Killers are sweating profusely during event
I have had a few matches today that were good but most of them was a manslaughter.
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I’m just here for the comments 🍿
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I faced someone (not gonna name but it was identical with yours) yesterday & got washed in genrush with 0 hooks… not saying it was you but if it was…. well this is awkward.
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Imagine that, killers are trying to effectively kill survivors. Personally I see no difference as I expect every killer to play with full force. Anything less and I feel cheated as survivor.
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You wouldn't say that when you are camped and tunneled out of a match.
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But killers are supposed to kill. They don’t need to play by the survivor rulebook because it’s an event.. just do the best you can.
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Seems like everyone is.
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My statement still holds true even then. It's completely on me to avoid the first down. After that it all depends on how my teammates handle the situation. In no way do I expect the killer to ignore me simply because I was just unhooked or an event is in place.
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If they're sweating as hard as certain (same old -zzzzzzzzzzz) posters to constantly post Us vs Them rhetoric, I'm expecting my monitor to start spewing water at any given moment.
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8 hours of survivor play yesterday. One toxic Dredge that bled out the last member of our team for no reason, a couple of tunnellers and campers, but mostly normal gameplay across the majority of my matches, and nothing remarkably different. The only real difference we had was more farming killers (three, including two Pigs) in the first two hours of the day than I/we've seen in the last two months.
I put into 15 hours as survivor/killer yesterday, and overall, the experience on both sides was largely no different than other events, or in general. That "toxic" killer player you run into may just as soon be a "toxic" survivor later in the day -- people do things, not made-up roles in a video game. Us vs. them rhetoric is divisive, unproductive, and just tiresome at this point.
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I just ran into my first douchebag. Currently being 4-man bled out by a Knockout Doctor who pretty much kept spamming shock until everyone was madness 3 and nobody could pick each other up anymore.
Still, that's my first bad egg killer in like 15 survivor matches, which isn't bad at all. As for killer, I had one group of solos where two members were toxic AF (played normal in game, harassed in endgame chat), one Garden of Joy Boil Over abuser, and a few that wanted to farm but wouldn't give me hooks, but overall my matches have been pretty pleasant too. Notably, I just played against a Trapper on Lery's who gave me so much slack; I wiggled off right before a hook but stood there and let him hook anyway, and he let decided not to hook me and was super lax about pursuing me for the rest of the game. We got some basement saves we absolutely shouldn't and I'm pretty sure he was taking it easy. I eventually died, but with 24k and 4 flans; not a bad haul at all.
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Most people will be done after a few days.
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Every player in this game survivor and killer alike sweat no matter if its an event or not, who cares?
You think the killers left are going to play nice cause its a "special day" to help you farm, when at the same time you don't help those same players change conditions of the game so they don't feel like they need to sweat all the time? Ain't no way....
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If it helps, he was only doing it because...
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The air conditioning is divineeeeeeeee
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I switched off Crossplay thinking it would help... I ended up running into a duo (one Killer and one Survivor) that are now pretty much stalking me. The Survivor didn't like that I was hiding and trying to do the last gen (how dumb is that?) and from my understanding, the Killer initiated contact with this person and it went back and forth from that point. The Survivor could see my aura and kept telling the Killer where I was. Killer finally hooked me and the Survivor stood there teabagging me. They messaged me with threatening messages about how they plan to target me in all future games. I ran into the same Killer in other matches and although he did message other players to body block and give away my location, they all refused and he was just really nasty at that point. I tried blocking him and reporting but he was still showing up in my matches. I guess "Block" is just as effective as reporting someone... pointless.
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I`m with you here.
I should note that survivors aren't any better when I myself play killer, but overall increase in sweatlords is insane.
I haven't been dealing with that amount of straight up tunneling, camping and slugging killers in a while. That's getting really annoying and frustrating, you try to play chill, run cakes, try to earn a lot of bloodpoints, while the people on the other side tryhard as if they are on a tournament where killing everyone at 5 gens through endless slugging is considered a win.
I`m not even asking to farm or anything, I know people want to play the game, but for god's sake, just chill. If you are so scared of losing, run full slowdown build with deadlock and dms/pain combo and just play fair so that people don't feel discouraged to bring cakes just to get steamrolled by another sweaty tunneler or slugger.
