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2 experiences with a hag recently

they each had silent traps and franklins, trapping items. im sorry but no matter how viable it is you are a jerk for that build, and whatever streamer popularized it, well i cant say that. but now i have a vendetta against hag, i dont wanna hate hag but omg if every hag player does this now i swear i will just give up every single match against her. it may be immature but if someone goes out of their way to make it to where i dont have fun then thats fine i wont go along with it. but can someone please tell me if item hag or whatever this build is, is meta? like i know it was a thing before but ive never seen it so close together with different matches.

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  • Member Posts: 634

    oh well sorry that uh you dont realize their is a build just for hag to mess with items right? its not for flashlights. if a hag runs it for flashlights then oh well, but when you do it so people have to go back to their item and use dried cicada and rusty shackles thats just a jerk move bro

  • Member Posts: 634

    well i play games for fun not suffering and annoyance :)

  • Member Posts: 634

    welp im still under the impression that anyone who brings franklins or lightborn is a baby

  • Member Posts: 634

    any survivors who run thayt get no respect either, i dont discriminate trust me

  • Member Posts: 542

    Try giving killer a try and going up against some matches with out lightborn or franklins then come back and let us know if your still having fun, like someone said lightborn is incredible against 3 flashlights the amount of downs or hits you get because they still try to blind you is funny, if your playing hag and there is more then one flashlight then yer you kinda need franklins.

    So do you think its fine that survivors can remove hags traps with a flashlight pretty much removing her of her power in the game ruining the fun for the killer trying to play her, but if they trap your flashlight or item it's wrong because it's taking a small bit of fun away from you even though you can still do gens, loop the killer etc still having some fun compared to a killer that is now forced to walk (has very weak chase) around the map because a item can remove there power.

  • Member Posts: 634

    you bring something to use, you cant use it and frankly i hate builds that do stuff like that, second chance builds, bodyblocking builds, sabo builds, they all suck, yes they have a use but doesnt mean they arent nasty. taking items is annoying because items have an impact and people dont like having to run and pick it up, the real issue comes from trapping the item when the item has probably lost its charges already, its salt in the wound ya know?

  • Member Posts: 634

    nah killers powers shouldnt be negated like that, burning wraith is ok because its easier to avoid. also ill have you know im a huntress main... so yeah i look at walls and bait out flashlights and people typically never get the save, ive probably had 2-4 saves on me because i just wasnt paying attention enough, ive had 4 man squad and i never brought franklins or lightborn and still won without any saves done

  • Member Posts: 5,502
    edited June 2022

    I don't really know. When I pick an item I don't get too attached to it and expect to lose anyways.

    I can understand that it sucks to lose an item before you got to use it, but to call this toxic? No more toxic then going for a flashlight save (denying the killer all their hard work) or running Iron Will which robs the killer of an entire part of their own tool box and with zero counterplay or opportunity to "pick your hearing up again".

    Or cleansing a Hex totem within a minute of the game starting without giving the killer any chance to get value out of it. Is this toxic gameplay?

    You probably don't mean it that way, but this kind of thinking is very un-empathetic and comes off pretty entitled.

  • Member Posts: 634

    my figure of speech is to say i wont be biased towards either side, i know you knew what i meant dude

  • Member Posts: 634

    i mean im entitled to have a fun game and everyone else is, we pay money so its only fair, i dont think its toxivc its just a jerk thing to do for the reason people do it. its like going into a match to camp or tunnel because it will help you win, or going into a match with nurses best add ons or like going into a match with old iri head. most of the time it wasnt an innocent thing you know?

  • Member Posts: 542

    A saying i know "The fun you have will come at the expense of another person unless your willing to make a sacrifice for them to also have fun" in games like this and any pvp games it's very true while one player is having fun the other side will not be, if the killer is having fun chances are survivors are not and if survivors are having fun chances are the killers not.

    Yes most of us paid for the game and want to have fun but that is where it ends for a lot of people as it turns to i want to have fun even at the expense of someone else and both sides are guilty of it.

  • Member Posts: 634
  • Member Posts: 3,219
    edited June 2022

    Sorry, did you ever play with other people in real life? Because yes, you are partly responsible for the fun of the others, otherwise they won´t play with you anymore.

    The fact that online games have a large pool of players who can´t choose not to play with you anymore doesnt make you free of that responisbility, you just choose to ignore it.

  • Member Posts: 336

    I play Insidious Bubba (Insidious, Iron Grasp, Lightborn, and Corrupt Intervention). I also love face-to-face camping while I nod up and down... and I do it for the reactions. Some people love it and others sadly don't.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    Don't give streamers any credit for Franklins Hag. It is to counter flashlights, dont shame people for playing optimally.

    People have been running that long before any twitch streamer was.

    also: Calls Franklins users baby while crying on forums about Franklins

    checks out

  • Member Posts: 336

    Pretty much. I only run Franklin's if I don't have Lightborn unlocked on a specific Killer. Lightborn is Meta for me especially now that more people have discovered the "Scavenger" build. It's guaranteed to pull multiple flashlights with add-ons. Lightborn just saves me the extra headache and I love it when SWF's and Streamers start commenting about how "Lightborn takes the fun out of torturing the Killer."

