Nurse players are really on a power trip

Everyone likes a good Nurse player every now and again, but if you destroy the opposition with 5 gens left, is it really that exciting? I do notice that Nurse is probably the only killer I see people suicide on hook against after their first hook. No one wants to feel completely powerless against a Killer that can take out the opposition very quickly, so they just forfeit the match entirely and I can sympathize with them.
Nerf nurse thread number 10000342
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Nothing feels better than a TWITCH swf disconnecting because they held W (in a straight and predictable line) and then ran out of ideas.
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Pretty much or they get hit on a pallet throw because they think they can loop normally and then they vault and get downed during the animation and say “How did that hit me?!” Then DC.
Anything that animation locks you vs nurse when she’s got direct line of sight of you is bad.
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It's for this reason that I find that playing Nurse (with the most broken stuff especially) to speedrun sacrifice challenges is actually detrimental. DCs don't count towards it. Very consistent DCs at 4/5 gens.
I don't blame them for it whatsoever.
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Survivors at high MMR must be having a power trip with all the second chance perks and doing all generators within three minutes then.
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Nurse needs to be changed completely so bhvr can design good perks and maps. Nurse is holding everything back because she’s overperforming. She doesn’t even need perks and add ons to overperform. It’s sad bhvr doesn’t see this…
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I'm not very good at nurse, i know the basics, but i still struggle sometimes, so if i get 4k with 5 gens left i will be really excited, yes
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Nurse and Blight can get nerfed the second:
1) all the maps are 9000m² or smaller
2) SWF gets nerfed (easy way is : no repeating perks/items)
3) looping as we know it is killed because chases are now really short - or gens are made really long.
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Throwing their mouse in circles after they got the 4K in less than a few minutes with 5 gens up. I've seen it happen today and many times before. Just don't like a Killer that ignores everything.