Why YOU should use Aftercare in Solo Que!

Aftercare is once again on the shrine. As a result, I think this post may be relevant again. So, if you've been interested in trying Aftercare, but didn't want to buy Jeff, well perhaps now is your chance! Sorry for not responding to some comments. In truth, I just forgot. I can still respond if those people would want that.
I'd like to preface this by saying that this post is entirely based on the premise of playing in solo que. If you mostly play Survivor in a Survive with friends group (SWF) then this post will have little relevance to you (Feel free to continue reading if you'd like though). Furthermore, Aftercare is one of my favourite perks and I am a Jeff main. As such, I am VERY biased here. Nonetheless, I hope this will be a good showcase for why YOU should use Aftercare in solo que.
First, for anyone who might be unfamiliar with how the perk works, let me just pop this in here.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. Yes you could run Bond and you'd get aura reading on Survivors who are close to you, without any prior effort. However, there are two key aspects to Aftercare that can sometimes go unappreciated. Firstly, the aura reading effect is map-wide (unlike Bond which is only 36 meters). Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, the survivor affected by Aftercare ALSO sees your aura. This is an extremely powerful effect in solo que and I'll explain why.
Let's make a scenario here, let's say that you'd unhooked and/or healed Meg earlier in the trial. Now, Dwight has just been hooked after hiding in a locker for two minutes and he needs help! Without Aftercare in this scenario, you and the Meg may both go for the save. Only to realise once you both get there just how inefficient it was. Alternatively, neither of you go for the save and Dwight hits second state or even dies! However, if you had Aftercare, then you would've seen that Meg was going for the save. As such, you can commit to your generator, knowing that Dwight will be unhooked safe and sound.
You might say, 'couldn't I just run Kindred to get a similar effect with much less effort?' The answer is technically yes, but there is more nuance to this. Aftercare works indefinitely, until you get hooked (I'll talk about this later). Kindred ONLY works when someone is hooked. As such, it can allow for greater efficiency surrounding hook saves, but that's mostly all it does. Aftercare, on the other hand, allows for greater efficiency in almost any situation. Indeed, I'd argue that Aftercare and Kindred have a decent synergy. If you are uninterested in this part of discussion then skip the next paragraph.
The synergy of Aftercare and Kindred: At first, Kindred and Aftercare may seem a bit contradictory, indeed there is some overlap in their effects. However, I'd argue that they have an effective synergy for solo que. Kindred can make up for the lapse in information at the beginning when you haven't had a chance to engage in anything altruistic. Similarly, as I pointed out earlier, Aftercare is disabled upon you being hooked. With the Aftercare + Kindred combo, this is not as detrimental. Kindred works when you need it to, and Aftercare still does it's job. With this combo, you AND your teammates will be much more informed on what is going on in a match. Kindred can still be useful even if you have everyone on Aftercare as Kindred will still show the Killer's aura. Keep in mind by the way that you can totally run two meta perks alongside Aftercare and Kindred. For example, you could run Aftercare, Kindred, Decisive Strike and Dead Hard which would be a pretty solid build. You've got info galore thanks to Kindred + Aftercare, protection against tunnelling with DS and a bit of chase extension with DH. Overall, not a bad build for solo que.
Essentially, the combo improves efficiency across the board and Kindred aids to lessen Aftercare's weaknesses. There most definitely is some overlap in their effects but I still think that the combo is worth a try.
Something worth noting is that while Aftercare does require altruistic actions to trigger on a Survivor, it can also activate if an altruistic action is done on you. This means that Aftercare can often passively come into effect as you play, rather then it being a perk that requires tons of effort to work.
Now, it may be beneficial to compare the pro's and cons of Bond and Aftercare to give a solid comparison.
Bond's Pros:
- Works without any prior effort, slap on the perk and it'll do it's job.
- Can sometimes be a somewhat acceptable alternative to Kindred, provided that you are not the one who has been hooked.
- Synergises very well with open handed.
- Has a limited range. Needs Open handed to get more substantial aura reading.
- Aura reading is only for the person using the perk. Doesn't provide any direct benefit for your teammates.
- Is hard countered by blindness add-ons and perks (That's kind of a non-factor for the most part but it is something to consider).
Aftercare's Pros:
- When activated, provides value to you AND your teammate(s).
- Provides map-wide aura reading, which can be incredibly useful to the team.
- At the beginning of a match, provides no immediate benefit.
- Doesn't lend itself very well to more aggressive, chase oriented playstyles.
- Similarly to Bond, Aftercare is hard countered by blindness add-ons and perks.
