Doctor is hilariously bad.

His anti-loop really makes no sense. You charge the shock, hit them, they're paralysed for 2.5 seconds but then you also slow down enough that you can't really make it to them in time. I've tried multiple strategies to make the shocks work. I've tried to not spam shock and time it right. Doesn't really work. Spam shocks just slow you down and do nothing. These were all on pretty standard loops I should add.
Every-time I would do this, I'd be just far away enough to miss. And it seemed like the only way to really utilize his power was when survivors were greedy and I was already on their ass. It's just so counter intuitive.
The delay as well is weird. I understand why it exists. It makes it so you cant just instant shock when they reach the pallet. But I also feel that's the way it should be. You already have to charge it. I wouldn't entirely remove it but it should be a bit faster.
Static blast also sucks. You have to do it like 3 times to put someone in tier 3. But the cool-down is a minute. Sure, it's good for finding survivors and potentially delaying the game. But Legion does the same in just a couple of seconds, with the potential to get a down from it. As well with not having to wait so long.
I love the idea of his character and his design. I just can't take him seriously. If anything he's a nuisance. And playing him feels like a waste of time. I wish he was the intimidating mad man he is in the lore.
You can't use his power as a traditional anti-loop. Mostly, you want to trap someone on the wrong side of a vault or a pallet, but it's very latency dependent (one of the few things in the game with no validation).
However, his addons are solid, his Blast is one of the best sonar tools in the game and he always seems to tilt the hell out of survivors too.
Low B/High C. Needs help, but others need it more.
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I love doc, I do decent enough with him, you will eventually learn the timing, all in good practice
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I love him. It’s all about mind games and scare tactics, but he requires his add-one to do that.
This is what I run with him most of the time. It’s not a true anti-loop build but it’s there to force the survivor to try and make out which TR is yours, and which RS is yours. Causing them to run right into you. Lightborn is there so if you break a pallet and they flashlight you they can feel the fear in veins once they realize that you can still see them and they are outlined.
He just takes time to get used too. His older kit was easier but had issues. This new kit helps him be a amazing Hunter Killer Character.
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I've seen a video suggesting using Merciless Storm on Doctor and y'know, I'm really liking the idea... <evil grin>
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My tip to new Doctor players is that his power is stronger after the pallet is thrown. A lot of players not used to Doc try to shock survivors to prevent them from throwing the pallet; that's a mistake.
Kill shack becomes an un-vault-able deathtrap once they throw the pallet.
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that's a good idea
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wait, why is that?
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Doctors kit in my opinion is completely fine it just needs number buffs literally
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Also note that his power is dependent on his TR so any perks that lower it actually hurts you in the long run Monitor and Abuse for example is bad on Doc especially if it's a map with alot of los blockers
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I agree kit is fine but definitely needs buffed
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I'd rather see killer-side validation on shocks, so they can actually do what they are supposed to do reliably.
Numbers wise...he needs some addons tweaked (and one or two baked in), but that's true of a lot of killers.
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thank you all for the advice. i think ill give him a few more chances before i write him off as hopeless.
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And if you want to really have fun use both King and Queen on him at the same time and watch all the fun happen
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i have faced enough good doctors to know you just arent doing it right. keep practicing and quit making judgements based on how you perform with them. thats the common theme around here though
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A few tricks:
- The addons that give a permanent red stain on survivors is incredible for spotting.
- The addons that make fake doctors spawn at lower madness levels are amazing.
- Remember that the fakes will always face a survivor when they spawn. Use that to triangulate.
- Expect your shocks to fail, but on a lot of loops, it's not that bad. Just run around and bop them as they can't vault back XD.
- Don't use your blast immediately - I prefer to use it on my first chase, as it'll often hit multiple people.
- Discordance is one of his best perks, for obvious reasons. DMS is solid too.
- Extended range+faster shocks addons are incredible, and make him feel like he has an actual anti-loop power.
- Don't always push people into M3 ASAP. Leave them at M2, and pop M3 when you need immediate disruption.
