I feel like Jane is the most uncomfortable survivor

I mean in the way of play with,against or as her no matter what she makes me uncomfortable it's mainly her grunts of pain and when she's hit because it doesn't found like she is hurt it more feels like she enjoys it.
I feel like one of devs originally wanted Jane to be a **** actress but since I highly doubt your allowed to they just went with a talk show host but kept her basically moans of pain in over all Jane is just an uncomfortable survivor because of her noises.
Yeah, 100% agree. Her grunts of pain and cries when getting hit sound questionable.
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For myself Iron Will is compulsory on her same with David however with Jeff I just embrace the big Jeff noises ooohhaa whaaooo arrgh, no iron will can silence him
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Nah its Cybil, she sounds as if the audio was taken out of an adult movie, its really awkward.
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Claire players would like to have a word with you lmao
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Can't have a proper slasher without a bit of lewdness in there.
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What the-
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Kindly, what
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Are you sure, you mean the right survivor? Others are... louder.
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Haha what the #########
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I agree, i feel the same way with Claire.
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Sometimes Janes grunts of pain sound like a chicken to me
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Oh yeah
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Try Jill, you won't be questioning yourself, she definetely enjoy it :)
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Omfg, laughed way too hard at this 💀
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Don't judge her. Maybe she likes the pain 😅
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many of the sounds are purposefully erotic.
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Can you provide evidence for your claim? Or did I miss the joke?
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See thread.
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??? I did since it was up in the forum. That does not answer anything. 😅
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She's got nothing on Myers.
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That's why I love Big Booty Judy she makes using Demo so fun lmao
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Everyone knows Dwight's love receiving pain and dealing it and let's not get started with how Doc sounds when he is slammed.
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Feng realllllllllllly enjoys touching bones
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I love the sound Dwight makes when the killer picks him up. He sounds like "How dare you?!" 😂
Most females grunts of pain are super annoying to listen to and I always run IW on them. Never would run IW on Leon tho - or James. Their grunts of pain are... perfect 😏
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What about Spirit she sounds very sus when she gets slammed too.
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Doc is just deranged and behaves eratically. Instead of being ticked off, like for example huntress, he just roles with it and probably finds it genuinely funny.
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That dosnt sound like a laugh that sounds like a laugh mixed with a moan 🤣
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Sorry for making you uncomfortable I guess?
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this is such a weird topic because it makes sense, & i totally get the complaints about it, but it’s also a matter of; if you’re moaning in pain, you’re gonna be moaning & grunting😭
i’d argue claire & sybil players have it MUCH worse.
i get the criticism though, it’s a little… eyebrow raising, especially the first time you hear it
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You guys probably never heard Jonathan Byers vomit sounds against Plague. It was so annoying that I tunneled that guy. No cap
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Yun Jin Lee has the worst sounds. When she is getting carried to the hook it makes me laugh evey time. It's almost as if whoever was doing the sounds for her that day was like, "Let's see how funny I can make her sound." Just listen to it all I hear is DUH, UH, DUH lol.
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Ya all forget the very bestest grunts of pain: Pigs indignant pallet stun squeel.
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Second this.
If some have such an issue with an X amount of characters' grunts of pain, maybe get your mind out of the gutter ya know lmao
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You know it
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This thread is proof that DBD players have never touched grass
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More characters should guffaw like the Clown when hit by things.
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Wraith has the best stun noise
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Wraith and Billy sound like cats purring. Not talking about stun noises, just their breathing.
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True well yeah wraith and Myers have cool noises
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Myers being stunned sounds pathetic. Like he is hurting. Totally out of his character.
Ghostface sounds nice. "Siiigh".
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I meant Myers breathing lmao. His stun noise is garbage lmao. Ghostfaces is cool tho
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Pig sounds the cutest when stunned.
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Considering Jane's figure and girlboss personality, i don't think that fact is a particularly hard one to figure out
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In the God forsaken realm of the entity, you gotta find joy and pleasure wherever you can. 😆
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Claire is straight out of a hentai. I have to take IW just to squelch my map wide mating call.
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Lisa Enjoyers
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If it's gonna be a cheryl skin ,,i accept nothing less than a Raid boss Jeryl
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I'm surprised no one mentions Leon here. Like his moans are the most lewd thing you can hear in this game.
There's nothing more weird to listen than multiple Leons healing each other xD