Discussing The New Killer (The Dredge)...

(In-depth) Look At The Dredge...
The Dredge's abilities allows them to teleport to lockers or to the Remnant it leaves behind while charging its ability, both of which create new ways of playing and counterplay to the abilities.
~Teleporting to a locker creates an audio cue, giving survivors time for them to leave. Locked lockers hinder their escape from the locker and creates an even louder audio cue for the Dredge trying to escape, and provides plenty of time for survivors to create distance. If there is a set of lockers, the Dredge will always teleport to the locked locker, there is no need to lock both lockers since the Dredge can manually remove locks by hitting them. Locks provide a new resources for survivors to manage and a new way of play, survivors can hinder his ability in chase, or use locks to reduce pressure on generators. Teleporting to lockers does have a cooldown and runs off of limited charges, so the killer needs to play strategically to get value against survivors.
~The Dredge's Remnant while looping has three counters depending on the situation; you can touch the Remnant to remove it entirely (has effects with Nightfall that will be mentioned later), you can run away from the loop and make distance since the Dredge is slowed down when charging its teleport, and you also have the alternative of mind-gaming the Dredge into its Remnant (this works well with short loops that you might not have enough distance to make it to another loop).
The Dredge passively charges Nightfall when teleporting, injuring survivors, and hooking survivors. Nightfall causes survivors to navigate in darkness and The Dredge loses his Terror Radius while Nightfall is active. Teleporting to lockers during Nightfall is considerably quicker to do. Survivors glow a bright white and the Dredge glows gray from a certain distance.
~Nightfall gives a warning that it's about to activate, giving the killer time to prepare for Nightfall, and giving survivors time to look and address their surrounding to prepare for the Dredge's advances. Nightfall creates new ways of play for the Dredge... do you use the lack of Terror Radius to your advantage, or do you use the teleport to create lots of pressure? The choice is yours. As for the survivor end of things, the survivors can memorize tilesets and loops to use later on, planning out ahead to make Nightfall easier to deal with. If the Dredge is charging its teleport, the Remnant it leaves behind can be touched by a survivor to reduce the duration of Nightfall, which creates a risk/reward for either side during Nightfall. Survivors can risk touching the Remnant to reduce Nightfall duration, but at the cost of the potential of being hit, and vice versa for the killer. It creates an interesting dynamic between the survivor(s) and killer.
What Does All Of This Add Up To...
This is where I believe the Dredge becomes fun, there are so many possible playstyles for either side, and interactions, that it creates diverse gameplay between matches, just be warry of those lockers... you might hear or see some stuff you wont like...
Anyways, would love to hear some thoughts on the new killer, do yall like the design of the new killer (in both gameplay and visual design)? Any unique or fun experiences with the Dredge?
I find him super fun, the only issue i have is sometimes scratch marks are hard to see in Nightfall, I've had a few cases of a survivor getting away after being hit and overcome kicking in on indoor maps like lerys.
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I typically use Blood Hound (very underrated perk) on the Dredge and Legion because their tracking isnt always the best. But if that doesnt help, Predator (another underrated perk) is also a good option, the scratch marks are way easier to track when they are so close together (also recommended on Spirit).
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I tried my best to have fun against him and i have to say that Nightfall is perfectly fine and interesting same with his locker map pressure , but his Remnan anti-loop is what makes dredge once againt another Hold W killer if the killer knows how to play.
works the same as Artist or Hag but better and more fun for sure,but wait until people start realizing how strong is holding the Remman untill the last second and them you will se a lot of people just pre-droping pallets and holding forward every game.
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The build Ive been running on him tends to be:
Devour Hope- Because its my favorite Killer perk and goes on all of my Killers. Its the only Hex I run usually so either I lose it and move on, or its remains and helps me snowball super quick.
Agitation- I have slept on this perk for years but that speed boost is very helpful when carrying Survivors.
Tinkerer- A lot of lockers are next to gens so if I can do the quick port over I am set to either push them off or be right there.
Call of Brine- Combos well with Tinkerer, and unlike say Pop or Pain Resonance I don't need to set up with it.
As for his add ons, currently I love his Worry Stone the most, Survivors cant help but lock lockers so it feels like I run Lethal Pursuer for early game to mid game, and than Boat Key gives faster teleports. I think the other purple I use is the Cabin Pass or something, begins the trial in NF so helps me snowball a little quicker.
Honestly though, its nice that Dredge feels like he fills so many different roles that plenty of builds could work with him.
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It seems unfair to me that Freddy was buried in the ground, but the new killer is an even stronger version of Freddy, with better loop protection, mobility and a nightmare. I don't like the new killer, he looks like a piece of shapeless meat and looks like a turkey. The nightmare is not scary, but annoying, both blindness and annoying sounds. I loved Freddie, both before and after the transformation, because he is an iconic character in horror films. I am disappointed with the new chapter and hope that the new killer will soon be buried in the ground like poor Freddy!
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I am a survivor main that does play both sides, and can only say i like him in both roles.
As killer, he is very fun to play, and his mobility makes him feel good.
As a survivor i like him, because you can avoid his anti-loop better than the artists, and you can handle his teleports.
I love the nightfall-ability, because its scary and fun.
Its fun if you are in a chase and the killer goes to a locker before you but you predict it and just changed directions, or if you teleport to a locker and the survivor tries to hide in it.
All in all, i dont find him unbalanced in either way, but that might change once better killers than me expands his full potential or if survivors just learn how to counter him better.