Please Let this Patch kill NOED for Killer's Sake

Picture this, you have just installed DBD and have decided to play killer (horrible choice, I know).

You don't have any killer unlocked besides the free ones and have even less perks available when you see it.

No One Escapes Death

As a new killer, you might choose this perk for a couple of reasons.

It gives you power after you fail to defend the gens.

It lets you secure a kill.

It sounds really, really cool.

But if you have chosen this perk, you have doomed yourself to failure. You have made a deal with the devil for temporary power at the cost of internal growth.

As any one who plays survivor can tell you, one of the easiest signs that NOED is going to be in play is if the killer you are facing is bad. But does this happen?

The answer is simple, NOED may get you a kill, but it was not you, it was NOED. You did not make the survivors have to leave their teamate behind, it was NOED.

NOED is a perk that no good killer uses because the survivors should not be finishing gens in the first place. However, it still screws them over because it messes with BHVR's statistics, making it harder for killers that need buffs to actually get them.

So for the sake of Killer Mains, I hope the perk rework destroys NOED.



  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I think that it should just make all survivors moriable or something.

    it could maybe keep the speed, but the exposed just feels really cheap.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    NOED has been nerfed numerous times into the weak hex it is.

    Can you imagine how these current survs would deal with old NOED that was not tied to a hex?


  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    I don't know what you are smoking by NOED is not a weak hex.

    Unlike Devour Hope, you can't destroy it before its effects come into play unless you find and destroy all five totems.

    You get the ability to insta down survivors and make it impossible to save someone if you are camping someone. If you are camping someone near the hex, that person is dead.

    NOED is not a good perk because it only comes into play at the very end of the game where you have usually already lost but it is still very strong within that context.

    This is also ignoring the fact that NOED is boring to go up against. There is no build of dread like with Devour Hope, no regret like with haunted grounds, the feeling I get when I go up against NOED is disappointment.

    As a killer main, I am used to survivors complaining about things that are completely fine (Look at what they did to my baby boy Wraith!). NOED is something they are right about. This post was about tackling why I hate this perk as a killer main.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    What I find the most hilarious about it is these content creators who do the win streaks.... when they do their streak vid for YT, they say stuff like "well gotta tunnel and use noed for the win streak bros!"

    And everybody cheers


  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    An idea I had was to make it so that you can't escape until you do some glyphs that spawn in the match. The amount needed to be done would depend on how many survivors left and there would be more spawned than needed to be done to prevent camping of the needed glyph.

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    Who are you talking about? The only big streamers that I know who do those challenges tend to steer away from NOED as, once again, it is not a good perk for winning a game, it just a good perk for securing a kill. I am just legitmatly wondering who you are talking about.

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    I am a killer main. I know those perks suck and terrible, but so much has already been said about by other, smarter killer mains that I don't feel like I could add anything to the discussion. On the other hand, I have noticed a surprising lack of post talking about NOED from a Killer's Perspective so I decided to make this post.

    Since you asked, my opinions are the following:

    • Dead Hard is a perk that should, at the least, not have I-frames
    • Unbreakable is fine
    • BT should be base kit because it just makes Solo Q less painful and I already play like everyone has it
    • Circle of Healing needs to, at the least, lose the self healing aspect
    • Boons as a whole need to be reworked as most of them are too weak from a survivor's perspective and too time consuming from a killer's perspective

    I don't think any of those opinions are too shocking or are worth discussion outside of the BT one.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Remove speed boost.

    Thats it.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    This assumes all killers who use NOED won't have or develop the critical thinking skills to decide when it's time for them to move on from, or into, NOED.

    It's not indicative of reality.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Rather than being deleted, I'd like to see it become like... useful.

    The problem with NOED wrt newer players and their personal growth is that it hits a wall where it provides dramatically less value, very quickly. If you've come to rely on it while versing teams that don't know how to deal with it, that's gonna put you in a rough spot where you don't quite know how to play without it, but you can't rely on it anymore because it's just not very good.

    That, combined with it also being kind of annoying to face, does say to me that it should be reworked. I just think most people calling for a rework won't actually like a sensible rework, because it won't be coming from a place of making killers ""earn"" it or whatever.

    (Or maybe it will and the developers just end up making a bad decision, they do that sometimes. Who knows!)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    That sounds so awesome and deep, that I wanna dash Chanbara style between all those pesky survivors and might even kill them twice! Hiiiiyaaa!

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Everytime the same... if you are so afraid, just bring a perk and destroy the effing totems yourself. No NOED ever - end.

    The game is not over when you rushed your gens. If you don´t take the time to cleanse it is your fault if you get NOED.

    Dead Hard is so much worse because it has multiple uses. Good players who use it right are one of the most annyoing things in this game. (One time use would fix that).

