There's nothing wrong in this picture. I totally just ragequit.

How hard is it to implement a basic check that survivors can't bring Killer offerings and infinite perks again? Too much for 6 years of development.apparently.
Edited the name of the hacker out because apparently showing a private account clearly made very recently that's just a burner is "naming and shaming".
This makes me think of the thread (it was a bug) where the killer mori'd someone with bloody party streamers lol
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Okay, yeah, the guys cheating and bringing all this is absolutely a trash thing to do, but
"Your account is about to go byebye :)"
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You should black out their name too. Naming and shaming is against forum rules.
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Yeah, I feel you.
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Yes. It's 1AM and I'm salty that some little baby wants to cheat in DBD and waste my time.
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You need to find better things to say when you're salty. Or just, like.. nothing.
I can 100% guarantee you made that person's day right there.
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How the hell can you name and shame a burner steam account made 2 days ago,again?
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They didn't read it,lol. Already dc'd.
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You left the name in screenshot so it's considered name/shame which breaks forum rules. Just letting you know, it's your choice to leave it up or take it down before a mod sees it.
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That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard and I've followed this game's design decisions for years. Whatever,I guess.
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Also I'm really curious on why exactly you focus on that part of the event? Like is that REALLY the most important part? Not Behavior Interactive the giant company failing at implementing BASIC server side checks that,no,you cannot have 2 billion perks and bring cheated offerings?
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What is there to say about it, dude? It's bad and they suck?
It's true, but it sure ain't gonna make people do it less or BHVR fix it any faster.
What is possible for a single-digit group of people to do is learn to avert negativity-enforcing behavior. That is to say, not say ludicrously cringy things to certifiable pricks who'd love to hear it.
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it was me, but it wasn't caused by cheater. ahh, what a fun bug it was