What Survivor Meta perk do you hate most and why

KingSiege45 Member Posts: 138

What Survivor Meta perk do you hate most and why 92 votes

Decisive strike
F60_31GlamourousLeviathansyainINoLuvAbrichaem[Deleted User] 6 votes
Dead Hard
rooCraahGibberishCamoRangerBlueberryKaanaSchinderellaTapeKnotanarchy753SkeletalEliteBelzher[Deleted User]MrPenguinRoboMojoEnderloganYTHellraisingPredatorbjorksnas[Deleted User]MaxwellAwkward_Fiendcheetocultleader 54 votes
Plsfix369 1 vote
DoritoHeadHexDevourAvocadoJinxedqnyun 4 votes
Iron Will
JaviiMii 1 vote
Borrowed Time
Sprint Burst
Elcopollo 1 vote
Boon Circle of Healing
Seiko300musstang62TunnelVisionMattie_MayhemOGValikoskar0chFilthyLegionMainGreyBigfootFobboDhurl421ThatOneDemoPlayerGarlicRicesizzlingmario4DredgenWar237PetforcesMarik1987MoraFlexKingSiege45i3lindCookie_Des_Lys 22 votes
dugmanEntitled_survivorChiky 3 votes


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910
    Dead Hard

    If they could fix Dead Hard the game would be 10 times more fun that it is now.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    Sprint Burst

    It's just plain annoying. You find a guy in a deadzone, you think "gottem", but then he sprints and you turn out to be the one who gets gottemed.

    And not many run it, so you can't even predict it to begin with. Everything else on this list just feels like basekit at this point.

  • PrincessBubblegum
    PrincessBubblegum Member Posts: 27
    Dead Hard

    How bout this Dead Hard change?

    You get always one stack if u get injured for Dead hard that u can use it. (up to 3 stacks)

    This would kinda fix the problem that Dead hard is 24/7 useable if u are injured and would put a little cap into it.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    Boon Circle of Healing

    Dead Hard sucks.. A lot, but if CoH got nerfed, Dead Hard wouldn't be as bad since you wouldn't get punished for leaving chase anymore

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 471
    Dead Hard

    Dead Hard is the most annoying in the list. CoH is too but they can't use in the middle of the chase right when you're about to down them.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    people sayind dead hard LOL cope... i play killer and idgf if they run dead hard its annoying but CoH makes it impossible to play hit and run... split pressure by injuring multiple survivors is useless...

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825
    Dead Hard

    DH because of survivors using it for distance.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Blast Mine. It's not even really useful for the survivor, it really just slows you down a few seconds at most, but it's super annoying kicking a gen and then POW blinded! It just feels like such a prank type of effect, like it's trolling the killer just for laughs.

    Head On is probably a runner up for similar reasons. Again, it's not actually that great a perk, but it's annoying when you get hit by a Head On play because it feels like "yep, should have seen that coming". 🤦‍♂️

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541
    Dead Hard

    this is a competitive game. You play competitive games to feel rewarded for playing better than your opponent. Dead hard not only fails to reward skill on a survivor's part (it rewards them for being in scenarios they should avoid if you ask me) but it takes the feeling of accomplishment AWAY from the killer. The worst of this is how dead hard completely negates certain killer powers entirely. (sorry Trapper, dead hard exists so you get no joy in hearding a survivor into your trap) even if dead hard gave you distance OR invulnerability it would be hellishly overused and it does BOTH. If you played killer before this perk existed what was it like? I'll never know such joy.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    edited March 2022
    Boon Circle of Healing

    I think my Dead Hard brothers are failing to see the big picture.

    Dead Hard gives an invisible health state to survivors when used correctly. By baiting out a swing, or making it to a loop - you rob the killer of a down and continue on. It's 1 free health state IF used correctly.

    Circle of healing can give an infinite number of heals and make healing allies nearly twice as fast. God forbid they have health kits too. I've had an entire 4 man team of survivors wounded only for 3 of them to get healed within 15 seconds of them all taking protection hits for a hook.

