Can survivors even loop without Dead Hard?

Played killer all evening yesterday, and consistently got 4 dead hards every game as usual. Are these high mmr survivors so trash that they literally cannot play any match without their press E to escape perk? Like atleast have some dignity lol. So sick of this one perk extending chases and making me lose gens, and having to dance behind every survivor before swinging to bait out the dead hard. And guess what they even t-bag after using dead hard to reach the pallet and window, thinking as if they did something skillful, when they literally just pressed a button the devs gave them to outplay the killer. As a killer i never rely on Noed to give me some cheap kills, but every survivor shamelessly uses dead hard, even the thousands of hours survivors. Hope the devs put their big boy pants on and nerf this most unfair and most used perk to the ground.
The are many survivors who are literally boosted by DH, myself included.
After the change, assuming it's a good one, their survival rate will drop significantly for a while.
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Yup those "good survivors" will be dropping pallets a lot earlier when they realize they don't have their get out of jail free card anymore. That is IF the devs are brave enough to properly nerf DH.
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There is also the possibility the 40 perks change ruins the game altogether. It would not be the first time they make a change that makes no sense to experienced players.
I'm cautiously hopeful but ...
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If the kill rate skyrocket after DH nerf they will probably buff survivors in general who knows.
In my opinion it's basically required against both Nurse and Twins.
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It's "required" for any killers if you try to get best result.
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Yes. As I'm very sure you'll find out once Dead Hard is changed.
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I can. Ever since I replaced exhaustion perk with WOO in my builds, I became much better at looping and positioning myself.
That said, I still go down super fast sometimes, especially when theres E no longer available
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It's funny you should call them bad when Dead Hard For Distance™ relies on them strategically routing correctly to a tile they know they can hit and then loop. DHFD isn't correcting a mistake, it's enabling a play they can make knowing they have Dead Hard, and there's a world of difference between the two.
Edit: Please note I am not defending the existence of Dead Hard within the game and I would very much so like to see it nerfed into the ground. However, saying there is no skill whatsoever in using this perk is simply not true.
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Shut up, brainless perk, no strategy, SHUT UP
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You're right I'm sorry everyone that uses Dead Hard ever is just bad 😔💅
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This^. Dead hard extends chases. If you can't loop without it you're not going to be good with it, at most you'll earn a few seconds if you don't dead hard into a wall.
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Either way, calling strategical one additional life for no downside™ balanced is kinda meh.
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Oh no, I do not at all think it's balanced and would love to see it be completely and utterly destroyed to the point of being unusable, but balance wasn't the topic of the discussion. It was if people who use DH can loop without it, as to OP it's a completely skillless perk, whereas imo it actually raises survivor skill expression because it takes actual routing, map knowledge, understanding distances, and knowing which tiles are where to properly extend a chase with DH For Distance™.
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It's not that Dead Hard is balanced, it's just the perception that it's some brainless automatic crutch.
There's plenty of good reasons to not like Dead Hard, man. You don't need to invent more.
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They used to, but not anymore.
As Killer you can literally see if they have dead hard or not by how they loop: they take too much risks, they greed the pallets and they usually relay on dead hard.
If dead hard gets nerfed to the ground I'm expecting a lot of 3000 hours survivors not being able tu survive for a while, which will make them create a thousand of posts saying "please nerf killers" and eventually they will nerf killers somehow.
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If they greed loops because they have Dead Hard, and they don't have Dead Hard anymore, then
They just won't greed the loops.
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Would it be brainless then if it was used ONLY for distance?
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Eh, it still works as brainless crutch as it can fix plenty "oh #########" situation with usage of one brain cells.
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In fact after they use DH they tend to drop pallets as soon as they can.
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Depends. Is it the only loop they could make it to? Could they have made it to multiple, but only that one with distance DH? Did you knowingly go for a loop to make with distance DH?
But more importantly, literally why does it matter if it's brainless or not? It's a thing to use, use it, it's getting changed now, you won't have to worry about it.
People call it brainless to spare their ego. Yeah, you got away or looped me long enough to win the game for you team, but you used Dead Hard, so you didn't really beat me.
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"Shameless" is the word that always comes to my mind, too, when someone uses it in a cheap way. Don't get me wrong, there is a learning curve to using DH right, but once you learned a few tricks and get these down, having them at your disposal just increases your odds of escaping a tight situation or covering a big blunder immensely and I can't shake the feeling of people abusing it being somewhat shameless ^^"
I made the decision to never use DH outside of the three or so tome challenges, and even then I feel dirty :P Not using DH made me lose much more often then other players, obviously, but in the long run it made me a much better player and looper. Of course, when I mess up there is no falling back and I go down quickly, but regularly I will get spotted by the killer at the start of the trial and manage to elude them till the first 2 gens pop and then escape; gosh I know that sinking feeling the poor killer get then, the knowledge that this trial is already busted befor it really stated.
But thats the thing: I am quite good at looping now, and other players are, too or even better. But you can still stack DH on top, and thats just insanely powerful. Many players say that survivors nowadays can not be compared to the survivors from a few years back. Not only are there other perks and meta, but its in the fundamentals of the game! The game still basically opperates like its 2016, but people now know how to play the game and how to be efficient at it. When survivors split up and stick to their gens 3 will pop by the time you get your first down (if any) and after thats its sooo hard to keep up momentum. If the survivors do engage in some day trading, yeah, you can somewhat recover and threaten a few, but if they stick to their gens, 4 and 5 will pop soon after and then they will just swarm the hook with BT, DH, Bodyblocking and all escape, t-bag, gg ez.