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I don't think anybody is asking killers to farm, but to play in a way that is fair. Playing fair makes a much more fun match, gives survivors at least a slight chance of escaping.
Survivors can't make any points unless the killer cooperates.
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Yeah, some of us try.
This is what happens.
So tell me, Sluzzy - how exactly do we win here? If we ease up, we get cussed out. If we play to win, we get cussed out.
It's almost like survivors sometimes have the gratitude of a damn cat.
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Haha trust me, more people (like myself) will be very appreciative to Killers that ease up just a bit for this event. I met some really cool Killers that understood if a Survivor dies or the gate is opened prior to grabbing the invitation that it won't give you a mask. Even as a Killer, I can barely locate where the invitation is since only one spawns at a time and usually disappears by the time I safely cross the map.
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When people have an issue with players 'trying their hardest'.
Sorry, but yikes.
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I'll meet you there!
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dealing with the BS survs do is reward. multiple games ive had survivors just hide for 15-20 mins. id rather go ahead and take you out and move on to the next. you could try doing the same.
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Sluzzy loves to complain about everything he comes by and then everyone is telling him why that he's a joke.
Sluzzy, you are taking too much of yourself and you make bait and troll posts.
Sluzzy never changes.
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Doesn’t really matter, by Monday most everyone who isn’t a casual will have their masks and won’t care.
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Difficult though it is to believe, they're actually a massive Nurse main!
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This sweaty?
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Oh, it's fair you're wanting now - and "fair" by whose definition? Camping, tunnelling and slugging are all legit tactics as stated multiple times by the devs.
It's not "fair" that you're asking for, it's "Play the game the way I want".
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Played killer all day long, doing killer anniversary tome challenges and the last page of the current normal tome ones. I chilled all day long, going for 8 hooks while doing my challenges before letting the survivors go (I play normal, no farming. I just don't kill them in the end). The ONLY challenge I legit had to "tryhard" was the 'kill the obsession 10 times by any means'. Brought Nemesis and Rancor on Ghosty and finished it in 5 games - I still feel dirty for doing this challenge tho lol
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I haven't burned any puddings, so what's the point if I'm going against try hards?
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I played pretty much all day yesterday while the kids were at school (and then again after they went to bed lol) and bar a couple of killers tunnelling, my games were actually quite fun. 4-5 flans every game, and while killers weren't going out of their way to let survivors live I still managed to get 9 masks. My biggest complaints were some of the team mates I had.
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Yes I'm sweating profusely, summer is near, its hot already and in the fog there are a campfire instead an air conditioner.
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This is just me ranting about a bad game, but it kinda needs said.
Survivors are just as able to sweat as any Killer.
Today I played a few games as Dredge and RNGed Sheltered Woods for one of them. I got my ass kicked. There wasn't a single gen near a locker and there wasn't any loops where I could have used his any of his powers outside o shack. Every Survivor just ran the moment they could and simply didn't bother to loop, they didn't need to. Every pallet was either safe or could be chained with another. It was also a 3 man SWF all Dwights with the same outfit who did almost nothing but work gens when not in a direct chase.
The gens didn't last 6-8 minutes. I got beat hard with only earning a single hook as I just couldn't get close enough to start a chase without running half a mile first and there being little to no chance at playing around loops when everything got chained together. I was weaker than a M1 Killer that game because I dared to attempt to his Dredge's power. My build wasn't of any help either as with the lack of lockers Darkness Revealed was worthless to find/track people, that also meant I couldn't use Sloppy and Thana for hit&run or general pressure. And without hooks I couldn't use Pop.
It was a bad game and I lost.
So I accepted the lost game when the final gen got powered and hid in the basement with Reddit open on my 2nd monitor. The Survivors wasted 3-5 minutes after the gens doing nothing but I assume waiting at a 99% gate. Then they came to the basement and wasted another 3-5 minutes running around me AFK with my face in a corner attempting to farm points or get blinds before they bothered to leave. They didn't even leave quickly either, several of them still waited over 30 seconds after the gate was open.