- You can instantly deny unhooks, cleanses etc. with a well timed shock.
- For a fun gimmick, run Oppression, Overcharge, Merciless Storm and Lullaby on him.
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I wish they added exhaustion back to iridescent king just for that extra scariness
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His iris are honestly...sort of crap. King is okay, but you lose out on the primary effects of his addons. Queen is a fun concept, but does very little in reality.
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Doctor is probably my most played killer at this point. He's actually really fun, and he is great for farming bloodpoints with. Mind you, he does struggle on larger maps (both red forest maps, macmillan, coldwind and RPD are particularly bad), but he truly shines on smaller maps like Lery's and the Game.
I love to run the "impossible skillchecks" build once in a while, and just hear those gens go "POP, POP, POP" over and over.
Iridescent King is a brilliant add-on, and combines all the passive tier 3 effects into one (Hallucination, fake pallets, red stain, constant heartbeat and so on). Combine this with a purple Calm add-on, and the perk Distressing. Then you will have a lot of fun with a hilariously large terror radius (somewhere around 50 meters)
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He's a noob stomping killer, once you actually go against survivors who can mitigate the madness you'll definitely will notice.
At best you should run at least 2 different gen suppression perks when playing Doctor.
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I actually main Doctor. You really have to learn when to break the chase. Know exactly when someone will reach T3 madness. When to hook or slug. Doctor takes a lot a work, but I find him fun to play with.
I haven’t learned Dissolution/Bamboozle on him yet (THANK YOU RNG). I believe they both would decently on him, but alas I don’t have the perks to try together. As of now I run a ”Lockdown” doctor build. BBQ. Rancor. No Way Out. Remember Me.
Forget gen pressure because of the later two perks. Focus on hooking everyone at least once. Try to save Static Blast for when a gets done as Rancor will reveal everyone’s position for proper blasts. BBQ lets you know if they’re too far from any static blasts upon hooking. Bully the obsession for Remember Me tokens, and to lure the altruism out. Once the obsession has been hooked once and you have 4 tokens from them you ignore them until EGC. Try to eliminate at least 1 other before EGC asap. At EGC have 3 players left when NWO activates. Static Blast to find the obsession to Mori, and then T3 slug/hook another before No Way Out ends. You have a whole minute. By the time NWO is over the last the person will hurry for a door, but they’re stuck on doors as they take 36 seconds instead of 20. Find, and finish that person. Against smart survivor it’s hard to pull off, and you have to move quickly. If I get 4 stacks on each perk I’ll often get a 4k this way. At worst with half each around 2 survivors. Since I always get to Mori the obsession 😂.
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I use the shock ability sparingly to catch them off guard and keep my speed up during the chases. Too many shocks and you are extending the chase too long.
I lean into his strength and have been buffing his chase potential for faster downs. Brutal, Enduring, and Unrelenting is a fun combo for me and usually results in big blood points even if a few escape. Pulling off a 4k without heal or gen slowdowns is also pretty satisfying.
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I'm curious to dissect a doctor main's perspective - I've personally strayed away from perks like Bamboozle that offer loop denial (and similarly, palette perks like Spirit Fury) because I sorta figured that at least in principle a Doc should be able to circumvent both with the m2. Is that not really the case?
Like, as StarLost put it - Doctor's m2 can't be leveraged as consistently as other anti-loop tools (otherwise Doctor would probably have a reputation for being able to mindlessly shut down every loop with m2 spam, which is very evidently not the case) but then, like, what's the point?
In cases where the loop is down to a mindgame it plays out more like how I expect - by which I mean using the m2 through walls to predict where the survivor is and then take advantage of a successful shock when coming around the corner, or to trap them against a palette on a short loop, but I always feel like I'm using it pretty ineffectively and relying almost exclusively on survivor mistakes with only the occasional forced error.
