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Why MMR tho?



  • Member Posts: 9,713

    It is. For example, when they did their round of MMR testing about a month ago, the day with the strictest MMR brackets had the tightest (aka sweatiest) matchups, and the loosest bracket days had the most comments about opponents being all over the place in terms of skill. Likewise the day with the grade system as the test metric had a lot of comments about matches being very swingy in terms of opponent skill.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I can see that it doesn't matter what i say, you will flip to fill some weird narrative.

    Once you reach a low enough mmr it does happen almost every match. A killer can only get so bad since the base mechanics are so simple, while survivors can easily be worse. It may just be my experience, but i have seen others post the same thing on here.

    If you really want to test your theory then tank your rank and try to get out of mmr hell without SWF.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I just flipped to the same topic as you, friend. We went from MMR not accurately measuring your skill at winning the game, to winning the game not being within your control, a concept that I was responding to.

    People who play in SoloQ definitely deserve some help and they could especially use help dealing with camping and tunnelling at lower skill brackets, but that's precisely why those two things aren't a problem with the matchmaking system. They'd be problems with a modified version of the old system too, unless you made it so permissive that you could consistently rank up without winning, which would cause its own slew of problems.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Literally doing gens, chasing killer for eternity, unhooking bunch of people safely,

    healing them, self healing sometimes.

    In MMR you still need to leave, you still need to survive, you still need your teammates to do either the rest of the gens or have them chase the killer for long enough time for you to repair all 5 gens, than open exit gate, than leave.

    In Emblem based matchmaking, you're already decent, you're already pretty good, you did your job,

    so either, you would get a slight increase in rank,

    or you wouldn't get a big decrease in rank considering your performance.

    Fun with everyone being bad, but the killer is Bubba for example so they drop like flies.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    If those things are required skills for winning the game, then being good with them means that you'll more consistently win the game. That's kind of the entire point of doing them in the first place, completely disregarding matchmaking systems entirely.

    Being able to do those things is one half of being skilled at this game. The other half is knowing when to do them, by reading the match in progress. Your goal is to win, not to build up an arbitrary number of points and then lose.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Well you literally said the reason why Emblems are better than Escape based matchmaking.

    If you just do gen and killer catches you you might lack altruism and risk dying,

    if you do too much gens, you still lack altruism, also being chased by killer,

    if you're too altruistic killer gets hooks faster, you're not doing gens.

    Emblem matchmaking would have been way better they just had to refine it, and maybe put emphasis on escaping.

    The ranks could have been the way, "you escaped good job",

    or "you died, bad job"

    or "you died but you did lot of gens, healed lot of health states and chased killer for eternity, therefore less of a bad job"

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Nope, I said the reason why emblems are bad for matchmaking. Situations where you can't reach high emblem score because you're rarely in a position where filling a certain emblem is a good idea (say, you're rarely in a position where you can heal or unhook and instead you're focusing on gens or running the killer) will unfairly punish you if your matchmaking rank is based on the emblem score.

    It'd be tempting to counter that statement by saying situations like that aren't that common, but it doesn't change that the emblem system heavily incentivises certain actions regardless of whether they're a good idea for the specific match you're playing. Either you're unfairly punished for adjusting your tactics according to the match, or you make the system so loose that you can rank up even after you lose provided you did an arbitrary number of meaningless actions; neither is good, and basing matchmaking on overall winrate is clearly the better option. This is all, of course, assuming that the emblem system actually measures good play, which it often doesn't- especially on the killer side, where it's a lot more unfit for purpose.

    Remember that the point of the matchmaker isn't feedback or reward for playing a certain way. All it cares about is how likely you are to win the match, because putting together players with a roughly equal chance of winning is the entire point and function of a matchmaking system, in any game.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Cool I play 100 games get camped in 90 and now I have to win 90 games without any losses to stop having potato teammates,

    ELO is such a good matchmaker, wow.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Why would you pin the cause of that problem as MMR, and not camping?

  • Member Posts: 140

    It's to balance the game for all 5 participating players. The score categories are far from actual skill representations.