    The worst part is that there's no repercussion. There is no cooldown, there is no limit, the totems don't even break when snuffed.

    Chases can last about 32 seconds or so, if the survivor takes 16 seconds to hit. It takes survivors 16 seconds to be healed by a team, or 32 to self heal with Self Care. Health states need time and resources - it's 16 seconds to be healed by a teammate, and the only time you can heal yourself without finite resources is with a perk. The time of each survivor used to heal is 16 seconds - which means the cost for a health state for survivors should be 32 seconds time and/or resources. Balanced so far. Medkits can take 16 seconds for a self heal, but are limited. Inner healing can restore a health state faster, but requires 14 seconds of cleansing and finite resources. Everything checks out.

    Boon: Circle Of Healing takes 14 seconds to bless a totem.

    Subsequent, infinite heals take less time than before.

    20 seconds to self-heal with the totem. (Faster than 32 and needs no resources)

    ~9 seconds to heal with a medkit or teammates (7 seconds faster than a normal healing process)

    If 3 teammates have a healing party WITHOUT COH, it would take them a little over 30 seconds to heal everyone up to full. (~10 seconds a person, took the time of 3 people, balanced)

    WITH COH they can all 3 be healed with only 15 seconds. (5 seconds per person!)

    The value of COH is exponential depending on how long it stays up. The initial 14 seconds it took to install the totem is almost equal to the killer time it would take to snuff it. If it took the killer 5 seconds to walk to the totem, snuff it, then walk back - the value of time already had value.

    The worst thing is that these healing techniques do not trade health states or resources, only time. Each health state must be equal in flat time to how much a killer must expend to re-acquire it in a fair chase.

    However, what you can do for fun, here's a simple calculation to determine the flat value of the perk in terms of survivor time saved on healing per investment. V = ( B x [ S x 20 ] ) + { [ NPSH x 20 ] + [ PSH x 5 ] + [ TH x 6 ] } - [ (B x 14) / H ]

    B is how many times the totem was blessed in the match. H is how many times survivors used the boon totem to aid in healing of any kind. this will show you how much flat time the survivors saved by using this perk.

    NPSH is 'No Perk Self Heal' for allies that use the perk to heal without the aid of an item or perk. PSH is for those who use a medkit or perk to heal within the Boon's radius. And TH is for altruistic healing, which - on average - is done 6 seconds faster.

    REMEMBER - that in most cases, the killer has to take several seconds through the course of the trial to walk to the toem and snuff it. While snuffing only takes a second, it scarcely happens next to a hook or in chase - so the killer is wasting time they could have spent pressuring or chasing in order to go to the totem and return. S is how many times the killer snuffed the totem. If the killer only needed to take 2 seconds to walk to the totem - then 2 to walk back from it, this calculation is fair and average. The killer's time is 4x more valuable than survivors in this sense, and so for each time the killer left chase, left the hook, left the generator, or left their vantage point to snuff the totem - survivors are usually netting a total of 20 seconds of shared time between everyone, and that's if the totem is nearby. This is a lenient number.

    Here's and example:

    Match against a trapper, survivors hit gens early as he sets up.

    Gets into chase with the perk holder, but they get away.

    Survivor blesses a totem - healed themselves, team takes hits as they do gens.

    Killer comes back looking for survivors, finds the boon it is snuffed.

    It's quickly blessed it again, and the entire team heals there for a reset.

    A chase ensues and a survivor is downed with another injured.

    The team picks up the survivor to full health. before the killer downs and hooks another and snuffs the totem.

    Gens fly, but the ally is unhooked and protection hits are traded. Our main survivor manages to get the boon off, but is chased away before they can heal.

    3 survivors escape injured and 1 survivor uses the totem and their medkit to heal themselves before taking a hit on the way out.

    The perk has shown its incredible value in this situation, denying chases - providing cavalier protection hits, denying a hook - and denying a kill altogether at the end.

