How do you guys feel about the doors?

Is it me or do the doors feel super quick to open? I thought it was 60 seconds but it almost feels like 30.
And what are peoples feels on regression for doors, like if a Survivor pops off it at the 99% mark it starts to regress?
I think it's just 20s,plus 16s if you use Freddy's perk with 4 tokens.
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I swear it used to feel longer, but it could just be nostalgic feels.
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A mod here said gate regression was tested, and was recieved poorly. I can personally see why it would be a poor decision. Maybe there could be a perk centered around it.
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It takes 12 seconds to open a door. I dislike that they can be 99ed but that's just me. I can understand regression being received poorly, but at least have it regress like 3 seconds or something you know?
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It really should be 30 seconds or something. Since killers can’t kick a door.
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I believe the official stance (as given by the community managers) was that they don't see 99ing gates as a problem, as the endgame collapse isn't meant to aid the killer so much as it is to force the game to conclude. So there isn't an issue with survivors delaying the collapse until conditions are favorable for them, especially when the killer can choose to start it at that point.
Wouldn't mind a perk that regressed gates, though it'd be pretty situational (as endgame perks tend to be) and I can't really see it being run outside of full endgame Blood Warden builds.
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If that's their statement it makes you wonder why they haven't implemented a faster way for killers to end the games faster when they are clearly over with all survs waiting at gates to taunt. Right now you just have to walk up and force them out. But hey, at least they're nice enough to leave just before you get a hit on them, to save you some time.
Just give me a surr option once gates are open man.
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I really wish they'd do that (at the very least, once the gates are open, let the killer end the game), but their stance has consistently been that as long as something will end naturally, it's not a problem. This is also why they don't really seem to care about killers deliberately bleeding out survivors, or nonsense like No Mither/Soul Guard/Boil Over with RPD offerings. Maybe survivors hardcore stealthing and stalemating the game, too, as I've gotten mixed messages on whether that breaks the rules or not.
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Slug Army is a odd thing but sometimes it’s the only way to deal with meta survivors
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I don't mean slugging survivors because they're being aggressive as hell or because you can't pick them up or because they crawled somewhere with no hooks, I mean bleeding people out so you can stand over them for four minutes spamming your power and shaking your head. It's BM on the same level as survivors refusing to leave until the killer chases them out (a bit worse, because there's nothing you can do to cut it short), but BHVR doesn't care about either situation because the match still ends and doesn't seem interested in giving any QOL options.
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great band
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It is not 12 seconds, it's 20 seconds. That is just a lie lol.
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I’m feeling bamboozled.
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This is wrong. Doors take 20 seconds to open without any perks. Just wanted to make sure you knew this so you didn't spread it to others as well.
The doors are relatively quick to open considering 20 seconds isn't a long time, but I feel like this is a good amount of time because there are perks in the game that delay or make the exit gate take longer to open. No way out will delay the exit gate from being opened by a whole minute and Remember Me will make the exit gate take 16 seconds longer to open (besides the Obsession). When I've gone against killers who had remember me or when I've ran the perk, it has a significant amount of delay and you can generally catch people at the door. You can really feel it when the gates take longer to open. There are a few survivor perks that open the gate faster. Resilience, spine chill, and wake up all make the exit gate go faster. Wake up alone takes 4 seconds off the gate opening time.
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20 Seconds to open a Door, not 12
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oh imagine that....
Who woulda thunk it?
Get a bunch of survivors, "hey guys we gonna make exit gates regress"
*crowd rages...*
"ok ok ok, we were just joking nvm."
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"We asked 100 killers what they would think about a forth hook state. Guess what were the top 3 answers?"
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Exit Gates take 20 seconds to open, it has always been 20 seconds, if you feel it was more or less its just your memory playing tricks on you.
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No no, @DrDeepwound has a point, regarding we are not sure how the testing went. This game is asymmetrical. One round consists of 4 survs and 1 killer. If the test was with killers only playing killers and survivors only playing survivors without rotation of course it would get backlash, if the tested feature in favour of the killer. A controlled rotation of playerroles would be needed within the same group of people to have a clear statement. So, as we don't know how it went, this is a possibility, that the test was doomed from the beginning.
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It used to be 15 seconds back when perma-sabo was a thing, but that was years ago.
As for my opinion on gates, I don't think base regression is a good idea. The gates are fine as they are.
Remember Me needs a buff though, I wish it had never been nerfed.
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Maybe a buff/overhaul to Remember Me?
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Would be okay with that. Make that perk A tier.
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Idk they could be a bit easier to use, they open sideways and not back and front and don't even have a handle?? You're meant to hold a switch for 20 seconds?? The hell kinda door is this- a terriibly designed one, I tell you. Shouldn't need a damn instruction manual to unlock a door smh
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Gates regress at 100% like a gate ruin?