Lethal or corrupt ?

Which one do you think is better? I use lethal on high mobility killers and corrupt on regular speed ones
Nurse and Blight, Lethal.
All of others, Corrupt.
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Lethal Pursuer on Billy, Nurse, Blight and Oni.
Corrupt on everyone else.
Myers needs both
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lethal is a guranteed chase at start of the match which is good on fast killers and killers who have weak early game
corrupt is good slowdown at start and makes it easier to find survivors
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If you are not playing an extreme mobility killer (nurse and blight) USE BOTH at the same time
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On killers with regular mobility corrupt is absoutely 100% better.
On high mobility they're pretty close but corrupt is still probably better because the basically free early game pressure corrupt gives is pretty huge. With lethal you can be a in a chase pretty much instantly which is big, but with corrupt you're still gonna be in a chase fast because all hte survivors are gonna be on the move and on top of that you're gonna have survivors using their time inefficiently during the early game.
Despite this, I still use lethal because I don't really care about winning that much I just want to outplay some survivors in some chases and so lethal it is for me on my blight.
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I use lethal on bubba to get 1-2 downs within the first 30 seconds which I feel like is better than corrupt and not being able to find anyone
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Corrupt and it's not that close. Survivor spawns are relatively static on every map depending on the killer spawn point. Lethal Pursuer just fills in 10% of something an experienced player should already know.
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I'm not sure why Lethal has that many voices for Nurse and Blight.
You gain a few seconds to find them and get their distribution, but after that it's a wasted slot IMHO.
I'd rather have another detection perk or Starstruck instead.
What am I missing?
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If you aren't super unlucky, you usually find the survivor on the way to the farthest gen from you. So I never use lethal.
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Are you Nurse main? You would know why. I love use Lethal on her. Lethal, Starstruck and Agitation together. So if i see 2 or more survivors together, i know where i should go. It gives me great early game pressure. But on other killers, i would never use.
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Lethal is imho the best perk on Hillbilly. It gets me a down in the first few seconds quite consistently. I’d say it’s better on most high mobility killers so long as you’re able to capitalise on it.
Corrupt is great but it can be countered pretty easily by playing stealthy.
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Its because they have the kind of mobility to start a chase basically as soon as those 9 seconds run out which translates into good pressure because a fast chase start turns into a faster down which is less time for generators to get done and youll also always be on a chase with the best survivor to start chasing at first. You're not gonna chase the dude who's at the strongest tile on the map first you're gonna go to the dude that spawns in an area that spawns pallets sparsely.
Corrupt is still probably better, but lethal is definately not a bad perk on them by any means. You'd also be surprised how often you get a literal free hit or down on someone who is AFK for the first ~10 seconds.
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Its easy to find survivors from the get-go unless you're facing a bunch of immersed players afraid to touch gens.
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I am a Nurse main. I've never tried Lethal but it feels it would make me win only about 30 seconds (I may be wrong though). Other perks give me way more. Once the first hook is made, the show can start.
I'm not really interested in hitting AFKs.
I may try later today, just to compare.
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Lethal on Nemesis and Legion. CI on everyone else. Something that's might be overlooked is that CI also kinda shows you where survivors spawned.
Had one game as killer one of the blocked gens was very close by which shouldn't ever happen but there was a Blendett there as well.
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Hillbilly too. Legion also probably.
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Lethal is the worst perk in the game once you've played a bit. All you have to do as killer spawning in is walk to the other side of the map. There will always be a survivor there. That never changes.
Corrupt is the best choice but if you really need that tracking perk try Discordance. It's great combined with Ruin if you're chasing people off generators.
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Lethal Pursuer is way overrated and Corrupt Intervention is way underrated. It's a few seconds of aura reading vs 2 minutes of gen blockage.
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For me, Corrupt by a mile, though it feels like of late I'm seeing more and more survivors spawning by uncorrupted gens, negating some of the perks value. Still, there are plenty of games where cutting down the map where gens are being worked on is a huge boost.
I feel like I have a good feel for where survivors spawn, so Lethal isn't a perk I run -- I'd rather a perk I can get usage out of for more than just those initial seconds. The only build I run Lethal on is replacing Corrupt with it on a Pig build that uses the Video Tape/Rules Set add-on combo, since that build encourages someone to be brave enough to finish a gen early, and getting into an immediate chase with that build (and denying at least one person a chance to start looking for a box at the start) is so important.
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If I'm running a hex like Ruin or Devour, I'll take Lethal.
Actually, I prefer Lethal in ordinary circumstances but I take Corrupt for setup killers that I like to play(Demo,Plague)
I dont like the gameplay that Corrupt encourages. Let me just go ham.
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Corrupt Intervention I only use on Trapper and Hag, if ever. But I can't remember the last time I even bothered using it. There's so many better perks that will last me the whole match.
I only use Lethal Pursuer on Nurse and Oni right now. Much better consistency with information versus RNG of generator blocking. Kinda important to get those chases/powers going with them too.
Though in both cases, I usually just prefer a perk that's going to give me value the entire trial.
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Personally I feel like lethal is overrated. It‘s not bad by any means but survivor spawns are usually fairly predictable for an experienced killer (with some exceptions ofc). I mostly prefer using corrupt, perhaps with the exception of blight since he doesn’t really need it.
