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How do I survive my matches?

Scenario A: run killer, few gens pop & it's a facecamp or tunnel

Scenario B: I get left on hook to die even when Killer isn't camping

Scenario C: Teammate goes down first 30 seconds & DC's

Scenario D:Team is potato and everyone's crouching

these are what my games look like for the past month. what do I even do? like if it's not this then its that. The only way I could survive my matches is if I run killer all the way till I run out the exit gates which is why I always equip Adrenaline. anyone else get matches like these & how do you go about your matches? It's just no fun for me if I have to try so hard to escape and odds are still I won't live.

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  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Play selfish.

    Find safe gens, use Bill's 3 perks, don't go for risky unhooks, use the hatch if you have to, or open the gates and leave.

    To many survs try to be heroes all the time.

  • Member Posts: 16,659

    Honestly, the biggest improvement would be to play in an SWF. Even if you dont want to use Comms, an SWF would be beneficial, because you would filter out Scenario C and D, which helps a lot. I play with one friend and this means that we both have at least one person to rely on. I cannot bring myself to play with 3 randoms anymore, 2 is often enough and still gets you killed (yesterday I had a 12k hours Survivor in my game who played like they had 12 hours).

    And yes, matches like this are common, sadly. There are evenings where I dont even pip up a single pip, because I gain 4 Pips and then lose them later. But it is what it is, when you dont play in a 4 man-SWF, you will always have randoms who might drag you down (or sometimes even some who carry you).

  • Member Posts: 226

    I'm sorry, I have a friend with that username in other games, so I'm a bit confused right now. Do you perhaps recognize mine?

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Nope. I've used this name for a long long time, started using it in Wow Vanilla, but it came from being a history nerd and enjoying Age of empires 2.

  • Member Posts: 226
    edited June 2022

    If you want to play really selfish to get a win (it truely would be a disgusting stragedie, but I would use at some point too), use mikaela, or just her perk Clairvoyance, find totem, hide, search effectivly for hatch, perish when everyone is dead. Your teammates would hate you, but you won. It does work, though me being last survivor was accidently at that point, were I tried it.

    But it test the waters first. Would be pretty bad if you abondened a team that's decent.

    Post edited by Metronix on
  • Member Posts: 226

    Ah, ok. Then it's just a coincidence. Sorry for bothering you and have a nice day :)

  • Member Posts: 500

    "Play in SWF or get #########."

    -The devs, probably.

  • Member Posts: 454

    the player base sucks now :// what happen to all the gamers

  • Member Posts: 454

    I wish but I hop on random times so it'd be hard to find a consistent SWF.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I want someone to carry me :(( no more baby crouchers.

  • Member Posts: 226

    Absolutly, but you asked how you win, not how to have fun ^^

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    I suggest using information perks or perks to help you in the chase.

    When my MMR was low and could barely escape, I used Adrenaline and Resilience alot.

    I remember being in the dying state until everyone was dead. I crawled up to the exit gate and waited for the killer to close the hatch.

    The second that happened, I rushed to open the gate and managed to escape in time.

    Always use the perks that will help you in the moments where you are having the hardest time. It will help you a lot.

    My tips;

    Pay attention to how your team plays and play accordingly.

    Try to finish a gen before anyone is getting hooked.

    If it's safe to group up, repair a gen with another teammate but ignore them if they are looking to do something else afterwards (example, looking for a boon or chest).

    Don't commit to one gen that you can't finish. If the Killer is somewhere around chasing someone, there is a chance that they saw you and they know where to find you later on.

    If the gen is no way near to 80% or 90%, it's better to go somewhere else until it's safe to go back to that gen.

    Pay attention to the situation the killer is in. By how many gens are left and their locations, as well as who is in death hook and need to stay safe from injury.

    Bring a map or medkit to stay on the safe side from hexes and heals when no one can help.

  • Member Posts: 176

    That, came back to the game after a months timeout and every solo q has been a loss, not worth the time or effort. Think the game is pretty much done now for survivors, best bet is to switch to killers before the survivor base drops off and get a few easy bp’s.

    Good to see the devs have seriously put time and effort in fixing solo q issues though /s

  • Member Posts: 734

    Find a swf to raise your mmr a bit. If you keep having potato teammates, then it seems like you just need a small boost in the mmr bracket to get somewhat competent teams. I usually play soloq and some games I might get questionable teammates, but most of my games seem okay.

