Nurse is fine if you ignore range
Which is hard to do because every nurse player and their mother seems to run range add-ons.
For real though I love playing against a double recharge or addonless nurse, range however is a plague to the game and I formally request that them add-ons get deleted because being able to travel 42m with 2 blinks is not ok.
Also, torn bookmark can go too. Thank you.
I like playing against nurses that are actually fooled by whatever I do when I turn a corner.
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Well, maybe what you said + her blinks are special attacks.
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Special attacks won't work for Nurse. She can not chase you with m1, this mean so much perks will be useless for her. That does not look fair to me honestly.
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Her addons needs nerf. Range needs a big nerf or just rework (remove). I would also bit nerf her recharge / charge / fatique addons since these also help a lot in chase.
She should have Artist level of addons.
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Thats the point. To make all exposed perks worthless on her
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If she is next to then she could still down you with M1. I think it's very fair. She is one of the reasons why you can't buff exposed perks like Starstruck if you would want to, etc.
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Personally I think recharge should be base. Her base charge should be 2.5s not 3s and the recharge add ons should be 0.3s, 0.2s respectively.
Plus artist has some pretty spicy add ons, I would not want a nurse with add ons as good as hers.
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There is so much perks needs to make you m1 and they are not exposed perks. Nurse will lose those perks too. Still this does not looks fair to me.
Starstruck is only problematic perk on her. I'd change this perk instead nerf her with this way.
She can not catch you with m1 chase, she needs to blink. And if blink hits turns to special, then so much perks will die for her. Making blink hits special attack does not look good solution to me.
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I don't know about you but a killer that can go through walls and ignore all the material survivors have against killer should not have an insta down.
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Range was always busted. Old Omega Blink was busted and even with the working and intended version of range Add-ons (which they are no at the moment) they are still busted.
Like you said, I love vsing double recharge or basically any Nurse which isn't range. Dodging something which moves at the speed of light at mid range is quite impossible. They worked as intended before they recoded the Nurse and even then it was really strong.
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If range got nerfed it would directly nerf every exposed perk on her, as it would take her longer to catch up to survivors.
Take starstruck. It's an issue now because even if you W key away from the hook shes back on ur ass in 3 seconds with double range. Without range that wouldn't happen, and if it did you'll be wasting a lot more of her time than you would do if she had range.
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I disagree with you. She needs some add-ons nerfs for sure. But all killers should allowed to use all perks.
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Normally I would agree with you but nurse throws everything out of order. Most decent or good killer perks becomes completely s teir overpowered on her because of how well it synergize with her power.
She need some kind of restriction
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Perk such as surge or leave the best for last, nurses definitely love using that top tier perks on her. Damn, how can i forget about hysteria, or third seal. Best perks in the game work regardless of anything such as pop, ruin, corrupt, and nurse only needs tracking perks
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If every nurse players running range addons, and if she is statistically not an outlier, the chances are her addons are actually fine.
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I'm sorry, but some stuff is absolutely busted on nurse (and blight), and it would be eprfectly fine if they were limited on using that. DMS is the case. Starstruck is already limited on blight, thankfully. I don't see why nurse shouldn't be limited on it too. The fact that she's slower and thus can't usually get M1s doesn't really change much
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Mandy confirmed they are working correctly. Please don't follow a streamers words as fact.
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are you in favor of the same limitation getting applied to S tier survivor perks?
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Wha, when and where did she say this?
That's just absurd.
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Unless survivors have unique abilities like killers I would say no. Plus that's already being taken care of with the perk changes coming soon
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Not all killers can ignore 95% of survivor defences
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So we just casually buffed the best killer's strongest add ons because reasons. I guess these are the same devs that continually buff Blight's add ons while nerfing Twins, Slinger, Wraith, Nemesis, etc..
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Range addon increases range and requires you to charge the blink for longer, nowhere it is written that it slows down your travel speed.
It's the same unwritten effect like Spirit's duration addon where no matter what you'll always require 10s to get 100% of your power even though your power is 125% now.
Nurse's blinks always take 1,5s to reach the endpoint when fully charged and with a 30m blink she travels faster to keep the 1,5s rule intact.
That's a very accurate description of what's happening. The range addons increase the distance travelled by the nurse - the total blink time is always the same, so the nurse has a faster blink speed as a result.
page 7 nurse thread.. i don't know how to quote it here.
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Maybe actually know how the killer works before saying it's a bug or an exploit, it's by design like Zozzy said. I am so tired of people spreading misinformation and the worst part is you won't even think there is anything wrong with spreading these kinds of things.
Like I get you guys hate range addons, but do you guys really need to make up stuff, it's literally what the addons always did after the rework that's why you always appeared at the same time. That's the absurd thing that you don't fact-check yourselves.
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Maybe remove range addons and add (old) blink movement speed addons.
She doesn't have much of addons choice (except range, recharge) in my opinion.
Fatigue addons? Ataxic Respiration is okay but most are for beginners.
3 Blink addon? Rather use range to be frank.
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Pretty Ironic since they actually are still bugged.
"so the blink speed increases to get the extra distance within that time."
Then why does it increase blink speed for blinks travelling less than 20m? When blinking 10m, there's no additional distance from base nurse being made, but the added speed is there anyway.
Because of it increasing short blink speeds and not just for blinks past 20m, it should say in the description "increases blink movement speed".
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Depends, make her first blink a basic attack and her second blink a special attack.
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This looks more fair honestly.
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Draw a graph with a straight line and there is your answer. you have 1.5s to fit 30m in instead of 20m in. They are not going to code base blink speed and then a sharp increase for the last 10m imagine the bugs that would introduce.