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Shattered Hope + Pentimento

Did some1 already try the Combo? Is it Good?

I Really Love playing Pentimento and plaything but sadly this Combo is very situational because Good Survivor dont Breaks the Totems rather they Boon them

So whit the latest update we got a Anti Boon Perk called Shattered Hope that allows die Killer to break boon Totems

The Perk also Work whit Pentimento so is it better than Plaything + Pentimento ? :)

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  • Member Posts: 642

    Personally I think killers should be able to make Hex’s like boons. Since boons can be constantly replaced.

    But I think that could work as a Anti-Boon build.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah, some streamers have highlighted that combo.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I mean, it's fine if you've up against a booner, and the booner doesn't give up once they realize you have Shattered Hope. Otherwise you spent two perk slots for zero value.

    Plaything seems like a way more reliable way to get Pentimento value.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Honestly, I love Plaything+Penti as a combo, but man is it annoying to have everyone just boon stuff.

    SH is a terrible idea - because now I need to waste a slot on an 'incase boon squad' situation.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    I usually don't even take time to go out of my way to snuff a boon. No way am I dedicating two killer perk slots to a set of survivor perks that may not even be present in a trial, or make a difference.

  • Member Posts: 225

    You could use Shattered Hope, Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Plaything, and some other random Hex perk to basically guarantee a 5-stack Pentimento. Obviously not a strong set of perks, since the setup is very complicated, but it's a fun gimmicky build.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The combo is good in the sense that if survivors boon, you can quickly turn that boon into a 30% slowdown. I don't think the combo is worth it though, because it's not only reliant on survivors booning but you also having the time to go destroy the boon as well. Since the meta boon is one that can be placed out of the way.

    I find plaything + pentimento to be better, but even then it's still flawed because having time to rekindle totems is hard in games where that 30% slowdown would do something.

    Personally I just don't think pentimento is that good.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    SH is trash.

    If you really want that combo you just run Plaything + Pentimento.

  • Member Posts: 20

    You could use thrill of the hunt, it makes cleansing and booking both longer so if you could keep it up then you.can slow down the game a hit more. There is also a chance survivors will just not do totems at all instead but it's kinda rare

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Boons aren't super common so it's a very gimmicky build that relies on survivors being stupid and actually using boons.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    More fun to run full totem build. Thrill, Undying, Plaything, and Pentimento.

    Survivors might leave the totems alone because it takes all day to cleanse and they see nothing affecting them. If they cleanse they spend like 30 seconds twice on totems because Undying makes Thrill happen twice. 3 totems are free to place Oblivious onto survivors. Whenever survivors break their totems you use Pentimento. Sometimes Thrill is still active the entire time. Whenever you remake totems Thrill gets a debuff token back. So you can constantly keep applying the gen penalty with the cleanse speed debuff.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I mean, its oblivious really something to be wortied about? Like you can just call out the killer's position if you are on a swf, and oblivious doesnt hide the red stain so you can still spot the killer in the distance.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Now I would like to keep arguing on how oblivious isnt dangerous at all, but you see, you have said something that is very true therefore I have nothing, so ima just go and find a discussion where I can make fun of sadako, cheers.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    It's not like every call out is precise information all the time. Killers can drop chase out of sight and manage to catch someone off guard before the chased survivor realizes. Being able to hear the just tr helps you reacts faster.

    And plently of killers know how to hide their red stain.

    There's just not really much reason to deny yourself the extra info if you can help it.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Oblivious lets you potentially get closer to a survivor before they realize. Since they’re used to hearing the TR. Like an Oblivious Doctor that produces fake TR with a red stain around you. On an indoor map like Lery’s and Raccoon City killers can get the jump on you. By then the chase music starts.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2022

    It's kind of a trap, you should (against good survivors) only get 1 stack of pentimento off ever and then they will cleanse your totem and then never boon/cleanse anything else. If you bring plaything to try and lean into it even more they should just take the obliviousness and not cleanse. Being oblivious is 100% worth the killer dedicating 75% of their loadout to literally nothing else(no gen regression, no info, no type of slowdown, or chase help). This leaves killer a single perk slot which feels really awful.

    That said, most survivors probably won't play that smart and will happily keep cleansing your totems/booning so you can get pentimento value. but against good players it is a massive trap imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    They will instantly know you have it when a boon breaks and ~2 seconds later anyone on a gen gets a red progress bar and can tell they are repairing slower. At that point it takes 2 seconds to call out on coms "guys he has pentimento" OR use your brain in solo queue to put two and two together. There are tons of clues and hints that give this plan away entirely and if survivors fail for it they either don't know/aren't aware of how the perks function or they are dumb/don't care.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Oh you have SH and Pen? I dont feel like to Bless anymore.

    You lose 50% perk slots, your move.

    Plaything is the best for Pen, not SH

  • Member Posts: 954

    That's a good point, but typically the survivors would be blessing totems instinctively, and not noticing until after 1-2 times at least. Maybe all 3 perks used at once would be good.

  • Member Posts: 769

    Shattered hope on its own is fairly useless and pen is situational at best with no guarantee of working. Together its still situational.

    You'd have to run specific hex perks to actually make this build work. Unfortunately that's only two hex perks. One of them would likely have to be undying but outside of that I don't see this kind of build getting value

  • Member Posts: 16,659

    If you want to use Pentimento, you should use Plaything instead of Shattered Hope. Way better.

    I would not dedicate a Perk Slot to Shattered Hope, because unlike claimed, Boons are not in every game. I mean, you can take Shattered Hope if you really dislike Boons, but I would not use Pentimento as well, because if nobody brings a Boon-Perk, it is at least only one wasted Perk Slot.

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