  • Member Posts: 225

    I tend to use aura-reading perks, usually Kindred and Empathy. Kindred makes sure your teammates know whether or not someone is coming for the save, and Empathy lets you tell if/where your teammate is getting chased and whether you have to be on lookout for the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 454

    yeah I give up on Solo Q but it's all I play when I'm on DBD ;((

  • Member Posts: 454

    would that make a difference though?? I give up on this MMR system

  • Member Posts: 155

    ITs Solo-que. I did post before about this ... Playing solo-que survivors can be frustrating sometimes. Not telling how strong camping and tunneling is against solo survivors.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Tbh just stop caring. I did that and I only go for WGLF stacks now and try to get longer chases in my games. You simply CAN'T play to "win" (in terms of raising MMR cause hatch escape doesn't increase your MMR) in soloq cause of the reasons you already listed.

  • Member Posts: 734

    Although I may have some games that just feel impossible because of how my teammates are playing, generally, my games are much better than what they were a year ago. Although, there were many changes that happened between the change of rank to mmr system, generally I feel less frustration with my teammates than I did when I would get stuck in purple/green rank hell. I would get banished to suffer in mid-purple rank where my teammates would be either purple or greens with killers anywhere between green to red. It was much more painful than where I sit now with mmr. Most of my games last night were relatively chill, but again after a year of playing I have also became much better at looping and running tiles. It might not help a lot, but at least in my experience I'm not getting potato survivors every game, so that's why I think it could be just what mmr is matching you with.

  • Member Posts: 454

    seems like the right approach. It just hurts the experience even more LOL

  • Member Posts: 696

    Solo queue: Sometimes you have to be selfish. Don't initiate a chase with the killer if you don't have to. Focus on objective first, do at least 2 gens, find and destroy totems even if they aren't hexed. If you're at second hook state, do NOT initiate a chase unless you are sure you have a chance to escape. Your overall goal is to escape, even if that means leaving others behind. You still win.

    SWF: Same as solo but coordinate with your team because you can play a bit more freely and less selfishly. You can initiate a chase with the killer as a distraction if you wish because of team coordination. Always bring Borrowed Time.

    Overall: Focus on main objective by completing gens. If one person isn't doing gens, that can be detrimental to your survival. If killer is in sight, run. Don't take a risk unless you know you can rely on your teammates. In solo queue, I usually let them take chase with the killer first to determine this. If they are good at looping and don't go down quickly, I focus on a gen or a totem if I find one. If someone get's hooked, only 1 person should go for the save unless the killer is proxy or face camping. Then you need at least 2, or all 3 of you. But in solo queue, I have to weigh the risk of helping. If the killer starts slugging, then I just do a gen. Once complete, I go to save one of the survivors in dying state. Usually by then that can take a second if they recover while waiting. If they didn't, then I play as selfishly as I can so I can at least get hatch.

    Finally, in solo queue, I NEVER troll the killer, because I know that could mean I get facecamped or we all get slugged and bleed out. It's happened plenty of times in games I've played, even when I was playing nicely. Remember, in solo queue, you're basically unsure who your teammates are, and how well they can play. I've realized that if they are trolling the killer, they are frustrating them as well in most scenarios. If I start doing the same thing, I am very likely not going to survive. What I mean by trolling is spam clicking your flashlight, spamming fast vaults early/mid game, or lockers. Of course I'll do this end game if I want to get their attention to get other survivors out, but I do it a few times. Any more and it becomes annoying. Sure, some killers are chill, but not all, and you never know. So I come back to the idea that figuring out what risks to take is crucial to your survival, don't troll the killer, be selfish if you have to, do at least 2 gens, and just have fun.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Obviously playing with a SWF, would be ideal, but missing that, you can try a few strategies to improve your solo chances.

    Mostly play for yourself. Spec ops claudette and an inconspicuous playstile goes a long way (don't confuse with overly cautious players).

    From that you need to get a feel of your teammates before deciding what you will be doing.

    Don't draw aggro unless you know your teammates can mount a decent rescue (yes this means early avoiding the killer).

    Rescue when it's safe. Always (always) bring kindred.

    Don't rely on them for heals. CoH or a medkit will help you stay standing.

    Unless you're going for hatch every match, respond to your teammates capabilities. If they are doing gens, then do draw aggro, but play safely. If they last more than 30 seconds on chased, then do gens. If they suck all around, then leave them to their luck and escape alone.

    Overcome is the superior exhaustion perk for solo survival. Paired along lightweight, deception or iron will it can help you dissappear very effectively after a hit, assuming spec ops claudette. This fairly important to get more value from from weak teammates as it allows you to draw aggro intermittently, wasting a lot of killer time while remaining reasonably safe.

    My go to build is actually kindred, iron will, overcome and deception/lightweight and a medkit and my overall experience has improved greatly when trying to survive.

