Slugging for 4 min need to be changed

Disclaimer: Killers can play the way they want, If they enjoy slugging its ok. Im not saying you can't do it, It is your game you paid for it. This is just suggestion nothing against you or against your favorite role.

BHVR Just add an option to hold M2 while on dying state to make bleeding faster. Like from (4 min) to (1 min) or something.

With that. Change any challenge or achievement that require killers to 4k. Should be only 3 or below.

Survivors already have an option to kill themselfs on hook (which only take 2 min maximum). But if being slugged it takes 4 min and nothing you can do about it.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    They should just cut bleedout down to 2 minutes, make it same amount of time as a hook. Bleedout taking 4 minutes is way too long to be laying there doing nothing.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I would be fine with ability to heal yourself if killers leaves you more than 2 mins in the ground

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520
    edited June 2022

    Funny that even with the disclaimer the first replay is this.

    So you disagree with the idea beacuse you assume that killers only doing this because survivors being d*ck to them, and the same time you say there are mean killers out there?

    4 min in normal situation is fine. It encourge killers to hook.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    That wouldn't lead to less time being slugged overall. More viable slugging as a means to sacrifice players means more slugging would take place. You'd spend more time on the ground with a 2 minute timer, not less.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    The thing is, that this game has no catch-up mechanic for the losing side. I always proposed this in some way, like if the radio of hooks vs gens done is highly in the killers favor, slightly incease gen repair and heal speed, if its the other way around, maybe give the killer a speed boost; but people obviously hate such a mechanic, because it sours the achievment of playing good and might incentivice people with certain builds to play bad, in order to get a big bonus, etc. Fair enough.

    But without such a mechanic in place, most games snowball in favor of one faction at one point. Its much easier for the survivors to come back from a few early hooks, but you sometimes see survivors purposefully killing themselves on first hook when they are downed rather fast or are versing a killer they don't like. If you could just opt out of an unfavorable match, we would have much less gametime being played. A lot of players would rather suicide if they could do so with just the press of a button, and be off to the next game, were they might be dominating.

    Slugging for 4min is really unpleasant, but at least the time is ticking down. Ever experienced a game were the killer fell into the clutches of a bully squad? They will leave the last gen 99ed and just try to torment the killer as much as possible. And all the killer can do is either indulge them, eat a DC penalty or stand in a corner. There are anecdotal stories of people dragging this on for as long as possible, until the killer DCs. But this occurences are so rare that they don't warrent a mechanic that could easily be abused in normal game play.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Maybe that should be only possible when ALL players slugged to stop unfair hatches, tbh we should even remove suicide on hooks because there is no situation where suiciding is feasible.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Just going to say, you can play like a normal player and not be going out of your way to anger the killer and they'll still find something to be upset about which can lead to being slugged for 4 minutes.

    Like I was doing the achievement to escape chases by going into lockers so I brought headon, stunned the killer once with it after escaping a chase in the locker and they decided they wanted to be toxic towards me in return (in the end game chat).

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Good point, if killers decide to abuse it they can make these changes to slugging as well - 2 minutes bleed out total, after 30 seconds the survivor automatically gets up if the killer is refusing to hook. Bleedout deaths give 0 BP, doesn't count as kill towards challenges, and doesn't count towards MMR like a hatch escape. This way survivors aren't wasting time doing nothing, aren't punished in MMR for killer refusing to sacrifice and killers aren't rewarded for the death.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Fair objection. The game is big enough that probably every kind of situation happend at least a few times and we all know that there are bad apples and foul eggs in both baskets in ample numbers. But my experience don't reflect that 4min slug fests are a big problem that happens regularly to random people. I for myself never had to experience it, but I am not denying that it happens, there are way too many stories about this.

    But being a killer main myself, I can't see me doing this do random survivors who just had a normal game with me. If one of those was BMing me at every opportuninty, shadowed me like mad in order to prevent every single pick up, etc and was super full of themselves and their ability to loop me for 5 gens, well, if I got that survivor last, yeah, I might slug them for 4min. But with randoms? Thats an aweful lot of commitment.

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140 I knock down 1 survivor. Another one is close. I can get a huge momentum swing by slugging the first then knocking down and hooking the new one! NOPE not anymore because survivors insta get up after 30 seconds!

    At times, the wrong play is to go for the hook every time. Knowing when to slug, when to chase and when to hook to maximize pressure and momentum is a huge part of killer and having survivors get up in 30 seconds or a minute completely kills that part of the game.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I originally just said 2 minute bleedout but someone pointed out killers would abuse it by just not hooking and leaving everyone to bleedout. Only way to stop that is make slugging not as appealing.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    I have been slugged to death when I didn't even do anything. Some people are just rude like that, people be people. 3/4 people were slugged to death just the other day and we didn't do anything wrong, just did gens and tried our best to survivor.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    And you would be wrong I've had hundreds of games that ended within the first couple of minutes no items no tea bagging and the killer just slugs everyone. Literally HUNDREDS has nothing to do with BM most killers play this game to piss off survivors just like most loopers play piss off killers.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If you make bleeding out go faster it will become the prefered option for Killers, why hook someone for 2 minutes when I can bleed them for 1?.

    To avoid mass bleedouts there has to be a system where doing it punishes the Killer in a meaningful way, not only points, Im not talking about the situation where someone gets downed and the other 3 prance around trying to flashlight and they all end up in the ground, Im talking about 4 people downed, the Killer can hook them and he refuses because reasons until the timer runs out.

    Dont apologize stuff like 4 people bleeding out for 4 minutes with hooks around because 99,9% of the times there is no valid reason to do it except "I want to be a [Insert bad word here]", bad mannering doesnt excuse bad mannering back, thats how toxicity in this game reached the point it has reached, we are at a point where the developers have to take measures to curb it like the new "last guy gets automoried" feature and if it doesnt tone down the next stop will be an autoban system, which works wonders as LoL and WoW have shown us...