Yes. we want it. in every EVENT where cosmetics are involved. please make it exclusive and not make the players buy it for auric cells. after the event the said cosmetics that came with a certain event, Should just be GONE. never gonna be SEEN again on Shops.


  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    And what about the players that play casual or just every now an then and have actual events going on in their life they don't have time to grind the game out to get them, it wouldn't be fair on them... 
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited January 2019
    Dude, dog/wolf mask is already exclusive as is stuff from that year.
    Or it will be for the next decade and change until year of the dog rolls around again.
    Pig will probably follow suit.
    Unless I missed something?

    I don't have time to sit and play 10 hours a day.
    Even if I did, I'm  not looking forward to spending too much time putting up with the headaches of either long survivor lobbies, or long bouts of putting up with survivor BS as a killer. 
    The devs would be stupid to turn down money from people like me.

    Also, pretty bitter that year of the dog is exclusive since I was born on the year of the dog, though last one was the shittiest year of my life.
  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    @Maelstrom1313 said:
    And what about the players that play casual or just every now an then and have actual events going on in their life they don't have time to grind the game out to get them, it wouldn't be fair on them... 

    Doesnt matter. its not our problem that they dont have the chance to play or just play "casually" if you really want something you will get it.

    If youre talking about "fairness" how about the people who grinded for the current event. and after the event, people who didnt participate in the event can just later grab the moonlight cosmetics with auric cells. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL UNFAIR.

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Dude, dog/wolf mask is already exclusive as is stuff from that year.
    Or it will be for the next decade and change until year of the dog rolls around again.
    Pig will probably follow suit.
    Unless I missed something?

    I don't have time to sit and play 10 hours a day.
    Even if I did, I'm  not looking forward to spending too much time putting up with the headaches of either long survivor lobbies, or long bouts of putting up with survivor BS as a killer. 
    The devs would be stupid to turn down money from people like me.

    Also, pretty bitter that year of the dog is exclusive since I was born on the year of the dog, though last one was the shittiest year of my life.

    thats nowhere near related to my wish.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230

    Doesnt matter. its not our problem that they dont have the chance to play or just play "casually" if you really want something you will get it.

    If youre talking about "fairness" how about the people who grinded for the current event. and after the event, people who didnt participate in the event can just later grab the moonlight cosmetics with auric cells. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL UNFAIR.

    Really so when I had a death in the family and I didn't have time to grind the game to get the cosmetics for hallowed blight an cause of my illness that I nearly died from for when year of the dog was on something that can't be helped on both occasions I don't deserve a chance to buy them if I want them... You really need to think before you post something instead of demanding those who don't get chance to get certain things shouldn't be allowed to buy them if they want, an before you say I don't play casual I play the game alot.
    Plus they won't turn away money from dedicated players that help put money towards making other aspects of game better... Better luck next time though 😉
  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @Dwight_Main said:
    Yes. we want it. in every EVENT where cosmetics are involved. please make it exclusive and not make the players buy it for auric cells. after the event the said cosmetics that came with a certain event, Should just be GONE. never gonna be SEEN again on Shops.

    I don't agree. Just because you didn't play during an event, doesn't mean you don't like the costume. The 10-20 bucks you spent on the game wont last BHVR forever, so they have to make money somehow.

    I generally think it's an odd way of thinking, that you wan't things to be exclusive. Why keep things away from others? It's like when people are happy that a game comes out exclusively to PS4, just because they have that console. Wouldn't it be better if it just came out on every platform, so that everyone who wants to enjoy it, can?

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Dwight_Main said:
    Yes. we want it. in every EVENT where cosmetics are involved. please make it exclusive and not make the players buy it for auric cells. after the event the said cosmetics that came with a certain event, Should just be GONE. never gonna be SEEN again on Shops.

    Agree with you, if they dont have time to do the event it's they problem is supossed to be a "exclusive" event cosmetic..

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    They're purely cosmetic, if they wanna skip the grind, let them. They're not forced to play the game a certain way to get what is effectively pixels on a skin.
    If you care that much, please move onto Overwatch.

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    @DelsKibara said:
    They're purely cosmetic, if they wanna skip the grind, let them. They're not forced to play the game a certain way to get what is effectively pixels on a skin.
    If you care that much, please move onto Overwatch.

    What a unhelpful piece of comment, "move onto overwatch" what a dummy you are mate, im not against people who buy auric cells during the event. i just want the cosmetics to be gone from the shops after the event.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    While I can understand your wish, I can say right away that the developers will never do this.
    It'd cost them revenue and their precious low-playtime survivor players would be inconvenienced.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    They are exclusive!
    You can get them FOR FREE using event currency or using Auric Cells
    No event outfit so far can be bought using Shards.
    They are exclusive IN THEIR OWN WAY

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    @Milo said:
    They are exclusive!
    You can get them FOR FREE using event currency or using Auric Cells
    No event outfit so far can be bought using Shards.
    They are exclusive IN THEIR OWN WAY

    you can buy them with auric cells after the event. just like the hallowed blight "exclusive event" cosmetics.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379
    Oh look another entitled survivor trying to enforce his made up rules towards the DBD community  :) what else is new?
  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2019

    Although I'd agree with the idea of having cosmetics available only for purchase or earnable during the duration of a specific event, your ability to come off as an absolute **** while trying to convey that idea only flushes it straight down the crapper in most folks' eyes. Somebody pops in here with a legitimate argument as to why they should be available otherwise and you blow up like you're two nuts short of a handy. Doesn't sell very well.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Dwight_Main said:

    @Milo said:
    They are exclusive!
    You can get them FOR FREE using event currency or using Auric Cells
    No event outfit so far can be bought using Shards.
    They are exclusive IN THEIR OWN WAY

    you can buy them with auric cells after the event. just like the hallowed blight "exclusive event" cosmetics.

    As i said -> Exclusive in their own way

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    I think the OP is forgetting something crucial:

    Some people ONLY have the option to grind because they don’t have the money to spare.

    Some people ONLY have the option to buy because they don’t have the time to invest.

    it’s called YEAR of the Pig for a reason. Because the whole year is dedicated to it. Not the month, or few weeks, the YEAR.

    So OP, I suggest you celebrate. The skin WILL be unavailable once the event is over. The event being the YEAR of the Pig.