In conclusion, is Aftercare the Super Omega Bestest perk? No. Compared to the meta, it can't really compete. At the end of the day though, restricting oneself to only the meta can cause the game to become stale and uninteresting. Spicing up builds and playstyles is what adds replayability! So, if you have Aftercare unlocked, I implore you to try it for a few games. Who knows, maybe it'll become one of your favourites like it did for me.
If you read down this far then I think you deserve the ancient secrets. Here: Jeff naked.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
This involves people playing/buying Jeff to get it. Never going to happen
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The benefits of purchasing Jeff are numerous. We simply need to educate the people of this fact.
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Yea Im not buying Jeff just for this perk. If it gets into shrine I may buy it and try it out
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Trust me I’ve been trying for 2 years to no avail
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I beg you to reconsider. The Jeff lifestyle is like no other. His beauty is vast, and his perks are decentlykindasortamaybeokishandtherforekindofgoodenoughtoplaywithforfunandstuff.
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I’m a Jeff main too. I’m just as sad to know our main is probably the least played original survivor with 1 new cosmetic a year
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Sometimes, the truth can be painful. However, we cannot give up
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Hahahaha yeah but nope, not gonna run it as i like to use many other different perks i like more than his.
And nope the only "meta" perk i use as survivor is dh, the rest i switch around with many different perks 😉
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: ^(
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Aftercare (TM) is a registered trademark of Jeff. Side effects may include headaches, halos around objects or people, a sense of altruism, paranoia and persistent running. Serious side effects may include piercing back pain, consult a physician if accompanied by profuse bleeding and screaming. Aftercare is intended as a survival supplement and is not intended to replace professional medical kits. Before starting Aftercare you must be level 2 and undergo basic Aftercare training with a licensed Aftercare specialist. For more information about Aftercare contact us at Aftercare-Questions@ElJeffe.com .
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I mean, you can invest 9k shards in him if you don't want to dump money on it, Distortion is a good perk too considering it's the only counter to Lethal Pursuer and helps you scout the killer's build
Might I point out that Aftercare is VERY useful when someone is in chase as well, both for you AND your teammates, because if someone is chased and they know you are working on a gen in the main building, they can avoid looping there to not hinder your progress
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Who's gonna invest shards on Jeff when they could work towards getting that toxic Nea skin they've been always wanting?
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You forgot to mention the hair growth side effect
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I believe that Phasmamain is, as a matter of fact, a Jeff main themselves. They most likely were referring to other people who aren't enlightened. However, you are right. Shards can work as well.
Indeed, Aftercare's potential uses are honestly hard to measure. Sometimes, it provides tons of value to the team, but you wouldn't know it unless they specifically said so.
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Got a good chuckle out of that one. Thanks.
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Or the devs should make solo queue more bearable by deleting blindness and giving more auras basekit
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But.. but my kerosene can :(
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In his infinite wisdom, Jeff graciously bestowed upon us mere mortals, the gift of Aftercare. Yet, you now seem to be ungrateful? Disgraceful!
In all seriousness, that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon. Aftercare is a break from the typical meta stuff and it does make up for the typical lapse of communication in solo que somewhat. That's why I'm trying to encourage people who normally hate solo que to at least try it. We shouldn't have to supplement errors in the game's design with perks, but for now, we do. If Aftercare, in some shape or form, was made base-kit then that could be a nice change. Although I can't see that happening.
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Well of course you'll buy Jeff only AFTER buying the toxic Nea skin
Priorities are important, man
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But why break my typical meta of Blast Mine/Head On/Flashbang/Quick and Quiet?
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Tbh i think its fair to remove the aura loss, its not particularly game breaking as you have to earn it anyway
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By the time you grind up the shards for Jeff, they announce another toxic Nea skin, or maybe even a toxic skin for Meg/Feng/Claudette/Dwight.
It's a vicious cycle for those who have yet to reach Jeff.
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Aftercare is one of those perks I like to see my teammates run, but not myself. Kindred/Aftercare is okay, but I think Kindred/Spine Chill is better. Info on the Killer is more important.
Maybe if you didn't lose Aftercare upon being hooked, I would consider running it. Good post, though.
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I agree with using aftercare with kindred rather than just on its own. I have said this in the past that for solo queue kindred and aftercare work well together.
You get some bonds established using aftercare and when you are hooked you lose them, but kindred gives you one last burst of info. Very nice.
The problem will be to encourage survivors to use aftercare though, and I'm pretty sure kindred works well enough on its own for people to run just that.
