It feels like just a few maps are in a map pool

Ormond, Salon, Garden of Joy, Wreckers, Coal Tower, Ironworks, repeat.
It feels like there is still increased % chance for these maps in the map pool (there was a event not long ago where some maps had bigger % chance to be picked).
Anyone else noticed that?
Yes. And it is super-annoying.
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Yeah. I'm pretty sure they forgot to turn the event weighting off. It's driving me crazy at this point. There is so much Autohaven and MacMillan. I had a game on Swamp yesterday where I was genuinely happy to see Grim Pantry, and that is a sign that something has gone horribly wrong.
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Its driving me insane, ngl
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Dead Dawged to Death
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Yep, some maps seems way more often.
I rarley get RPD :-(
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Haha, that Grim Pantry part made me laugh! so true 😂
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Autohaven has been killing my soul
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If you're getting the same few maps a lot of really is just coincidence.
I have the same feeling sometimes but for me it's completely different maps than you. I believe they only change the frequency of maps if they're new for the first week but that's about it.
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That event was fun for a week but it's gotten boring now. Imo the devs are gathering data on those maps to see why the community is voting them.
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So I'm not crazy, those maps are still showing up way too much? I thought the event for that was over.
I've seen Coal Tower like 6-8 times today. Send help.
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I think almost half my killer games since yesterday have been Ormond.
It's starting to annoy me. (I've even started the night with another game and only played DbD for about 90 minutes)