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    So lets get rid of playing with your friends in a multiplayer game yes great im sure everyone wants to play alone. Will never happen so don't get your hopes up. What are you going to do ban people from using they're phones while playing a game or just make it where you cant join friends and watch the game lose all of its players?

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    Every time I hear the whole "just do bones" argument, I just have to ask you all: Have you ever played solo Q before?

    Sure, let me just get my three random teammates, who I can't communicate with in any way, to realize that the killer is only running three perks and that therefore NOED is in play so someone needs to to all 5 bones. Also, you don't know how many bones are left in the match so a teammate might go searching for a totem already done. Now, if said killer turns out to be running pentimento, I guess you are just screwed.

    "Just Do Bones" is the most Killer-Biased Statement the same way that "Just Wait for DH" is the most Survivor-Biased Statement.

    In just one statement you clearly show case a complete and utter lack of understanding of what the other side has to do in order to win.

    If you unironically think that "Do Bones" is a legitimate strategy against NOED, I can say without a doubt that you do not understand the balancing of the game. For example, Why survivors even think NOED is in play before the endgame in the first place? There is no warning before it activates!

    It does not shock me that the people who support NOED have no understanding of the games mechanics because only bad killers use NOED. If you are good at the game, other perks can be far more effective. You use NOED if you are either using an End Game Build, or you can't keep gens up and secure a kill.

    Full Disclosure, the main reason why I hate NOED has everything to do with how BHVR balances their game and Wraith. They love their statistics, especially their kill rates. Guess which perk heavily screws with that data? NOED. Guess which M1 killer got nerfed after being just decent because a bunch of people played him with NOED? Wraith.

    I am sorry for being so rude, but "Just Do Bones" and "Just Wait for DH" are my two personal most hated arguements that I keep seeing pop up again and again.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Let NOED keep its speed boost and prevent survivors from crawling out of the gate and allow the killer to mori everyone downed. No one escapes death... unless they run for their lifes.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    U also can say the same about DH if u play DH and know u are going to Ruin the Fun of the Killer play who cant do anything becasue of the perk u have no Soul

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    I play both sides - and i play only SoloQ.

    And i don´t use all MEta perks just because i don´t like them. Which gets me in a lot of trouble sadly.

    Small Game shows a number from 1-5 - this is how many totems have been cleansed. There are 5 totems in the game. So no guessing with this perk.

    Counterforce always shows you the next totem and you cleanse them quicker. Detectives Hunch shows you all things in 64 metres after a gen is done - if you really don´t know where a totem is.

    There are maps also - i don´t use them.

    If you play this game for some time you get to know the common totem spawn points.

    Also not every killer runs NOED - so you don´t see it always.

    I said - if you are really afraid of it - then bring stuff and cleanse yourself because you don´t know what you teammates are doing.

    For challenges i sometimes cleanse all totems in the game - which is doable with these perks.

    Pentimento yes - but as you destroyed the totems you know where they are.

    I know this takes time - but with that you can be sure you are not surprised by NOED at the end.

    And if i don´t cleanse i know it is a gamble if NOED is there or not. And then i don´t cry when it is there.

    Dead Hard on the other end i just hate as killer. I am a medium player. So when i get good loopers with Dead Hard is mostly can´t catch them.

    And when they use it right you see it very often - every chase - which makes it way worse for me.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    A lot of truth in theory, BUT NOED, and by a wider margin hex perks in general, aren't meta anymore and you can't expect to see them in any given game.

    Also the boon meta has made it counterproductive to cleanse totems, least of all 5. It's sad that hex perks get cleansed with the speed of light, which basically shuts down an entire playstyle of killers (just like hit and run).

    But with all this so out of meta you gotta ask yourself: why is it a problem? You can either build a generalist with all the meta perks, or you do something else; maybe something to counter an aspect that you hate?

    Killers do that all the time when running Lightborn, Bamboozle, Franklin's or Spies from the Shadows; all this perks are far from meta, but they counter certain suevivor play styles or tactics. So why can't survivors bite the bullet and swap out one of their meta perks for a totem hunter one if they hate NOED that much?

    For a while I ran a bone hunter build and, if I wasn't the first to bumble into the killer, would cleanse all 5 bones just a bit after the first gen popped. But I soon realized that I only countered a scant handful of NOEDs, cleansed very few impact full hexes, but on the contrary activated dozens of Hunted Grounds and, most importantly, got very awkward death stares from the resident Mikaelas. So even though I haven't used NOED forever, if it's really bothering you so much, just adjust your loadout and do something about it. Duh.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    For the 1000th time,, go do bones and stop crying over a perk that does nothing until late game 😂😂

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No Killer takes noed as insurance of success, if that's your stance then the survivors must be bottom barrel. Every noed pick is a gamble on whether or not survivors do totems.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    I play Solo Q almost exclusively, so I can say that yes "Do Bones" is a legit argument. I do it all the time. It simply boils down to YOU don't want to do totem hunting. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if gens are flying, than no one is on totems, so maybe you should take the role.