    If a killer gets 8 hooks and everyone leaves then that killer doesn't suffer having to go against harder teammates for knowing how to play. Balancing around all 5 players is the reason it's so tricky. If I die then I get a easier killer, if i escape I get a harder killer. If killer kills two or more survivors depending on where their mmr sits then they will either gain or lose mmr. The results are better for long term balancing.

    Solo MMR balancing may be a truer representation of skill. If I die more but my games result in more three escapes on average then it would be interesting comparing it to someone who gets out more, but their games might result in more two escapes on average.

    (By skilled i mean you can hold you're own in solo and have mechanical skill, time management, situational awareness etc.)

    --I like bloodpoints!

  • Member Posts: 509

    Because a camped survivor would still have chases and maybe some gens.

    Because kill oriented matchmaking promotes camping.

    Do you main Clown as the killer?

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    They lost, though. So they can't raise in MMR/grade/whatever, and so camping is clearly a problem either way.

    Kill based matchmaking doesn't incentivise camping, the fact that kills are one side's win condition incentivises camping. Again, it's a problem either way.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Survivor that did 4 gens, healed 10 health states, unhooked 5 survivors and ran the killer for 10 minutes is by the MMR bad because they have been camped to death.

    Nah it's certainly a MMR problem,

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Nope. The survivor that did four gens, healed ten health states, unhooked five survivors, and ran the killer for ten minutes before dying is - according to the MMR - a survivor who lost. So they lose a little bit of MMR, but that one match isn't going to have a huge impact on their overall placement or matchmaking. If they're the kind of survivor that can CONSISTENTLY do all of those things, on top of knowing when to do them, they will not be losing most of their games.

    If they are losing most of their games, that one game was a fluke and shouldn't impact their MMR that much.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I exclusively play SoloQ when I play survivor, because none of my friends play DBD. That is literally irrelevant- I am not talking about the balance problems with the game, except that the matchmaking system cannot be built around them, because they need to be fixed anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Seriously, if they made a BPPM system that measured the concentration of a player's scoring events by playtime - it would quickly deduce what survivors are able to accrue lots of points in the shortest amount of time are clearly better at the game, while those who waste their time and drag matches out longer without usefulness are clearly learning.

    You could even keep the Badge system as a bonus to average out the scoring events and make playing well even more rewarding.

    By placing 'Airlock' bumpers on matchmaking, you could use this system to create a 'Kiddie pool' of newer, low BPPM players that don't have to worry about being great | Low-end players that have a lot to go | Average players | high skill players | and sweatlord SWF hellscape where the top 5% duke it out in Valhalla - with little to no overlap between the bases.

    Using BPPM would be the most eloquent and useful way to encourage people to play the game the 'right' way, encourage newer players to learn, accurately portray player skill, and safely determine the balance of a match by aggregate BPPM scores of both sides.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Don't even bring game ballance, according to the game ballance, my team should be escaping over 50% of the time.

    Bloodpoints per match? You mean "you're bad because you got 8000 bloodpoints last game", but also you got tunneled/camped.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Per minute.

    As in - if you get camped and only have a small amount of playtime, it averages out how many points you earned and how much time you were actually on your feet as a survivor.

    If you earned 8,000bp in 2 minutes while you have one friend that earned 16,000 in 4 minutes and another that earned 24,000 by escaping in 6 minutes of up-time, you all have a BPPM score of 4,000.

    That's also the beauty of such a system.

    If survivors get stomped and the match doesn't last long - the killer doesn't look bad to the scoring system.

    If a survivor gets tunneled and dies - they do not look unskilled according to matchmaking if they played well while alive.

    The difference between 2 killers with 4ks is how long the match went on and how well they played, NOED kills at the end will show less skill than a killer with 8 hooks and good chases with 4 escapes.

    Survivors that allow their teammates to perish for hatch are seen as relatively unskilled.

    By looking at gameplay time (Not hook time, by merit) one could easily tweak the scoring systems to weed out campers and scummy survivors while rewarding those that play the game right, even in the worst of circumstances.

  • Member Posts: 509

    If a survivor gets tunneled where,


    S1: 24k 5 min S2: 21k 5min S3: 8k 4min S4: 26k 5 min

    call that fair?