The only issue I have with using aftercare on its own is the playstyle you should have when using it. If you want to keep all your aftercare connections, you have to not get hooked. This hurts the team as a whole since your team would die faster if you don't, but if you do then you lose the powerful aura reading. However as I wrote this I think there part where you lose your bonds it is actually not that bad.
Think about it, since you get one aura on a teammate for any altruistic action completed this means that if hooked you are still guaranteed one aura read. Even one aura read can help a lot, it might even help you find more teammates. Another thing, if you happen to be healed by two teammates you can get two auras done at one time.
Post edited by Yords on1 -
I agree knowing where your team is at all times is important so BAN SWF!
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My only problem with all of this is that while information perks make solo queue infinitely more bearable the problem is perk space. When it comes to solo queue I need a perk that is going to give me the most bang for my buck and for that I just feel like Kindred is almost always your best bet. It let's everyone see each other when it's most important as well as reveals the killer when they're around the hook and only one survivor needs to bring it tbh.
That and camping/tunneling renders Aftercare completely useless
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I love running it with Autodidact and Solidarity.
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Even if i had 5 perk slots i wouldn't run it over other info perks. I'll just stick to Kindred as an info perk if i even use it, there's so much better options than stacking info perks nowadays, seems pointless to me wasting slots on them. I never see myself replacing DS or Iron Will for aftercare, the info that it gives is almost irrelevant most of the time anyways. And the fact that this perk depends on the killer not hooking you to be useful.
I would definetly use it over Kindred (not stacked with it) on altruistic builds if they buffed it that you don't lose the effects after you get hooked.
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Aftercare is ok. I think it’s sub-par because it requires interaction with other survivors that may not happen. Some games I don't get to interact with everyone. And whatever positives you do get from Aftercare gets completely erased once your hooked. Then you have to start over and your chances with interacting with everyone again gets smaller as the trial progresses. I find Bond/Kindred + openhanded more informative/better value. You get the same info at almost the same distance (Kindred gives you the same), instantly. Teammates get the benefit of Open Handed as well, so its worth the extra perk slot.
I always felt Aftercare effects should remain permanent for you, and only erased for the others if they are hooked.
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Don't know if I'm sold on switching out a perk slot for it, but mad respect for the well-formatted & articulated longform argument.
You certainly got me from outright dismissing it as a definitively bad perk to considering the upsides & curious how well it would pan out for me.
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I love Aftercare, but the only reason I don't use it is because you lose it when you get hooked.
I may be wrong, but I don't recall any other perks that require you to meet certain conditions to activate and then deactivates once you get hooked. Feels like an unecesarry drawback for a perk that isn't that strong in the first place. It's like if you lost all your Autodidact stacks if you got hooked. Both are perks that are alright at best once they reach their max potential.
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No excuses now, lol.
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But muuuum, I am saving shards for new chapter :(
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Get Aftercare or I'm kicking you out.
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Ok ######### it then, I will buy it and new survivor will wait until shards get back
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I'm glad. You're making the right choice. However, never forget this wisdom from Demi.
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Why would I need to see survivor auras? I already know they are running directly to the generator im working on, prethrowing every pallet on the way.
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You mean hiding in a bush at the corner of the map?
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I love Jeff, but even when he runs with iron will he is so loud it gets annoying. I wish they'd do something about that.
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I almost prefer urban evaders over bad loopers lol. Atleast they won't waste any resources and they are cute. Also bad loopers tend to teabag more than others for some reason XD.
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I main him and Jane so honestly I’ve gotten used to it. Being injured with those 2 is a death sentence
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Apologies if this is annoying but I'm just gonna comment here so the post shows up again. It's on the shrine again so it is relevant.
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Bonds just better, straightforward, no whacky criteria, helps new players learn the game and experienced players read the game
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People don't even pay attention to Kindred, what good Aftercare would do?
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The biggest con for me is that you lose all your stacks when you get hooked. I'm not gonna spend all match obsessing over heals and unhooks that I may or may not get just to lose the aura reading seconds later. I've also learnt from running Empathic Connection for the Triage achievement that people take seeing your aura as a sign that they should run straight at you in a chase and try to offload the killer onto you, especially if your gen is nearly done. I'll take Bond any day, then I get to make the decision of what I do with the information, whether it be to avoid or co op.
Also, good luck getting the average survivor to drop their 4 second chance perks.
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Any chance you were playing nea with aftercare yesterday? More specifically against a bubba and on gas heaven?
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Aftercare is so underrated I love using it with Autodidact
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My issue with Aftercare is that it resets on being hooked. If it was just cumulative throughout the match, like an earn your own aura reading sort of deal, I'd love it.