ONE mistake cost the whole game . . .

Often times, games are lost because of many wrong choices made throughout the game (this goes for Killer and Survivor). But have you ever played a game where ONE choice, ONE action, ONE second cost the whole game? I have. Last night was one of them.
I mistakingly allowed a survivor to use their keyboard and press E which gave them distance to a pallet
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Yeah, sadly that happens a lot. I've made mistakes that have literally cost the game and I've had teammates who made one small misjudgment that cost the game. I at least try to learn from my mistakes when a blunder is made, but sometimes mistakes are out of your control as well (i.e. rubberbanding).
Best to take a breather and not feel too bad and move on hoping for the better in the future. Rage quit is also an option for some. Salt in the endgame chat is frowned upon:)
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shame on you!!
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I had a sad, pitiful laugh (I was on the hook so I saw what happened) and then turned the game off after it was over lol
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Yes, its more common for Survivors because Killers can snowball harder but it can happen to both, usually one bad bodyblock at a hook or 2 people getting downed at the same time is a game breaker.
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I missed a skill check on the last gen on the game map against a deathslinger which allowed him to win against 3 survivors.
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Ahh you've also felt my pain. ๐ป, mate
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Okay bud, this was a great lead up to what sounds like a juicy story - donโt keep us waiting! Letโs hear the detailsโฆ
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awwww ๐ฅบโน๏ธ you must've felt so bad, I'm sorry! It's okay though, it happens to us all
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Yes. 1 gen away from completion and a survivor get's hooked for the first time. Stupid me goes to the rescue because I was closest and didn't realize Ghostface was hiding nearby. I unhooked the survivor only to go down on first hit because I was exposed, got hooked, gen got finished and all 3 other survivors escaped without even trying to unhook me. Now I'm more cautious about unhooking survivors especially if the killer can expose.
Similar has happened with NOED, thinking we got all the totems and didn't. Took a hit for a survivor after they got unhooked right when a gen was completed and NOED kicked in. The other survivors tried to find NOED but were pushed to the gate and had to leave me behind.
It's always that one mistake, but hey, we learn from it so we don't have to make it again hopefully!
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I felt so ashamed. I was the downfall of the team. We had the game but that skillcheck was the undoing of us.
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I would say it happens more often than multiple mistakes costing a game as, honestly, if you can get away with multiple mistakes, the other side is low-key bad.
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I . . . it's. . . it's just too painful ๐
But I'll say it involved a very important pallet being thrown when the Killer wasn't even looking. And the last gen was right next to it and it was 98% done. And I was hooked. And the other teammate was injured, across the map, and dead on hook. And the other . . . ugh, I can't continue. Find me a fainting couch, please. I feel the room spinning beneath my feet.
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Yeah, this feeling really hits home. I play soloq survivor mostly and I can tell when I have good teammates, but when I witness the smallest mistake (a mistake that I totally understand happening) cost the game it just feels bad, and not even in a rage/angry way. It literally just feels like watching a balloon deflate and fly around the room.
The other night I was playing a game against a trapper and I witnessed him set up a trap at the exit gate, so I was going to disarm it and open the gate when he was occupied in chase, but nope. I got vacuumed into the trap because instead of holding m1 to disarm, i hit m1 to open gate... I died because of that. Just a moment where it's like, feels bad man.
It happens to me as killer sometimes too, auto aim focusses on the hooked survivor instead of the unhooker or i get grabbed cancelled with neither the grab nor the hit. Literally have had this happen where they finished the gen because of that or got the unhook and escape. Big sad.
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Omg the imagery of the deflating balloon was perfect ๐๐๐๐ yes that was it exactly!
Ahhh, cheers to you. I feel your pain ๐ป
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It's okay, buddy. I'd still play with you.
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I actually did have one of those a little bir ago, though thankfully the mistake was the Survivors and not mine. Far to altruistic. Ill link the vid I saved to my YouTube, but long story short I played a Chest Protector Bubba, but they got to the basement before I could. Figured Id protect the items, but they quickly anniyed me doing clicky cpicky things. While obviously no proof, pretty certain it was a bulli SWF group. Figured Id play serious, get a bit better at chases, and due to their need for altruism sacrificed 3 and was avle to slug and orevent the 4th from getting out, got him with EGC
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I just gotta say, I donโt think overly-altruistic counts as a mistake. Itโs a life choice! A poor life choice at that. Leads to a rather short life.
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Yikes! I think I can fill in the gaps in the story, but Iโm not sure I want to! ๐ถ๐ถOh no, oh no, oh no no no no noooo๐ถ๐ถ
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hahahaha ๐ that genuinely made me laugh
And yes, I think you got the idea!
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I was playing against a silent hillbilly (insidious, silent chainsaw add-ons, tinkerer etc) on the game, I thought he was insidious camping bc the first survivor was hooked in the basement and killed themselves pretty quickly, leaving me, a Dwight and a stealthy, hide-in-lockers urban evading Nea.
Dwight eventually got caught, and was hooked in the basement. I knew the Nea wouldn't come to save him bc it was clear by then she was absolutely useless, so I walked there to save my sprint burst and get the hell out of here if i needed to, because he probably was insidious camping. Anyways turns out Nea is on a gen and triggers tinkerer, I see hillbilly leave the basement towards her and Nea immediately hiding in a locker, giving absolutely no reason for hillbilly to stay away from the basement. I manage to get the unhook, hillbilly is already coming back, I sprint burst out of the basement to occupy billy while Dwight leaves, put myself behind the god pallet... and then I don't drop it.
I didn't know he had the silent chainsaw add-on until this very moment, and I wasn't familiar with it (until this game lol), so my brain didn't realise he was about to chainsaw me, my brain short-circuited and i just didn't understand what was going on and didn't drop the pallet quick enough. I go down, Dwight goes down immediately bc i didn't buy him any time, Nea is still useless and gets caught as well bc he found her in a locker.