    With our calculation, we come to this

    V = ( 3 x [ 2 x 20 ] ) + { [ 2 x 20 ] + [ 1 x 5 ] + [ 6 x 6 ] } - [ (3 x 14) / 7 ]

    V = ( 3 x [40] ) + { [ 40 ] + [ 5 ] + [ 36 ] } - [ (44) / 7 ]

    V = (120) + { 81 } - [ 6.2 ]

    V = 194.8

    Circle Of Healing gave the survivors 194.8 seconds of value, with 2 free health states, 1 quick heal, 2 additional distractions, and one full save. Most of this was from the killer wasting time snuffing it only for it to be blessed again.

    Even if the killer never snuffed the totem, the survivors would have gained 79 seconds of value and all the health states involved. If the killer dedicated to more chases instead of snuffing - he ran the risk of the survivors retreating to the totem and forcing a conflict of interest if he wants to waste the time on the totem, or if he will let it accrue more value and health states as he attempts to seize the momentum to his favor.

    Dead hard may extend chases, but it can backfire - and can't be used more than a few times in a match. It can also be baited, and sometimes survivors mess up and get themselves killed with it. It may get up to 16 seconds of value per use if lucky or skilled enough.

    To rival the usefulness of Circle of Healing, the killer must miss on 12 high value dead hard uses in a single match, and all of them must cause either a chase escape, or a greatly prolonged chase that lasts for several more seconds.

    If survivors aren't using Dead Hard super well, or the killer is able to punish them from time to time, and they only get 5 seconds of value out of it on average, then it would take 39 Dead Hard uses in a single match to rival the power of Circle Of Healing.

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2022

    I play both and none of these perks is a problem for me when I play killer.Andrenaline is a perk I consinder powerful because it can cancel a chase and a hook that will take longer during the endgame.I do not play usually with noed but i always commit to a chase when I see that I have one gen left.Obviously I will try to put pressure on the gens,but I wanna make sure that someone will need to go far from exit gates to unhook,which gives me more time to down another survivor.I do not HATE the perk tho.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited March 2022

    I've probably lost to DH and CoH more but that feeling when you have a chance at coming back but then the last gen pops and someone has adren is just


  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262
    Dead Hard

    I chose Dead Hard because I think it's overrated. I will not argue this, lol. I prefer other exhaustion perks over it, or other meta perks in general.

  • i3lind
    i3lind Member Posts: 4
    Boon Circle of Healing

    Mid elo player here and also a survivor main, recently turned dual-role player, so understand this when I'm talking about the game.

    DH you just expect and roll your eyes when you see their stupid little dash come out. I rarely run it on survivor out of principle. I think it's cringey that the perk is so meta you're almost trolling by NOT taking it. Though that's my opinion, what I ACTUALLY wanted to comment on was Circle of Healing.

    I agree with you 100% in it feeling foolish to not have the totem break when snuffed. Even if a killer runs nothing but hexes, there is one left for CoH, which is Self-Care on steroids, and I still have to find it. That's a solid heal or two before I render it obsolete, just as NOED or Ruin would be rendered obsolete. I was actually unaware that snuffing it didn't break the totem (I've never ran in on survivor), and had an embarrassing match where I found out first hand that was not the case. Snuffed a boon on Macmillan 3rd floor thinking it was the end of it. Egg on my face... 🤦‍♂️

  • i3lind
    i3lind Member Posts: 4
    Boon Circle of Healing

    I forgot to add I wouldn't mind more totems being placed on maps to make room for Hexes, Boons, and cleansing. My shallow opinion.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    Dead Hard

    Dead Hard because a 3rd Health State across 4 Survivors multiple times a game is objectively unfair, no matter how you try and look at it.

    It rewards M2 Killers like Bubba but is a big fat slap across the face of every M1 Killer, who are already usually the weakest Killers in the game.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Dead Hard

    Circle's definitely much more powerful, but DH gets on my nerves more

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Boon Circle of Healing

    More than fair. I even agree with you at this point.