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    If 1.5 minutes of S3 is hook time it will consider it 8k BP in 2.5 minutes.

    That being said - I'm unsure of what kind of game a survivor can loop the killer for almost 3 minutes and gain only 8k points.

    Atop this, if the killer tunneled S3 so aggressively - how did the other survivors gain 20+bp without interacting with the killer in chases and healing? Especially if they only had 1 additional minute of gross playtime than the tunneled one. This example makes very little sense outside of S3 being veritable dead weight outside of chase.

    On that note - this could easily be remedied by a addative scoring event for evading damage in chase for prolonged periods of time.

    'Evasive' scoring event that grants 250-500bp for every 20 seconds in chase without taking damage would solve this 'problem' without issue - although it's already a very niche one.

  • Member Posts: 140

    I used to main hag til i lost my right thumb and index finger in a chain accident on nov17 2020, its when strangers things left dead ass...i have all killers p3 50 and play a few killers. dont main any. I usually get rank one though. Think of how not all poker hands are royal flushes. Theres varies pieces in chess and players create advantages, white in chess has the advantage did you know? Balance in games doesnt always mean what we think it means.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Allright man, ummm, I don't know how to respond to that,

    I was just expressing my disagreement that MMR is a good matchmaker in long term..

    But whatever, have a nice day.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Everybody asking "why mmr" But nobody's asking "how is mmr" :(

  • Member Posts: 140

    asked if i personally played clown? you expressed it with asking if "yu main clown" you my experince playing dbd. you dont wanna tell me your main?

  • Member Posts: 140

    hopefully mmr is improved im sure we both can agree on that. I personally have a messed hand and still can have enjoyable games solo. Maybe my mmr is low i just have a lot of time to play lol. sorry if i came across rude, but it does pertain to balance, it has greatly effected my skill and thus my mmr. I used to have a much higher kill rate when i did main hag. This happened slightly before was adjusted. Then I played for the period of mmr test relearning joystick skill esentially.

    what does a balanced dead by daylight look like aside from 2 kills, from each perspective killer and survivor.

    currently game starts in survivors favor and each survivor has 3 hook states. A perfect path as survivor, you may be able to run the killer all game.

    As a killer i enjoy hook states, so 2 hook each, a active hook state applys more pressure than a dead hook state gen wise. There are layers of skill in dead by daylight so truthfully the kill/escape base one doesn't seem like it would balance accordingly, but even if it did...would that be balanced, what would those matches look like?

    -MMR is worth discussing. I do have civil intent so hope that is how i come across. Disagreement is 100% healthy, otherwise there would be no progress.

  • Member Posts: 501

    I would point out the following problems with the current MMR

    1. are the invisible rate values really working?

    Even the grade has been removed and I am not sure if matchmaking is working any longer.

    I am sorry to say that I have a feeling that SBMM is not working at all.

    2. 1v1x4 instead of 1v4

    The developer explained that the game is not 1v4, but rather a scheme of four 1v1s.

    However, if you actually play the game, you will see that it is clearly 1v4 and there are no 1v1 situations at all.

    How is it possible that while you are chasing one person, the other three do nothing?

    3. unequal rate points

    Survivors receive approximately 20 rate points for escaping.

    Killers receive a maximum of approximately 80 rate points.

    Survivors can move up the ladder very gradually, while killers are thrown into a disadvantageous match the more they win.

    4. killer and survivor have different meanings of rates.

    The Survivor rate is a sign that you are a serious player.

    The Killer's rate is just a score that indicates how hard the game is.

    This is due to the fact that the only rating is Kill/Esc.

    Some of the issues that have come up so far, SBMM seems to have crushed many players' willingness to play and denied them a wide variety of play.

    I think this is happening because the rate only looks at kill/escape and the Pip assessment does not support 2s2e balance or SBMM.

  • Member Posts: 509

    You play Clown? [//:-Translating-://] Are you Clown?

    well the mmr, eh, how can you imrpove a binary outcome based point system?

    I agree with everything you say basicaly,

    except 3, think of when you grab a new killer and you have low MMR, but you're really good player,

    that would be way too many boring slaughters before you start to see decent competition

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