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Unable to get Adept as The Dredge eventho' merciless victory

Platform PC / Steam. I got merciless victory, played with only his 3 unique perks and 31 900 points, and I didn't got the achievement.
Are the achievements in the list for you? I'm on xbox one and the new achievements aren't in the list at all.
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Same issue on the same platform.
Yes, on Steam they are in the achievement list. Haddie's Adept worked perfectly fine, but Dredge's seems to be malfunctioning.
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I have 2 logs from today, don't know which one it is exactly... but the map was Azarov / Wreckers Yard.
EDIT: I think the one with 44 mb it is, since I remember I was playing at least for 1 hour and half maybe.
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I've got the same issue. Got a merciless victory with The Dredge's personal perks only and the achievement didn't pop. Here's my log if it helps.
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Same here, didn't get the achievement despite getting Merciless. I played on Autohaven Wreckers.
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Same, sweated hard to get a merciless and no achievement.
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Just made a post on this. Should have looked and i would have tossed it in here instead. Whoops
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Yeah, have an upvote. Just had exactly the same. I hate sweating in a fun game.
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Yep same
Can't wait to do it all over again. How did this happen again? (miraculously it's only for Dredge, Haddie worked fine)
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Got it in my next game.
1st game was on Shelter Woods, I was running 2 Yellow Add-ons and perks at level 2.
2nd game was Coal Tower, same perks, but green add-ons.
Good luck.
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Coming in to report - hopefully the game is smart enough to reward these retroactively 👀
+2 pip, 4/4 iridescent emblem, Dredge perks only - no achievement! (PC btw)
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Same here on ps5!
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It seems that it's a random bug, some people from my friend's list got the achievement with him.
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I just got merciless on steam and didn't get it :C On my first attempt to, now I'll have to do it all over again 😭
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Got the same bug. I tried to do merciless victory as Cenobite not too long time ago too and the same issue for him also... 👎️
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Edit: My friend claims to have gotten the achievement, despite using purple and yellow addons (Boat Key and Haddie's Calendar), so my theory is most likely false and the possibility of getting the achievement is completely random.
Important. Or, it could be. I think I might have found the core of the problem.
I finally got the Adept achievement on my third Merciless win. But my build was different when I got it, so this info might have some value.
I believe the problem lays in the addon selection. The problem seems to exist when yellow addons are used. Specifically when I used combination of Malthinker's Skull and Burnt Letters - Merciless Killer +2 did not grant me the achievement. But after I switched to green Worry Stone and Broken Doll - it very much worked as intended. Most likely, yellow addons aren't only ones under suspicion - as I see that several people who posted here also used purple ones, Boat Key seems to be popular among people with this issue. I am not sure about iridescent and brown addons, and also those green ones that I did not use.
It is also possible that offerings might be somewhat at fault - specifically bloodpoint bonus ones for all categories. Because in both of my failed attempts on Adept (where I got Merciless, but no achievement), I had either Hollow Shell or Survivor Pudding. But in an attempt that was successful, I used Ardent Shrike Wreath, which grants bonus only for Sacrifice category. Then again, in @dreamsy10 's screenshot there are no offerings used at all and they still did not get the achievement, so I'm inclined to believe it's because of the addons.
That being said, until the issue is resolved completely, I'd advise using exclusively green addons for the time being (only when trying to get Adept of course, addons 100% don't affect any other achievement, connected to Dredge).
Post edited by Elcopollo on1 -
Done TWICE now on Xbox One and zero achievement.
One time with add ons another time WITHOUT. What makes zero sense is Ican see other people DO in fact have it unlocked. What is it about ours thats bugging?
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I got the Adept on my third Merciless win too. The score was 32 000, with the tier2-parks and no addons/offering in Lery's. (PC-Steam)
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I ran into this problem and got it on my third merciless win, the only difference was that the third time I didn’t try to teleport at the end of the match to get more points. I think teleporting when the final survivor is dying bugs it for some reason.
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Just got it on PC.
Lucky game on Saloon.
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The first time I tried and got Meciless it didn't trigger and as some people pointed it seemed that maybe the addon colors could have something to do with it (I was using a Yellow and a yellow and a brown one at this attempt, also had a yellow offering).
Tried it again now with only green addons and also a green offering and got it. Could either have something to do with the colors as it seemed OR they have come to fix it by the time I tried again with green stuff only (not with the perks tho, these were 2 greens and 1 purple)
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My first attempt was with two yellow addons (last night) and then I tried before I left for work this morning with a green and a brown addon. Still no luck though either way
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I didn't get the achievement using brown addons and merciless. It's probabaly just super buggy like most patches.
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Hm strange i got the achievement the first time i tried The Dredge and i got the achievement straight away.
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Ps5 with green add ons and offering and not working. It does look like the pip par is flashing yellow rapidly than normal and I wonder if that is the case 🤔
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Can confirm that it's also bugged on PS4.
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Yeah, me too... I achieved merciless victory twice with only the 3 teachables, but still didn't get the adept achievement on Steam.
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I had this problem with Dredge and with pinhead. I was using a purple and a green addon and double pipped using only the three perks idk what went wrong
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Joining in to say I had the same problem. Full iri emblems with only the Dredge's perks, but no achievement. Was using Worry Stone, Burnt Letters, and Rotten Oak, if that means anything.
Edit: I may have isolated the problem? Somebody earlier on this thread mentioned that they didn't spend the last part of the game teleporting around for points. I just retried with the exact same perk, addon, and offering spread and got the achievement, with the only change being that I did not teleport around at the end. (This was also a 3k instead of a 4k, but I doubt that's the key factor here.)
Post edited by Laluzi on0 -
Very likely related to the power usage. There's been multiple adepts that, on release, if you used the killer's power at all or at the end of the game it prevented you from getting Adept. I had to do M1-only Trickster and Twins when they came out to get their Adepts. BHVR often screws up Adepts like this.
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I thought I would try this myself since ranks have reset. I didn't teleport around at the end and I didn't get it.
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Yesterday I ran tests based on your feedback for more data to report. I can confirm that using the power or not does not affect the problem, I got a merciless literally without touching the power button and I didn't get the achievement. I have tried with various color schemes of addons and nothing. I also tried putting the dredge perks in the same order as the killer description and nothing. I noticed that in addition to not getting the adept, I have not made any progress in the achievement where it is required to take down 50 survivors during the nightfall, although I have been paying attention and survivors during the nightfall I have taken down. It occurs to me that not having the achievement unlocked is not a problem in recognizing the merciless, but more than anything else for some reason the game thinks that you are NOT using the dredge. I have carried out all the tests in a row, perhaps sometimes selecting the dredge, for the achievement system the dredge is not selected. I had a problem with the progress of the leatherface achievements a few months ago. It wasn't giving me any progress, so I switched killer, played a game and put the leatherface back on and started recording progress, I don't know if anything like that happened.
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I didn't get the adept despite getting a merciless, but I just checked and on steam I haven't had any issues with progress towards Bump in the Night achievement
Edit: I tried again after this, I did try swapping to a diff killer and then back to dredge, I also made sure not to use my power at the end of the match and I did get the adept achievement the second time.
Post edited by MysticMusician on0 -
I don't know what happened, but after trying for the adept I notice that I could no longer gain progress on ANY achievement. I solved this by using another Xbox to gain some progress and come back to my main Xbox and everything worked; I will not try again the adept until they fix it, just to be sure
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its because you didnt contribute your cake. You deserve this