Body-blocking with Borrowed Time is okay

This is probably a hot take, but I don't think body blocking with BT is a wrong thing.
I can see why killers are annoyed with it, but isn't teamwork asked from the community? BT is one of the best perks for this because it gives a unique effect that isn't an "increase X effect".
If I'm a survivor and I notice the killer is hard camping every hook and always there when the unhook happens, I'm not going to let you get a free hook again because you wanted to sit next to me for the past 40 seconds.
It's the smartest move from the survivors in that situation because it minimizes the lethality that the killer can do. Hell, if players are exposed in any way, body blocking with BT is a smart play.
As many players have said, you'll go ahead and tunnel the body-blocker. Go ahead. I'm not discouraging you, but it seems like people are forgetting that body-blocking & any form of teamwork is allowed too.
When I play killer, I don't like to linger around. I don't have to worry about BT at all because that 12-second timer has nothing on me.
There are options available against a body-blocking Bt
EDIT: changed title
The way I see it: it's a risky thing to do while the generators are up. A smart killer will wait it out, play for a grab, or ignore it entirely.
A killer should be playing for trades in the endgame anyway. We can't simultaneously be aware of BT/DS and also flat out refuse to play around it when those perks are at their strongest. If you see more than one survivor moving in for an unhook, you need to be aggressive and start hitting them early. A killer is straight up playing poorly if they wait and watch 2 or 3 healthy survivors set up at the hook. Take a look at how every killer plays that situation in comp. They immediately start tagging survivors if they hook swarm.
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no, not to a degree
its fine, nothing wrong with it
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I'm fine with it, just humorous when people think I'm tunneling for hitting them and downing them after they bodyblock me going for their savior
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This is my main issue
If you want to body block with BT, go for it. I don't think you shouldn't be "allowed" to or whatever. But if you do choose to go on the offense with a defensive perk, you've now put a target on your own back and shouldn't be shocked or mad that I have now decided to go after that instead.
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Again its just gameplay. There really is nothing wrong with body blocking while under BT.
I think a lot of the hate it gets stems from two things,
Its a defensive perk designed to help avoid getting tunneled that like a lot of mechanics can be used aggressively to hinder the killer even if they are trying not to tunnel.
When it is used aggressively the best play the killer can make is often to focus on the BT blocker, down and re-hook them, even if this wasn't their initial intent. This leads to survivors sending all kinds of abuse and accusations of tunneling to killers when its the survivor who crafted that scenario themselves.
This is why BT base kit really won't solve/help tunneling and camping as most players will leverage it aggressively leading to scenarios that actually promote tunneling over switching targets as the smarter play.
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I started thinking a lot about this and decided to change it.
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I think BT is fine as it currently is :)
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Its only real issue is when it's used when the gates are open and the unhooked survivor is protecting the unhooker, who's injured from the save. Both are effectively invincible for 16 seconds, which can leave the killer with no options at all.
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The way I see it, is I dont go out of my way to tunnel unless someone bodyblocks with BT, I am making a conscious effort to avoid going for you, but if youre going to throw yourself right in front of me, Im going to go for you. It's nothing personal, just the way Ive always done it. In the endgame though, I frankly just dont care, anything goes in endgame imo.
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It always makes me laugh when someone who does a BT bodyblock complains about tunneling in the endgame chat. Like, YOU ran at ME!
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Yep, and this goes for a lot of the aggressively altruistc gameplay. Don't paint a target on your back if you aren't willing to take a hook through it imo.
I personally love it when survivors make these plays because I find it far more fun fending off the rescue teams than I do with the old gen->loop->hook rinse and repeat.
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I mean if someone is intentionally body blocking me I'll usually just hit them regardless. Worst case they have Borrowed Time and I don't bother to chase them after the hit but even then they're now forced to spend some time mending so it's still a bit of slowdown in my favor. And with any luck I then get to down either them or the person they were blocking for shortly afterward.
I'm not saying there's zero strategic value to a smart body block, but I definitely think it's a bit overrated and on average you're probably better off just getting as much distance as possible from the killer after the unhook versus giving the killer a free two-for-one chase.
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I'm fine with it but what I'm not fine with is when someone body blocks with BT and them or their team gets mad at me for tunneling because I forced them out of the game afterward. Like isn't that what they were asking for?
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Of course it's ok trying to force a BT hit,,but after that you better have DS because oh boy,you're gettin tunneled to oblivion 🤣
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As a Killer Main, I really like to hit the unhooked guy every time (!). If there is no BT, wonderful, one guy on the ground who cannot progressing gens, if there is BT, not wonderful, but still fine, because he needs time to mend AND i receive a stack to my favourite perk, STBFL.
So all fine with BT or Bodyblock-BT.
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Of course it's fine.
Should it be changed to be used less aggressively? Probably.
But if it's the play to save your unhooking teammate in the moment, it's the play. At least it's used with altruism in mind.
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Its only fine if you dont complain about getting tunneled.
So many times people try to bodyblock with bt but if i down them because of that they call me out for tunneling.
Fk this guys.
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It is fine. Altho don't get mad if you get tunnelled because of it
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100% ok during trial
busted in EGC when playing against survivors with a brain and exhaustion perks
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This is the survivor mentality on full display.
Survivors will create 10,000 threads per day about being tunneled... but will defend this type of playstyle that tries to use a killers fair gameplay against them. If you go for the unhooker you get bodyblocked and they force you to hit the unhooked to get them out of your way. If you go for the unhooked they call you a tunneler. Its a no win situation for the killer, survs set up these type of traps constantly.
