which For Honor hero would make the best dbd killer

After failing to do an alien concept that no one else did (I just could not get creative with the power. Sorry) I decided for honor would give me a chance to do multiple unique concepts. So data gathering time.
which For Honor hero would make the best dbd killer 13 votes
I think Hitokiri would be the best fit since she's supposed to be a bit creepy and I love their design. I could see Shaman working too though. I don't really think any of the others would fit the horror vibe.
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Other/please list
Gryphon, I think he could also fit as a killer in my personal opinion
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Yeah that's what I thought as well.
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I mainly voted Shugoki as a joke, as he is/was my favorite for honor character when I played for honor a lot back in 2020, it would be hilarious seeing shugoki do the Demon’s Embrace on one of the survivors and pinning them before breaking their backs & the survivor just instantly goes into the dying state from The demons embrace, Shugoki would have to be slow though for it to be balanced, but shugoki will probably not get into dbd if for honor/Ubisoft does another collab with DBD/BHVR and BHVR decides to add a character from for honor into dbd as a killer, mainly cause we already have the oni/Kazan and Shugoki resembles him too much, also the fact that there are many big killers in dbd already (not that it’s a problem or anything)
The for honor characters that have the best chances of getting into dead by daylight as a KILLER (in my personal opinion) are Hitokiri, Warmonger and Raider, maybe conqueror or black prior too.
I can never see a for honor character get into dead by daylight as a survivor, it would just be so weird seeing someone like centurion in his armor doing gens, dropping pallets, vaulting windows, using a flashlight, getting into a locker, doing the dead hard animation etc, it would be even more stupid if centurion had a perk where he can punch or kick the killer like how he does in for honor with the other heroes/characters.
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My boi is just fatter oni, and i would pay money for that to be a skin
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I will literally main Oni/Kazan if they add big boi Shugoki as a skin for him.
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As a skin for Oni more than anything.
(i haven't played For Honor in so long, but this is the guy with the kanabo right?)
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Ok thanks for confirming ^-^
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Gryphon is a cool character in for honor, loved the Y4S4 Griffin head piece he got in that year and season’s battle pass (I believe it’s supposed to be used on Gryphon cause it looks the best on him, but they made it where every character can use it) with the wings when you execute someone, emote or stood still for a bit.
But back to the point, Gryphon/Holden Cross just wouldn’t fit into dead by daylight as a killer, not at all, yeah his mori could be one of his cool executions he does in for honor with his weapon (a Bardiche), BHVR could possibly implement his kick, bash attack or one of his other moves (Ex: Side dodge attack) he does in For Honor into his power, but I just don’t think Gryphon/Holden Cross has the personality/perspective as some of the other killers to fit into dead by daylight as a killer, he just wouldn’t fit into dbd as a killer, Warmonger/Astrea or Hitokiri would fit into dead by daylight much more as a killer.