  • Member Posts: 7,777
    edited June 2022

    There are a lot of nuances and even scummy self-preservation tactics required for solo play that a lot of players aren't even considering/are completely unaware of.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    I run Wake Up to play around scenarios C and D. There are games where dcs happen or games where the matchmaker somehow found the 3 worst DbD players queued up in your region. It's clear there's absolutely no chance that the gens will get done, so start planning for the doors.

    A and B are tougher. DS can buy some time, but a killer who eats current DS isn't going to be dissuaded from tunneling by DS. It takes dedication and intent to eat DS these days. Tunnel now or tunnel later, but I think there are better perks.

    Same with Kindred. Generally speaking, it's placebo. You're either in a position where you should save or you're not. But there's only about a 50% chance that a survivor who needs Kindred to tell them to save will make full use of the info. It can tell someone on a gen across the map to come get me, but that's exacerbating a problem created by the other players who are closer and doing nothing.

    The solutions to A and B are a mix of you and your teammates. I'm stealthy to a point in the sense that I rarely get found first. Try to avoid the early camp/tunnel scenario in the first place by moving off of your spawn and splitting from your teammates. Don't take chances in chases. If you go through every map resource at 3 gens, your teammates were exchanging recipes instead of doing the objective. It's on them.

  • Member Posts: 458
  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Don't get caught? (I'm no expert though)

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    In solo queue? With consistency?

    Here's the neat part: you don't ✨

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Do gens and use DH

  • Member Posts: 227

    If you're going to play in the random/solo queue, accept that you're largely going to be on your own, and that you will have to look out for #1, because none of your teammates usually will. There are some who will, but most are either overly altruistic(they want the save points, and they couldn't care less if you get tunnelled and hung right back up), or non-altruistic(they want to start gens and leave).

    Play your game. Play objectives when it fits. Work with the team when you can(and when they actually will work with you). Play altruism when it fits. Look for a build that allows you to be stealthy(I use Urban Evasion, Iron Will, Premonition, Distortion). If the other three Survivors are going to be dorks, there is no shame in amassing whatever points you can, and then playing for the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I guess maybe I haven't come around to this playstyle?? I blame MMR for making players play this way smh. I miss when randoms in Solo Q would do everything to get everyone out the gates. guess its just not the case in todays game ://

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Devs should just add a new game mode that's balanced around all 4 survivors dying on their first hook, since that's how so many of my matches play out, anyway. Either my teammates don't save me or they farm me; both have the same result.

  • Member Posts: 454

    yeah it wouldn't be bad if it was once in a while but no it's literally happening every game & yes we need more game modes!!

  • Member Posts: 227

    Yeah, I've been playing since early 2018, and I'm not sure it ever was the case. If it was, then you're right, it is no longer true. There are some odd games where I happen to get plopped into a group of Survivors that are actually interested in team play, but it has always been a rarity in my experience. And I'm pretty much always solo queue...I don't like to play SWF very much. To me, voice comms really ruin it.

    But yeah, again, a good stealth build like my 'Nea The Ninja' build that I mentioned above can really change things. Also, forget about the shiny, poofy cosmetic outfits that make you a neon sign for Killers. They're deathtraps. I stick with darker colored, Plain Jane-type outfits that help me blend in. Use that in combination with using the geography of the map to your advantage. Most maps have lots of little nooks and crannies that come in real handy I've had Killers walk right past me, multiple times in a match, and never catch me even though I was literally hiding in plain sight, because they probably didn't think to look in that spot for a Survivor. It can be surprising, sometimes, at how observant a lot of Killers are NOT....

  • Member Posts: 454

    but the nice cosmetics are always ones that pop out :(( hmmm maybe Urban Evasion is meta??

    I agree also, when I tried SWF with randoms on PS it was weird... they would get tilted and mad and would kill all the energy in the party chat.

    It is actually funny when killer walks past you and your not hidden or in plain sight LOL

  • Member Posts: 226

    It's a win for the MMR system and Tome challanges. It counts es "escape" and the question was "How do I survive my matches?". That's the question I tried to answer.

  • Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2022

    You don't.

    Both on killer and survivor side, there's always random bullcrap on either side that is basically impossible to counter, despite how well you played. This is why I hate the idea of trying to make DBD look like a "competitive" game, when there's so many random factors that can mess up your win.

    Don't take a loss too seriously, it's why I don't really get that upset when I get E key'd to the oblivion and lose or when I get camped or tunneled and die/lose. It's all random uncounterable garbage in the game that you can't do anything about.

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