  • Member Posts: 5,502
  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Hag is widely considered to be the best user of Franklin's yes and it's not toxic it's smart when she gets countered by flashlights and even if there are no flashlights it's capitalizing on survivors over attachment to thier items.

    If you don't care about items the Hag has 3 perks so seems like a fair trade although you could potentially make the argument that out of all killers hag needs perks the least but that's only for the like 12 actually good hag players that exist.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Post in two words: "I don't like something and I'm so salty and arrogant that I'll throw the game for four other people". At least there's understanding that this is immature. It's extremely immature, weak and pathetic.

    One spoiled kid don't like hag, another don't like nurse, third don't like ruin, fourth don't like being first one on hook, etc etc. Now we have disconnects in every second match LITERALLY, SoloQ absolutely unplayable and backfires with only premade SWFs are left.

    Maybe everyone should do it! Survivor experience is a disaster anyway, why not everybody disconnect right from the bat! Every game only up to first hook.

    Every kid is so special and is center of the world, everything revolves around him. My gosh...

  • Member Posts: 225

    That's actually hilarious. I love builds focused on punishing survivor greed.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    In online pvp games you are not responsible to making sure your opponent has fun. If you want dbd games where people are playing for fun, you can set up custom games.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Really because they don't want to deal with being blinded in animations they can't control or just dealing with brought in items. I use Lightborn if I see at least 1 flashlight because I'm not dealing with them or clicky click squads.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    I don't like Hag either, but fortunately I rarely meet her.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    franklins on hag is just a normal thing because flashlights are so strong against her. if seen my fair share of games from really good killer player that get stomped like a 10hr noob because they basicly play a slow m1 killer without any power if even one surv has a flishlight and stalks her. and hag is a trap killer so ofcourse she sets up traps at places people will come to and a item on the ground is a perfekt spot for that why not.

    and no i as a killer am not responsible for your fun because lets be real survs having fun means looping the killer till he leaves the chase and 4e so where comes the fun for the killer? are survs magicly not responsible for the other sides fun?

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I honestly wish they'd just give Hag a looking over, a person playing her optimally is one of the most unfun things in the game, at least with Nurse, she has to actually chase you. Macro Hags with Silent traps? She certainly doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 285

    I am sorry but that build is super fun. And you can crouch to get your item

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited June 2022

    The problem here is that Hag's traps can only be disarmed by an item rather then something like how Trapper's work. You can crouch to negate them but never disarm them. Hag is one of the most hated killers and for very good reason.

    Some might not know this but all players on both sides SHOULD be responsible for the fun of the other. If you can only get enjoyment by causing others misery that's a bit sad. Ultimately if everyone believed they weren't 'somewhat' responsible for the fun of others you would run out of people to torment very quickly. Sure some people will always whine over accidental slights but at the very least don't seek to deliberately cause misery for others. This game makes it far too easy to do it on both sides.

    True playing optimally and taking advantage of the games' mechanics is one thing, but this particular combination is pretty asinine. Overpowered? No, but it is badly designed.

  • Member Posts: 685

    So the survivor has an ability to counter the killer's power, and the killer has the ability to counter the survivor's counter. Both counters require some actual effort to employ.

    What's the problem? You both are "trying to ruin the other's fun" by taking away their abilities. How does one automatically take precedent over the other? The fun at that point should be thwarting the other player's counter through gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    wow just wow.

    Do people read their posts before making them, or do they just come to the forum angry and throw themselves on the floor for a good tantrum.

    "I don't like X, which makes everyone who uses X a jerk to me and justifies my rage quitting over X"

    I like the way you qualify it with "It may be immature" no it IS immature, really really immature.

    "My version of fun trumps all and anytime anything happens in game that I find unfun its a targeted attack on me and I can justifiably quit because how dare you make it unfun for me!".

    Sorry man I didn't get the memo about what types of gameplay you find fun or not, I'll look it up in the next issue of 'Entitled DBD Brat magazine' so I can make sure not to do anything you might find unfun in game if we should end up playing together.

    Yes its snide, but discussions like this should open up the OP to mockery, because last I checked behaving like they are in a public setting was generally frowned upon.

  • Member Posts: 458

    You dont have to go back for the items. you dont NEED the items. Franklins is a perk literally to take away items from survivors and your upset a killers kit can help capitalize on the point of the perk?

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Hags power is literally hard countered by flashlights. If I'm playing Hag and I see flashlights, it's Franklins or dodge.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yes but the OP wanted to use their flashlight and didn't get to, which ruined their fun... shame on you.

    Its like logging into COD and announcing to everyone that I don't like to get shot so nobody is allowed to shoot at me and if they do I'll quit.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    And I don't get to use my medkits against Plague, or Head On against Dredge. It's almost as if different tools have their places, where they're effective and where they're not.