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Corrupt... On all Killers
It doesn't matter if they are Highly Mobile
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Corrupt for effectiveness, Lethal if you're tired of people hiding at the start of the game.
Both if you're tired of people hiding out your Corrupt.
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Well I made a post that corrupts needed if I want to have a fun match so... lethal
I'm kidding lol, corrupt without a doubt especially as I'm usually in a chase pretty fast but lethal is still a great perk. Can use both
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That's why you throw corrupt on doc, can't hide when you're screaming, lol
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It depends on the killer you're playing.
If it's a killer that needs to set up at the start of the match, like Demo, Trapper or Hag, use corrupt.
If it's a killer that doesn't have setup, and/or is good in chase, use Lethal.
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I agree with that and that's the way I use both also. I use Lethal on Legion because I like to be able to get into a chase quickly and get those Frenzy attacks built up...but if I were to play Trapper (I very very rarely play Trapper), Corrupt is a lot more useful as it will give me that early time to place traps etc.
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Lethal since it allows you to find a person at the beginning and also if played properly allows you to force the chase near the gens that are being worked on.
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I think Corrupt Intervention is better. It lasts longer than Lethal Pursuer and it blocks gens, which can usually tell you where the survivors might have spawned.
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Lethal should be Basekit.
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LP is such a bait perk. It is doing so little for you. People way over exaggerate how good this perk is, it's not. You could literally double the aura duration and I would still almost always take CI.
Now make LP actually last until you injure a survivor and maybe we're talking. For how much value as far as downs or potential gen regression is worth in an entire perk slot that LP slot needs to essentially guarantee you an early down and even then you'd probably get more value from other perks..and that's its best case scenario that is also unlikely if they just pre drop early.
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Dang Mikey that's just sad...
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Lethal is a niche perk you really don't need it with experience you'll remember survivors spawns and will see one early into the game Corrupt is just better IMO being able to secure a 3 gen later is crucial.
Discordance is better if you need an info perk,it also counters the silly Prove Thyself enjoyers who will genrush the sh*t out of you.
And Discordance is available for the whole game unlike Lethal Pursuer.
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Corrupt is better for low-mobility killers or killers who need time to get momentum (Trapper, Hag, Nemesis, etc).
Lethal is much better for stealth or high mobility killers to get into a chase or get a down straight away (Nurse, Dredge, Blight, Ghostface, etc).
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I enjoy lethal more. People who say you should just have the spawns memorized are trippin because sometimes people will spawn practically right next to you. for a killer like bubba, being able to apply immediate pressure is great.
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Lethal pursuer reveal a random survivor aura for 5 secs each 30 secs and it would be handy of course this effect added to the LP nowadays effect.
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Getting your first hit less than 10 secs into the match is fun (and a great start)
On blight anyway, I'm bad enough at nurse that I'd get equal value out of bamboozle
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Corrupt is probably the best killer perk in the game because of its ability to protect the first 3 gens from survivors. Lethal is just very gimmick and it only guarantees the first chase. If I wanted an early game information perk, I work just choose Discordance or Darkness Revealed since they can be used multiple times per match.
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You could use both for intense early game pressure. But, I think high mobility users benefit the most from Lethal Pursuer (Nurse, Blight, Wraith, Spirit, Billy). Even Huntress can have fun Lethal Pursuer is map is open.
I also like to use it for Dredge with his add on that makes the game start in Nightfall. Survivors think that they can hide for the 60-80s of Nightfall, but I'm already making a beeline straight for them and they have no idea that I know. I also had fun with the second add on where last 12s they are exposed. This is nice on Dredge as it could take it 30s to go cross maps initiate chase and then last few seconds insta-down.
Edit: I also pair LP on Dredge with NOED to balance out strong early game with end game back up.
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IMO, Lethal on most Killers, Corrupt on a select few (those who need set-up time like Trapper and Hag or those who have their own way of fishing out a Survivor like Doctor).
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I used to swear on corrupt but now I rarely use it anymore, because I have found that experienced teams will simply hide really, really well, rather than go for the other gens. After several matches spending 2 minutes looking behind every rock and going back and forth in case they did decide to start on a Gen, I gave up on corrupt.
Notable exception being plague, as she doesn't need to be near the unblocked gens to know a survivor touched them. She is just a natural corrupt user.
I don't use lethal, except on pinhead, since it's really hilarious when you trigger chain hunt in the first 15 seconds of the match and the survivors start panicking xD.
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Finding a chase in 20 seconds vs. 40 seconds can be huge. If it's in a substantial area for map-control that's even huger. The vague knowledge where all survivors are is humongous.
I've been using Lethal on Trickster and it's been going well. Who knew a simple perk would have such an advantage.
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I'm not too good with Blight, but I can handle the Nurse adequately.
Typically my first move is to sneak upon them before my first blink. Sometimes it goes into a gen grab and, if they aren't careful, an second down. (Once I got the four of them but it was a royal screw-up from them.)
I find the new locker perk (forgot its name) to be a better choice as it has a strong chance to locate them from the start and then during the game. (Granted, the perk didn't exist when this thread started.)