Same with camping, they will start 10,000 threads per day against camping, then hook rush against my Bubba every match.
Their brain is just wired to be hypocritical like this
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This is why the developers can't give survivors real anti camp. Everything they do is then weaponised against the killer in stupid ways.
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Any survivors that bodyblocks me with BT is getting tunneled out, like sorry but that’s not the purpose of BT.
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Survivors: we feel forced to use BT, because killers only camp.
Also survivors: i gonna body block you after getting unhooked, so you can´t touch the other survivor!
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My hot take, I miss old BT. It's probably the nostalgia though lol
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Conceptually it worked much better that way but too many people complained about how stealth killer could hide near hooks waiting for you and then it wouldn't activate.
Which, while frustrating, is kind of the point of a stealth killer. People were mad that they couldn't just blindly run up to the hook and grab someone based solely on not hearing a terror radius.
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just remove collision from BT and make them just phase through killer attack and power. if its an anti tunnel perk no reason the killer should be able to hurt you.
or maybe they could make it so that bt cancels out ds, if the survivor is so hellbent on making the killer tunnel them when the killer is going out of their way not to tunnel and target another survivor.
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Then it'd have to deactivate whenever you did anything otherwise you could get off of a hook and hop onto a nearby generator for around 10 seconds of invincible repair progress.
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I think some just like to rub their second chances in killers face. But they are usually surprised when killer capitalise on it and doesn't give a damn about the rulebook.
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If you do that then the killer isn't tunnelling if they put you back on the hook
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It made sense, I agree. I also liked that you had to be smart with it since it was a one time use perk. However I get why it was even more frustrating for killers with 4 bts endgame.
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BT is fair in this regard, imo.
You can use it to bodyblock at the risk of the killer not taking the bait and downing you.
At that point, you're down a hook state or losing DS for nothing.
It's certainly not a free action against decent killers.
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I am fine with bodyblocking with BT, I can wait 12 seconds. What pisses me off is having to wait DS afterwards since it's more 48 seconds of invulnerability.
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Well sorry, but I for one am not trying to tunnel and with the unhooked survivor in my face, and with me trying to get around you, you are essentially wasting all your rights that I gave you, because I wasn't gonna tunnel you, but obviously you want my attention
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If anything, they are tunneling the killer, lol
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Unless that survivor was the obsession, lol
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But its a annoying one.
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Yeah and then they get mad, when you call their bluff and capitalize on it.
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Not really. If a survivor gets the full duration of DS then they are wandering around not doing any objectives. At worst they can be healed up and then just bodyblock for other people in hopes of tricking the killer into picking them up after they've been downed again.
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There is nothing wrong with it. The killer might wait out BT and hook you again but that is also ok since it's the only logical thing to do. What's not ok is survivors using their anti-tunnel perks in a way that basically forces the killer to tunnel them and then complain. Also keep in mind: Even if the survivor that bodyblocked with BT had DS as well, the killer might pick them up, getting it out of the way early and leaving this survivor vulnerable to tunnel. It's playing smart. Neither side should complain about it.
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If they want to throw, who am I to stop them?
I don't personally care about their feelings or egos.
My chat is off...I'm playing the game with complete immunity from vitriol and idiocy.
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Oh you´re are missing on some pretty irrational stuff.
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90% of the time camping and tunneling didnt even occur. I have lots and lots of time under survivor even though i am mostly killer now. majority of killers dont camp or tunnel. most bubbas arent basement bubbas. periodically checking the hook is not camping. Making an intelligent play and going after the idiot that just ran in front of you thats injured is not tunneling.
Tunelling doesnt exist when 2 gens are left. Tunneling doesnt exist in egc. the survivor rulebook doesnt actually exist. Kill the survivors.
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No, it's not fine. It's basically one perk protecting two people at once, that's too much power. Survivors at high level of play will repeatedly abuse the perk with this advantage in mind, you're basically without a chance as a m1 killer. Especially during endgame when they're running off to the exit gate.
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Admittedly, I turn it on sometimes to add to the collection.
Of course, I remain polite and say things like GG
GL Next Game
Thanks for playing
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If you are experiencing this in all of your games, you're not playing mean enough to disincentivize it.
Generally, if someone tries it in my games, they're dead and the rest of the team knows better than to try it on the next rescue.
Allowing a hook save in endgame (without the guarantee of another down) is a misplay in and of itself.
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It's not a misplay, it's 2-3 healthy survivors swarming a hook to secure a guaranteed unhook just to shortly after trigger Dead Hard the second you try to follow up with another hit. The sheer audacity in all of this is the unhooked survivor bodyblocking you while you're trying to establish a hook-trade.
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What killer/perks are you using?
Your statement has me curious.
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It's just a general thing that always happens around endgame when all I can do is camp the sole survivor I hooked since there's nothing else for me to do. It's also the reason why I started bringing STBFL and Rancor to absolutely deter save attempts during that phase of the game. I only play m1 killers, by the way.
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STBFL definitely helps, as do perks like Rancor and NOED.
Most M1 killers also have slight nuances that can help in the situation, especially in tandem with the above perks.
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I pretty much stopped using NOED since it's too unreliable. Either it gets broken superfast or the survivors are already injured and will deny your m1 attacks with Dead Hard. STBFL and Rancor are pretty much godlike during endgame since no one can prevent you from maxing out your stacks and twohitting people who attempt unhooks. At 40% attack cooldown reduction you can deny unhooks entirely.