Yeah, Survivors are just as sweaty as Killer. It's also rather safe to assume they aren't good sports about winning either. Odds are they would spammed their crouch keys and have ran out that gate the instant I came close to it without so much as a pity hit. In my point of view Survivors are very often far worse than Killer. When having bad games I certain as hell don't ever see Survivors giving me free hooks, choosing to slow gens progress, or doing much of anything but try their best to win and taunt almost non stop when they do. But when they are having a bad game Im 100% expected to take things easy!
######### that. I just want to play the game. Something that isn't exactly "fun" as 1 bad game of Killer tends to ruin your mood to keep playing from Survivors who can't win a game without rubbing it in your face.
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As long as the flan keeps flowing, as a killer main, win, lose, doesn't matter, all that matters is that I get 1 hook on each survivor for BBQ, and smack em all around a bit... maybe kill 1 or 2. Honestly, the only thing I'm after is that sweet BP. However... If I get a game where I'm the only one offering flan, or if its only me and 1 other... Then I get mean, and try to end the match asap so I can move onto the next one, which hopefully features 3+ flan offerings. I've already got 300+ on Doc and am working on the same for Legion, Sadako, Executioner, Dredge, Huntress and Nurse. Why only them? They earn the highest BP more easily over the others consistently just by using their kits.
Obviously this means that with them... I can get VERY mean and play for kills over hooks. However, if you get in a game with me and there's 3+ Flan offerings, I'll play for hooks and don't care whether I win or lose, otherwise I'll play for kills, and won't let survivors have much "fun".
Seems to me, this is a fair call during an event like this.
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Idk who this sluzzy person is but the fact that some of y’all keep shitting on them and their opinions left and right despite there actually being a conversation that can be had here is disheartening.
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until now i saw you complain about everything that killer can do yet you still play... why they should modify things if you keep playing? i bet that you secretly like being camped and tunneled...
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Sluzzy is a long time regular troll. The fact that people still take them seriously is equal parts hilarious and annoying.
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Yet another survivor post.......I am sure there are no sweaty survivors out there your all just chilling and not gen rushing, body blocking, clicky clicky with your flashlights........Oh that is right this is just how you play the game....You do get it don't you, if not let me break it down for you to understand
Survivors role = To survive and escape by any means necessary
Killers Role = To kill all survivors by any means necessary
This is stated in even some perks amazing concept isn't ?? Oh but hang on killers are not allowed to do anything that is considered not fun or compromises the survivors fun......Grow up people its a game stop making out it is so one sided all the time the sweatlords and edgelords are on both sides. I have seen a lot of survivors that have been sweatier than a footballers jock strap after a 5 hour football match.
How about when i play killer i will hook somebody then move to the entire opposite side of the map wait there till they have fully healed and done at least one generator before chasing you precious little survivors.....would that be ok princess??
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Survivors can be sweaty but it is very rare. It is easier for only one person to tunnel and ruin matches.
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It's not only the Killer whose Sweating. In this case 4 Gens were done in 6 Minutes while Hexes were untouched, I am not at fault if People ignore Hexes as they had ample of time to Roam the Map and Find Bones before my Devour reached 5 Stacks.
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I see it from a different perspective. Killers are too overpowered now where survivors have time to do gens and find totems.
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I try to play nice as a killer, i.e. not sacrifice anyone before everyone is doublehooked or gens done. Sometimes it is hard but even then I usually get 25k+ points.
As a survivor I encountered a lot of sweaty killers. Tunneling when still 5 gens remaining and one guy already DCd.
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And how many times do survivors play fair dependent on the killer the
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Another slugging infectious fright nurse vigorously stroked their epeen during the event today.
Nothing like bringing in the strongest ######### possible during an event. Fun stuff.
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If the killer dont sweat and play optimally, he gets a "gg ezzz" and mocked, there is not in between, survivors still whine even if the killer dont sweat. Survivors can sweat, killer cant, he should play for the fun of everyone and also the killer should not bring perks that are unfun and boring for survivors, otherwise he lacks skill, while the survivors should play how they want, they are just playing right, doing their role!
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Yeah same I stopped playing the game got boring with the sweat I have gone against :( I play solo and every game, is slug, camp, tunnel at 5 flans. most survivors die on 1st hook.
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My games haven't been like that at all. They just been survivors coming in Gen Rushing, I barely get 2 kills now I haven't had a "good" match sence this event