    But I don't know totem spawns- Than learn them. They are in corners, hidden behind bushes/map structure, if its a Hex than 9 times out of 10 out in the open. Run Small Game, Counterforce. Sure you wont be able to run the full meta Survivor build, but you'll get better for it rather than relying on those crutches.

    Why should Survivors assume NOED? Well if you don't, don't cry like a child if the Killer runs it. Unless I can mentally count off ALL perks someone uses, I assume they are using something. NOED, Nurses, Dead Hard, Unbreakable.

    It all boils down to YOU, yes, YOU OP, don't like NOED. Which you don't have to. I don't like going against Dead Hard, but I deal with that second chance perk, and even use it cause it's good. But just because you don't like something doesn't mean the Killer is in the wrong, or that it's bAD 4 Da GAmE

    It's a game. Move on to the next match.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
  • Sowbug
    Sowbug Member Posts: 140

    No one escapes death, unless you do bones, of course. /s

    The basis of the perk as it is, is already pretty garbage because it almost always results in negating a save because killers will camp the hook. This problem is exacerbated by hooking next to the totem, making a save completely and utterly pointless. I don't know what a good change would be, because I don't care enough about the issue to think of one. If I'm on the receiving of noed, it's whatever. If my teammate is, sorry, but I will probably leave if I cannot find the totem quickly enough. I tend to cleanse totems during the match and usually don't run into heavy snowball potential as a result.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Realistically, it applies to every perk in the game. That's the entire point of perks; to help you either cover up a personal weakness or help you build a strength even stronger

    (Also in case you didn't realize it, that's a copypasta from The Internet, Google it :D)

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Noed has counterplay, its just that you're too ######### lazy to do said counterplay

    If these killers really are as bad as you say they are, then you have time to cleanse totems

    If they pressured you well enough while effectively having only 3 perks equipped then they deserve to instadown you

    As its a perk that punishes survivors for ignoring the secondary objective

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Hmm, so do you believe this growth only happens during the endgame? So, even if a killer uses noed, he cant learn anything in the games where he indeed finishes of all survivors before gens are done?

    And even if endgame comes, a kiler hasn´t grown during the game?

    If a killer uses only noed in a game, instead of the full array of metaperks, he is still risking nothing?

    So, is the best way to grow in this game to be afk and only play the endgame, because thats where your growth is happening? Or is this just nonsence to push on a personal point of view?

    I mean, noed is only relevant in the endgame, so how does it prevent you from improving during the rest of the game. maybe i am wrong, and you can explain that?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I am a solo survivor that is able to do all bones, but i have a very hot take for you; Run any totem related perk, either boons, or better even Overzealous. The moment you can use the totems for something good, i assure you every random teammate is out to do bones, at least that happens to me when i tried to test overzealous.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited June 2022

    It's a copypasta (someone said that to mock a game journalist who had used a Mod to put an "Easy" mode in one of the Souls game and this Twitter user evidently took very poorly when they responded with what I wrote earlier in the thread). If anything, I am mildly mocking the OP for their stance (in jest of course! Everyone is allowed to think what they want about perks).

    Personally I only use NOED when using a basic M1 killer. Just kind of an insurance policy if the survivors blow through gens as fast as possible because the M1 killer can have such a hard time competing in today's DBD.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    I don't want to see even a single Killer perk nerfed until Dead Hard is destroyed nerfed

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Ok, i completly misundertood your post then (not a native speaker, after all), so nevermind.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004


    Full Disclosure, the main reason why I hate NOED has everything to do with how BHVR balances their game and Wraith. They love their statistics, especially their kill rates. Guess which perk heavily screws with that data? NOED. Guess which M1 killer got nerfed after being just decent because a bunch of people played him with NOED? Wraith."

    So nothing to do with the actual gameplay after all. Colour me unsurprised.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2022
  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811
    edited June 2022

    You mean the perk that only activated when the exit gates were open and only instadowned when you had Tier 3? Oh yeah, so much weaker. (I know egc didn't exist at the time, but I'd argue it's stronger now even if it doesn't have the attack cooldown reduction). Oh and it also existed when survivors were much much stronger than they are now. Remember instagens? Instaheals? EVERY MAP BEING WORSE THAN CURRENT THE GAME.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    People really overestimate noed

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    It's all good, I 100% expected at least one person to yell at me for it as unlike me, I imagine most people have an actual life outside the internet :D and may not recognize the copy pasta for what it was

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,832

    I don’t think the boon system will get changed now because of the new shattered hope perk.