  • Member Posts: 634

    it seems people didnt read my replies XD, i have never said it was toxic or that franklins was bad, it was the build of taking items, why did everyone bring flashlights up? simple they didnt read what i said, i literally said i understand and that her power shouldnt be countered. i also stated that the annoying part is the silent traps on top of it so she can trap the items. it is just annoying to be robbed of my item, i dont run any sweat perks and i rarely run items and only do it when i have a goal in mind, and then the people that cant handle items or flashlights ruin that. like really? lets be real if i can win against 4 toolboxes or 4 medkits im sure everyone else can, if i can never get blinded during save by a clicky squad im pretty sure everyone else can.

    franklins to go against items is a baby thing, its for people who arent confident or just dont want to try as hard to win. knowing how survivors are and how i used to be when i started, i understand and sympathize. i really do. i never knew about flashlight saves and didnt understand why i kept dropping someone when i started, but everyone knows how to avoid it and play the game at a higher mmr, so why be lazy and just avoid it? QoL? well i mean understandable but your quality of life will surely go down when you lose out on good perks just because you A. dont wanna handle items or blinds or B you genuinely worry about those game. i am ok with it being a crutch and im ok with people running those perks, doesnt mean i cant be annoyed, me calling them babies isnt to say it as an insult but mainly to point out a lot of the killers who run it are ones who struggle. also i had a medkit i was going for my adept which sadly ive not had luck, because A. camping killers B. hook glitch that killed me in 2 hooks and C. i didnt wanna deal with an annoying hag that ive already experienced before.

    so this comes back to my first point... NONE OF YOU READ ANYTHING! i go through all the insulting comments, read all of them and listen to what people say, but yet you guys make assumptions about me based off my post and OTHERS comments. My comments are there too, so why not read those and see the misunderstanding? hell yeah im being immature in game, i can be as much as it sucks for my teammates, who also wont enjoy the game, but when i want to have fun and achieve a goal ill do that, if my teammate does it id be upset but id understand because i cant insult someone for caring about their own fun, when thats what i care about. And before anyone gets upset at me more let me say this... i actually apologize to killers and survivors if they dont have fun or they feel like stuff wasnt fair, even if it was a hard match. if a killer chases me too long and they feel gens are too fast i correct them and even give them tips. im not a total immature jerk, but the fact that people instead insult me and others for our thoughts automatically instead of correcting us or discussing goes to show how people like you are actually the most immature.

    so if you wanna say im in the wrong go ahead, but at least read my comments and talk to me like an adult and not a kid please, i dont want a bad time on the forums and to give people the wrong impression about me.

  • Member Posts: 458

    there is no perk in the game that you NEED to win. It logically doesnt follow to imply that unless your new you shouldnt play with franklins because that exact same logic can be applied to every other perk in the game.

    You can win without info perks, you can win without gen regression, you can win without blindness perks but every perk has its place for a huge variety of playstyles and situations.

    Franklins is helpful for hit and run killers who get hurt badly by 2-4 medkits

    franklins is helpful for anyone who doesnt want to deal with non stop flashlight blinds while stuck in a pick up animation

    franklins is helpful for anyone who wants to try and take out toolboxes before they get used on gens

    or for anyone who enjoys trying to counter one of the tools in the survivors toolbox.

    Do you have a problem with the doctor perk(cant remember its name) that has your items get used up 2x as fast when by the killer?

    your not being taken seriously because this complaint of your is to be frank ridiculous.

    when it comes down to it, it seems like your just upset that a killer countered one type of playstyle and you didnt like it. My dude, this entire game is around builds that counter various playstyles even if you can win without countering some particular playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    You keep calling Franklins something a baby killer uses but are clearly getting upset that it was used despite the fact you are saying the killer was bad.

    And flashlights hard counter hags power. Hag has a very good reason to bring franklins to remove flashlights from the equation.

    And if she's trapping items, that's a trap not at a loop. Meaning if you don't go back for the item she wasted a trap. You just need to learn to adapt.

    Also you expect killers to cater for your fun but you are fine if a survivor does something that ruins your fun. Which is just hypocritical.

    Also you literally said you are being immature and want people to treat you like an adult. That's not how you get people to treat you like an adult.

    You really need to get over your own entitlement over what perks and addons killers choose to build. It's fine if you don't like playing against certain things but understand this is a pvp game and you don't have a choice what to play against. You need to learn to suck it up and move on. Play the game out and be a good sport don't just start insulting your opponent for playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Just a heads up regarding hag and franklins:

    The good hags do not run franklins to get rid of items or to make the experience unfun for survivors.

    The Hag wants people in her web and a trap ontop of an item often leads to the survivor entering hags web again.

    The main playstyle of Hag is to set up a danger zone and create points of interest for survs with a time limitation (which is what a trap ontop of an item is)

    Everything which makes survs run back into hags web is worth using and adds a ton to her strategy

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Mate Hag is just super unfun no matter what happens. Add-ons are annoying and all builds are annoying.

    The more you face her, the more you'll realise just how boring she is.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    A hag that allows flashlights to be used at all is not a good hag. You've just lost your entire web because the survivors burned the traps away.

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