Heck, even the items somewhat reflect this "being stuck in time", with killers finding the shroud that lets all survivors start the trial seperately, because back in the day, that was scary and the dev thought that it would be detrimental to the survivors, giving the killer an edge.
I really HOPE that this big perk balance patch will inject some healthy new spirit into the game, but I would also recomment to look at the fundamentals and maybe examine if there could be anything done about it.
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Yes, but I can't wait for all the salt when predropping becomes the new meta and killers start whining about how the game is pallet breaking simulator.
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Huh? game is already pallet breaking simulator, what are you talking about?
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Im DBD main and play a lot on both sides. So I wanna see DH nerfed.
Survivor mains will probably be mad for the first weeks after the DH nerf, like killer mains when ruin was reworked. DH is by far the strongest perk in the game. That´s why Im playing it until it is nerfed. DH allows me to be a lot greedier with pallets and even if I run one circle too much, DH for distance will save my ass. That means DH can easily extend a chase for 30 sec or more. Still it is possible to survive without DH or even without any perks. You just have to adapt and play more carefully.
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You do realise that after dead hard is nerfed the good survivors are just going to start using comp strats. Basically predrop most pallets and basically not loop at all.
Don't forget also that Sprint Burst will take it's place in the meta. You'll basically find a survivor, see them run away, take 10 seconds to catch up and then they'll predrop pallets and be extremely safe. Dead hard is annoying but with every big survivor nerf, they always find a way to work around it.
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Yes, but even with workaround it will be much healthier and dev can find problem if it exists.
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I'm happy they're nerfing dead hard but people shouldn't just believe "Dead hard is gone the games are going to be so much easier now!". I don't think a lot of people realise how annoying 4 sprint burst survivors are.
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And this will be the opportunity to answer: get better.
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I'm 100% sure 4 sb is order of magnitude easier than 4 dh.
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Yes. I dont run any exhaust perk anymore
E: except overcome with lucky break sometimes, its fun to zoom across the map without a trace.
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True, but remember that for a game to start we need 4 survivors, and just 1 killer.
What I mean by that is that if a lot of survivors make complains, they will change things.
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I stopped using dead hard since last chapter drop to prep for the nerf. I've gotten better at looping because of it. It will just weed out the bad players who use it as a crutch. However I think we might see an uptick in people getting better at looping because of it. Which imo is better then the current dead hard meta.
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Depends on the killer tbh. I definitely remember being quite annoyed at 4 sprint burst users as Bubba lol
Generally yes 4 dead hard users are worse than 4 sprint burst users.
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You can still greed pallets with many other exhaustion perks.
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Atleast sprint burst requires some kinda strategy, unlike Dead Hard which is basically like "so the killer mind gamed you at the loop with his red glow? No worries, just press E to reach the pallet anyways"
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Honestly when I dead hard for distance I don’t think too much about it. Pallets are almost always at the same location, I just drop the pallet and go to the next area. Not much skill needed tbh.
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If you can't, this means you are not as good at the game as you thought you are.
And I am very happy with this, cause Dead Hard on people who actually know what they are doing is literally broken.
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Yes, but its quite harder and it requires actually some skill.
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If dead hard does end up being gutted like people want (myself included), you can expect to see the escape rates rightfully plummet and killers actually being rewarded for playing well. People will actually have to take time to learn what tiles are better against who and ACTUALLY engage in their games now, now that their get-out card perk and pallet throw sim for every killer strategy doesn't work anymore.
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So you'll all graciously accept your losses now that you don't have to deal with Dead Hard anymore, right?
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I NEVER use dh its so boring and i would rather use something like lithe or overcome then dh
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Cant wait for DH to get nerfed and the same people to continue crying on the forums how survivor is OP.
About to find out that even though DH is very good, a lot of the times they're just losing because they're bad and not because of a perk.
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If pre-dropping really takes off expect to see Dissolution become meta, it’s main benefit revolves chasing survivors near already dropped pallets.
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I already like to think I’m a gracious loser. I also happen to think Dead Hard is overpowered and due for its nerf.
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Hey, I think so to.
I just want to know what the "brainless free win crutch" crowd thinks.
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Yeah, I’m not in that crowd either. I think statistically Dead Hard increases chances of escape by something like 8% per survivor who has it in a match based on some of the data I’ve seen posted, so it’s not like it’s an automatic win. But it’s definitely way better than basically any other perk in that regard (I think Iron Will was up there? Borrowed Time surprisingly wasn’t but I think that’s because so many killers just assume Borrowed Time is in play they treat all hook rescues like it’s there anyway.)
But yeah, when I lose a match I mostly blame myself for messing up, not the survivor’s loadouts. Player mistskes are by far the biggest deciding factor in winning or losing, not perks.
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I didn't think you were, and I also happen to agree.
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Last Time i got called " Haha Trash Killer cant even kill me at the exit Gate so easy to Escape " he used DH at the exit Gate whitout it i would have get him 🤷♀️