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- Watch me playing doctor against good survivors
- Go into your shame corner for at least 30 min
- Learn how to play Doctor efficiently
Doc is my second main. I mean seriously, Doc is not a beast like Nurse or Blight, but if u take the best add ons and perks on him u can even beat strong SWFs. It is all about learning when and where u have to use you shock/ static blast. I rarely face docs, he is probably more present in the low mmr. But when I face a doc, it is mostly a baby doc.
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The doctors I face are always complete villains. People underestimate how insanely annoying he can be when he camps, as he can make unhooking literally impossible.
I'm not a Doc main, but I play him a fair amount (less than I used to, admittedly, since Artist and Dredge were released) and tend to do decently with him, even against strong teams.
I generally run:
Discordance - amazing on him, as you'll frequently know where at least 2 people are.
Pain Resonance - he needs all the time he can get to down people.
Agitation - see above. Plus, synergy with:
Starstruck - his blast allows you to locate people really fast after a hook.
He also works well with Discordance, PR, DMS, Devour. Iron Maiden is decent on him too, as people often instinctively get into lockers to dodge blasts.
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Every killer who only camps is annoying (except an adorable insidious bubba <3). Against average survivors there is no need to play this way. People who facecamp early in the match are mostly baby killers. DMS and PR are insanely good on him.
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Doc boi here,
If you're having issues catching up, i'd suggest using the green electrode to bump up your shock so it can cover not only more ground, but more of the loop, and you'd basically wanna run with the purple addon (forgot the name) that reduces the shock time by 33%, makes you Easily catch up to the survivor after a shock here and there,
if i have to i'll try and post a clip whenever i play doctor,
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In a game balanced for bad players hes bound to be weak, it's just the way most killers are.
Hes good for people that arent good loopers or efficient on gens as per
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Doctor is in a decent place tbh. CoH hurt him, but then he has a few things working for him.
I used to run Static Blast cool down and range add ons, but honestly Shock Therapy add ons are so much better in chase.
Doctor is flexible too and can run multiple builds. He can do impossible all checks (tier 2 madness and Merciless Storm lol). You can run standard M1 builds (Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ, NOED). Full hex builds (NOED, Haunted Ground, Ruin, Devour Hope). You can even do a gen kicking build for challenges (Overcharge/Oppression/PGTW/CoB).
Doctot is probably one of the more balanced killers imo. I wouldn't mind seeing add ons tweaked to account for meta changes, but overall hes a B killer.
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The Pain Resonance point is an interesting one to consider - I guess in the realm of killers he's definitely further on the 'offensive' side where his power is featured around finding chases and harassing in chase, and not so much suited for area denial and zoning. Expose effects make a lot of sense, too.
Thanks for the advice!
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Doctor is way harder then ppl think, you just struggle like 90% of the other ppl who cannot play him properly. Only cuz you cant really figure out how to use his power doesnt mean he is bad.
The only reason why doctor sucks is guess what ... Dead hard.
Dead hard basicly doubles his chase time cuz there is NOTHING he can do against it, survivors just wait for your shock, dead hard whenever they want and vault over or drop the pallet.
I always wondered why the shock can be dodged, its not an damaging effect that inflicts a healthstate damage.... doesnt make sense to me imo.
But besides the whole dead hard issue, you need to take more time to REALLY learn how to play Doctor before you make any claims. I used to main doctor and the only reason I dont main him anymore is cuz of Dead hard so ye. I can ensure you that you can use the shock on any loop and can make it before they can reach the pallet or window. You can even catch survivors on dropped jungle gym pallets, thats a mistake MANY ppl do so lemme give you a little tip here.
DONT BREAK EVERY PALLET INSTANTLY. Doctor rarely breaks pallets and even wants them to stay dropped.
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I did judge too soon that's true. But DH doesn't really seem to help survivors too much when you already have them trapped. they can DH a shock but that's about it. I've gotten better with the timing and although I still don't think he's super good he isn't helpless like I originally thought.
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good to see that you are improving, hope its getting better! Trust me you will learn to REALLY hate dead hard later xD
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Survivors would complain even more if he were buffed, unfortunately. Doctor is indeed very bad as he is, takes too long to use and mediocre.