Please do not nerf Dredge, you finally released a viable M1 Killer, keep it that way for God sake.

For once PLEASE just let an M1 Killer be good.
Sadako was and is embarrassingly weak, and Dredge seems to be both genuinely good and also fun to play as and against.
So please, ignore any whiners on your forums and ignore any Survivor mains who may work for you, and just leave him ALONE.
Not every M1 Killer deserves to be as weak as Sadako, Trapper, Ghost Face, Myers, Wraith, Freddy, Doctor, Pig, etc.
You REALLY owe M1 Killers after Sadako and that God awful Wraith nerf NO ONE asked for.
I don't even want hints of any M1 Killer's being nerfed/'adjusted' (nerfed) until Dead Hard is finally looked at, period.
Honestly, more killers should be at this level.
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The lowbies are already targeting him because they can't just drop a pallet and spam crouch.
It will happen and nobody will touch him just like every other killer....
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Generally as a gaming company you shouldn't really just ignore the opinions of certain people. There is no reason for BHVR to ignore people just because you don't like their opinions. That's ridiculous.
If the killer is fine, and in general I think he is, the devs will realise this, because the majority of players will reflect that. If the majority of players have a big problem with Dredge, then that is indeed reason for concern. But it doesn't seem like that, so I don't think there is reason to worry.
There are a few aspects I think should be nerfed very slightly, Bloodlust should be canceled when he starts charging his power for example, which only makes sense, but all in all, I also think Dredge is very well balanced, and incredibly well designed.
Though speaking of design, the one thing that I personally think would make him even more fun would be if he had a bit of mindgame potential while looping. Right now, he completely shuts down pallet loops that don't break line of sight. It would be a nerf, but only a very small one. The reason for that is that the more counterplay both sides have in any situation, the better in my opinion. Wouldn't even mind if he received some compensation buff as well.
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Yep. I agree with the OP and I'm a survivor main. I think people aren't really giving dredge a chance. He is so much different from all the other killers and has certainly been more fun to play against. Every time I visit the forum since the dredge released I see more complaints about him and I just don't get it. I'm usually quick to gripe about killers being OP but in this case I really like what they did with the dredge. I don't know. It seems like the devs just can't win no matter how hard they try. Maybe its just the nature of the game being PVP and there being so many different views on what is considered balanced in this game.
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The Devs nerfed Wraith.
Their opinions are meaningless, they do NOT play their own game.
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Lmao that's just ridiculous. Even if I don't always agree with every balance change they make, their opinions are not meaningless? plus I was talking about the people that you said should be ignored, those that think Dredge needs a nerf.
The devs have actually have done a fairly good job at balancing the killers in the past. And I understand why they nerfed Wraith, because he is fairly easy to play, and was probably a menace at lower ranks.
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That's not uncommon though. He is new, and I would argue his counterplay is probably more unique than that of many other killers, so some people just haven't learnt how to counterplay him yet.
I think in general he is extremely well balanced, I have a lot fun going against him, just a shame I don't get to go against him more often, there are just a few minor parts of his kit that could need some small toning down, like Nightfall being too dark even within the visibility range, or him still gaining Bloodlust while using his power.
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Good Survivors can outplay Dredge like it's nothing. He can boil down to a pure M1 killer in a lot of chases. It's just a skill issue right now.
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I just like how his teleport back is a very fair mechanic that survivors can use to avoid getting hit, while Dredge can also outsmart survivors.
If you're consistantly hit by a good dredge using his remnant, try to get better at doing mindgames and try to fake pallets more often.
Btw, if you're struggling against a dredge that isn't using his remnant teleport back you're litterally struggling to a bad version of wraith and you should question yourself more.
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Yep, Wraith was a really bad combination of a power that is too straightforward to use and too easy to get good results from. Add on to that that he had add ons like wall-hacks that were better then as well and you get a killer that's gonna have way too high a win rate.
Of course he 'felt good to use,' because basically every pallet was a free hit when you could dash all the way around the loop and hit them.
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People are asking for NERFS to Dredge? Lmfao. Sure, he has some mobility, and some anti-loop potential, but a decent solo queue team (keyword decent, not a 4 man god squad) can keep him busy for plenty of time in order to get the gens done and escape.
He's fine as is (except for keeping Bloodlust while using his power, that needs to go for consistency's sake), people just need to give it some time to learn how to play against him before they start calling for buffs or nerfs. I have a feeling in the future Dredge might end up being considered a bit worse than he is considered at the moment.
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I think once people have gotten used to him, he'll be considered a better freddy. And freddy is crap right now.
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I agree.
Dredge is an important killer to improve the environment of this game, and weakening him means that the game will lose the sense of fear and fun that was finally recovered.
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"The lowbies"... Not sure if someone who complains that much about the game and showing that they cannot really play it on a good level should call others "lowbies".
And sorry, there is nothing exciting about Dredge-gameplay at all. Yes, dropping a Pallet and teabagging does not work. But Shift + W is not really the way to go for all Killers in the future.
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You dont have to be a good Survivor to run to the next Loop. Everyone can do that. And while this is the best thing you can do against Dredge, it does not mean that it is a good thing to boil down most Killers to "hold Shift and W against them".
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I fully admit i am not top tier on survivor, but i do have an understanding of what to do and can hold a chase for enough time for things to get done.
I don't complain about the killers unless something is jank like a vpn using huntress that hits you 10 steps behind a wall, or Nurse addons because i see how braindead they are on the rare occasion i use them as nurse.
I wan the hook mechanic changed and gens changed so the killer has enough time to do something. people with thousands of hours on killer constantly get destroyed on TWITCH through no fault of their own beyond the killer they played and pallet density/ com use.
Yes, survivors should be able to win. But there is a difference between winning through good mindgames and teamwork vs holding shift W and pre dropping with nothing you can do about it. Chuck in an overpowered loop like groaning storehouse, garden of joy or the window loop on swamp and you should never actually win as killer if survivors don't waste time. Hell, all you really need to do is stay evenly spread out and the killer will lose on sheer travel time just to get to everyone after hooks.
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After nerfing Slinger, Billy and Wraith, I have no hope on the """balance""" team.