Lag Switcher, Potato Modem Or Coincidence?

Just had a...really annoying Trickster game. Had a Leon - downed him fine the first time. From thereon out, the second I'd start chasing him I'd freeze for a second and then he'd basically not be where the game told me he was. Finally managed to down him, but again - simply couldn't locate him.
Ping looked like this.
No other problems, when he wasn't on my screen.
The reason I ask, is that all the switchers I've seen have simply been impossible to pick up and hook, not a ghost.
Entity Almighty, the PING in that first pic. It's quite possible that he just had absolutely terrible service, but if it happened every time you encountered him during the match, I'd have to say it's probably more than coincidence.
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Yeah, it felt pretty suspicious to me, especially as the second I did manage to locate his body (literally the only way I killed him was that he was coincidently in the shack, and I let fly with Main Event with the bouncy knives), he immediately DC'd.
I wish we didn't have to record our games religiously in order to report shenanigans like this, but as it wasn't the standard 'nur nur I have No Mither and you can't pick me up' switcher, I'm not completely sure.
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That's very suspicious, and I feel lag switching definitely may have been the case. I also wish we didn't have to self record matches, but unfortunately the game isn't designed to self record, so most players tend to get away with it if no evidence is provided.
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During those bouts of rubberbanding, the ping skyrockets for a few seconds. I've definitely seen it reach upwards of 800, and then quickly back down to ~100.
Though, it might just be a lagswitcher, who knows.
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I"v have also experiences some times this weird lag on PC after downing someone quickly look down to pick them up you will see no one somehow they teleported 15-20 feet (What happened? The X-Files theme song plays in my mind).
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I've encountered several of these.
I've recorded their ping during chases (~1080ms) and when they were safe (~100ms) and reported them.
I don't know if they were banned.
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Unfortunately, unless you report them externally as well, with video evidence, nope.
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Which I did.