    Ever since they dropped CoH down to 0.5 instead of 0.75 it's been a lot less as powerful.

    Where my previous example had just shy of 200 seconds of value, the perk in its current state would grant less than 120 seconds of value in the same circumstance. Powerful, but 40% less potent overall.

    Survivors have been pampered and boosted by the perk, which is the singular most annoying part of its existence.

    When you see a survivor use it - you basically have them saying to you "I am unskilled and don't deserve to be here, but because this broken mechanic exists, I win."

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230
    edited June 2022
    Dead Hard

    I would like to see how Dead Hard would work if you can't immediatly vault a window or drop a pallet right after using it

  • rooCraah
    rooCraah Member Posts: 138
    Dead Hard

    On killers where usiong your power results in either downing the survivor if successful or losing a lot of time if you miss (Pig's ambush at pallets, Twins' pounce, Huntress hatchet especially if it's your last one, Demogorgon's pounce(but mainly Pig's ambush)) Dead Hard is just a "get out of being outplayed free card"

    Worst part is I could have also listed Blight and Nurse, but those two killers are not only so strong that they don't mind DH, but they can blink/rush to the survivor without attacking if they expect DH and chain a second blink/rush once it's gone. If you're playing Pig and relying on ambush to down someone at a pallet, you don't have any choice other than let the survivor get away because of their perk.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 897

    All of them. Decisive Strike is the most annoying to me, but The book healing thing and DH are also annoying.

    Also, whichever perk is that gets them 100% healed after they get unhooked and are running away (they don't need to stop to get healed). That one is ridiculous.

    Or the one that gives them an extra health is so absurd I don't get how it even exists (but not the one that makes their life yellow, one that you hit them and they receive no damage at all)...

    And idk if it's an actual perk or I've been playing against several hackers lately or it's a perk of the new survivor (because i've only been seen it recently, especially since last week) , but the "perk" that let the survivor unhook themselves in the second hook state feels like cheating and shouldn't exist...

  • DredgenWar237
    DredgenWar237 Member Posts: 85
    Boon Circle of Healing

    Dead Hard is a pain in the d*, but at least it can be baited and outplayed. Boon: Circle of Healing can't be countered unless you waste a perk slot for Shattered Hope, but even then, the time it takes to go over there can cost you a 3-gen if it's far enough away. If you want a full explanation, go check out Pixel Bush's video on it.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    Dead Hard

    circle of healing got too many nerfs that survivors barely bother equipping it anymore and they went back to self care/medkits instead. plus the buffs to sloppy, hemorrhage and the abundance of legions make it even less appealing and now you have a perk to counter it if it's too common in your matches.

    coh is no longer as powerful as dead hard

    still an issue? yeah maybe but it's far from it's former glory.

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 349
    Dead Hard

    That wouldnt solve the problem that Deadhard has. It would still be the same strenght. You use it anyway when you get injured. So whats the big deal ? You heal up with COH and get your Deadhard back once you get injured again.

  • DredgenWar237
    DredgenWar237 Member Posts: 85
    Boon Circle of Healing

    That is true. I, despite the nerfs, still hate it. If there was no self-care and they revert the last nerf, upping the healing speed a tad, I think it would be perfect. The only reason it's as powerful as it is is because of that self-care due to the gen economy. If you're in chase with someone and someone else is healing at the boon, that's two people still working on gens while you chase this other person. Without it, there would only be one person on gens, as there would need to be one healer healing the injured person. Those two little changes would make the perk so much better to fend against.

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 349
    Dead Hard

    I still think the best DH nerf, would be to take away a Survivors Ability to Vault a Window or Pallet or throw down a Pallet for a few seconds after using it. That way there is no more E for Distance to the next Pallet while still keeping the Counterplay to Nurse + Blight since the rest stays the same.

    The only possibility to use a Pallet is if someone else throws it, but that will be 2 People not sitting on a gen.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375
    Boon Circle of Healing

    This perk just breaks hit and run which broke a lot of killers.