We all die. Nea writes a comment on my steam account calling me a terrible survivor. Life is great.
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"Nea writes a comment on my steam account calling me a terrible survivor. Life is great." ๐๐๐ I had a good laugh at that, thanks lol
I remember I was shocked by silent chainsaw Billy at first too. If he does it at the second you're not looking back at him, you're screwed. But, you were in for a rough match regardless. Not much you could've really done . . .
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No, thr mistake was choosing to try and save someone on hook right in front of a Leatherface instead of cutting losses and dipping
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So often that I think "Nah, I won't tunnel that surv, they were left hanging into second stage and it would be mean to kill them off for good". And then, I get handed a 4-man escape with likely tbagging on top -.-.
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Ahhh, you're a good person for wanting to show some mercy. I appreciate you. Those tea baggers suck.
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Back when I first started playing.... I stood on top of the hatch waiting for the killer to see me escape... it was Deathslinger...
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Yup!! Some of my worst Survivor mistakes began with failing to account for Blood Warden.
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Even when they are not tbagging, it just feels so frustrating when you know you could have easily get 2 or more kills, but lose that just because you didn't want to play like a d*ck.
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To quote Kevin Hart, "You gonna learn today!" Bet you wouldn't do that anymore.
I still see Survivors getting harpooned at the gate . . . At least you were new!
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Oh yes . . . Blood Warden. First time I went against it, I didn't know your aura was visible to the Killer if you're within the gate.
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Well, for what it's worth, whenever I notice a Killer specifically not doing that stuff, I recognize it and give them a thumbs up after. If we're on the same platform, I'll message them. They played with a value system, and not everyone does that or shares the same one. So I always think it's pretty cool to play with/against people like that. Maybe you were one of my Killers and I thought that about you.
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Exactly! Usually I would open a gate and then go back for a save, only to find that said Survivor was on their death hook. Oh well, back to the exit, and........whoops.
These days I 99 the gate, and won't open it if anyone is about to get hooked. If someone does, I'll find somewhere to hide out a bit until I can see BW is not in play...or, go in for a save if applicable.
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Sometimes as killer, the best I can hope for is to spot that single mistake
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Plenty of times, and it's always the solo queues that make the mistakes.
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lol I played a SWF game where, instead of leaving, a teammate I had unhooked decided he just HAD to use his DS.
I was down on the ground because the Killer had NOED, and I got hit as soon as I unhooked my teammate. The teammate got hit, but I gave him BT, so he ran to the gate. (The gate was right next to where he had been hooked so he had a guaranteed out.) The hatch was right by the hook so I crawled to it. The others on comms were laughing and yelling at him, "Go! Leave!" (because if he left, the hatch would open instantly and we would've had a four man escape). And he, not thinking, yelled, "I have to get my DS!" So he tea bagged in the gate, got downed, missed his DS, and the Killer brought him right back to the same hook. Then the Killer hooked me, my first hook of the game, and I died.
We still make fun of him.
And yes, he deserved it (what the Killer did and getting made fun of by us).
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Last night, I was on cornfield and the killer was Trapper. I saw shack god pallet down with a trap still set under it and thought "I won't step on the trap if I try to go over that pallet, right?"
SNAP. Trap on my foot! It was more under the further side of the pallet too so I was shocked it vacuumed me in.
Well, this silly mistake screwed up the whole game for my altruistic team. Of course basement was in shack so down there on the hook I went. And it was suddenly a Trapper shack game. They weren't watching their feet on the stairs which just made it all worse. We had only been hooked twice before this disaster, 3 of us ended up dying because of me. Lesson learned, just walk around lol.
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Haha I've had games like that, too
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Yeah, my friend has been in at least a few a situations like that where we could've gotten a 4E, but he just had to stay back so he could DS the killer, only for him to miss his DS.
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Those people need to form their own team and stop ruining it for the rest of us lol
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I believe in you! See you in the fog!
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You should have baited it out beforehand ๐คช
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The one that runs directly at the last gen with all 3 survivors on it and ends up getting the gen regressed and everyone slugged?
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Had plenty of games were i've gotten nothing and 2 gens are done, manage to get 1 hook, so think i'll camp this and at least get 1, but get the rest down when they come in.
They could have seen i was camping and just done their gens and left, but hero complex.
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Yeah, that among other things.
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I'm a totem goblin, I cleanse totems super fast at the start of the game.
One time i managed to cleanse ALL totems before even getting a sight of what killer is it.
The way my heart dropped after I cleansed last totem, and on my way to a gen I passed an Artist going the way I came from. She didn't care about hitting me, she just went straight for the totem spot.
This ALMOST cost me the game. I managed to cleanse one of already 4 standing pentimentos before she activated the 5th one.
I did die fixing my mistake, cleansed them all and rest of my teammates managed to escape, but that was the most panic inducing mistake of my life
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haha so you're the one who made it impossible for me to put in a CoH! ๐๐
lol but seriously, I can feel the panic and regret in your story. And hey, you fixed it for the team so good job ๐
And I'm sure the Artist was finding the totems like, "Oh, nooooo... another broken totem? This is terrible! Whatever shall I do? My NOED . . ."
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I don't have time for boons, If i'm destroying totems, it means ALL totems are going.
(I do ask in lobby beforehand if they are booners, so don't worry)
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Ahhhh, but I'm a PS4 player (I know, I know) . . .
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I had one of those times where I would drop a pallet and apparently it registered I was on the side of the killer, so the killer probably saw a survivor just sit at a pallet as he was coming towards it and got downed
Where as I SAW prime positioning for a head smash, lol