I also don't spend a lot of time watching this content. A lot of people do stream the game so it isn't surprising if something like this does happen.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,817

    Can't say that's happened to me because I don't give off wholesome energy full stop

  • Nasyr
    Nasyr Member Posts: 14

    This is a common thing and not just in DBD. Content creators in general can be as and are as toxic as most people. They won't share that though in a ~10-minute video since that is a major revenue income. Rust, for example, one of the biggest streamers on that game and YouTube content creators straight-up lies in his videos about what happens in between.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I have played against a good amount of small to medium sized community content creators,,,85% were really really toxic,,there was a certain small TTV that said on stream " I wish you would die IRL" and even though i reported that on twitch with time stamps on their VOD they still are streaming ,,but there were also some really funny/good sport streamers which i followed after and occasionally participate in their stream