I have been playing Dead By Daylight regularly for 1 year, on playstation 5, the game is very good, it has great detailing in sharp 4k resolution, maybe some kind of more natural, vivid character animations are missing, but that's not the reason for this post.
Playing for quite a long period, I found that on the console it is not possible to use the full potential of some killers, where the control requires a special precision, such as: Huntres, Deathslinger, Plaga, Cenobite, so I would very much ask the developers to add support for mouse and keyboard support on consoles to compensate the level of competition with people playing on platforms using this type of device, in order not to be limited on console players, please take my request seriously and thank you.
No. If you want to use M/K, then play it on PC.
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What? So that people who can afford extra external accessories have an advantage over those who cant?
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Would be nice but it wont happen. We can still dream though
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There's an adapter out there for like 250 USD that allows PlayStations to run DBD with K&M, if you want to spend more money that is.
They've said several times they have no plans to add support for it to the consoles. Their reasons were it would take way to long, be way too much hard work, and require a UI update as well. Interpret that yourself
There's no Cross Progression with this game, so they'd have to start all characters from scratch at level 1. You know the grind of this game, no matter what the upcoming changes are.
Very few with thousands of hours and whatever monies spent into DBD are likely to regrind all that. And that's without the cost of a new gaming PC these days. Not a valid argument.
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Even without cross-progression, there's nothing wrong with this statement. If you want to use MnK for a console, then you should buy a PC.
Whether or not you can afford it is another matter entirely, but MnK offers an overwhelming advantage over controller.
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Fixed : If you use m/k on console Crossplay is always on
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You can turn crossplay off on console, but you'll be waiting hours, possibly days, for a lobby. So having crossplay always on isn't really much of a downside.
MnK offers advantages that controllers cannot compete with. If there were no advantages, nobody would mind MnK support.
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You don't seem to understand what I meant, If Crossplay is On, against who would they have an advantage or disadvantage?
You do know that with Crossplay you play with or against all other Plattforms including Steam, Windows10, Epic Store who are using m/k 😉
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I understood what you meant, but you also have to understand that they would have an advantage over anyone on console. Crossplay being on makes no difference to my point.
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You are already playing against PC players which using M&K lol. So what will be different if console players also start use
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It'd provide an advantage over those who aren't MnK. Many console users don't have room for a MnK setup. Console doesn't need support for MnK, and those who want it should just buy a PC.
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Fk off with that.
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This is not answer of my question. You are already playing against pc players and they have M&K. So what will change if also console players gets this chance?
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Since there is no cross progression, I would have stayed on Xbox if there was at least MnK support. Starting over years of progress isn't the greatest feeling for anybody.
Edit: nice
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No, U
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If you go with that logic, you shouldnt be playing games on a PC because PCs werent indented for games back then, they were developed for other reasons.
Also turn off crossplay if you play on PC because why should you be playing with console?
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Who said I was playing on PC?
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You are already playing against people with m/k when playing with Crossplay on, what are you even talking about? What you are saying makes no sense...
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Ah yes console advantage against console advantage is a perfectly valid reason to not ask about m&k for consoles when crossplay is a thing. I'd want support purely for more buttons to use, as I'd like to be able to heal a downed survivor without pulling a pallet down and there's only so many buttons on a controller vs a mouse and keyboard. Also if they do attempt it hope they do it how fortnite did theirs, it's really well done.
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Um no want mouse and keyboard play on PC
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Console players who cannot use M&K would be at a disadvantage against those who can. Playing against PC is the same thing, but since that's already a feature, there's no room for pushback against it.
Here's what changes: Killers that were previously bad picks for console become used more frequently. Previously impossible techs are now possible. It's easier for survivors to run tight loops. Easier for survivors to 360. Every game feels like you're versing PC. The game becomes less fun.
Console players who have been using a controller across several console generations now feel like they're being punished for not using M&K.
Can't turn off crossplay because turning it off means you can only be matched with players on the same platform who also have it turned off.
I believe I've answered your question thoroughly enough. So, once again, those for M&K support should just buy a PC. The issue of key bindings can be solved by letting us choose the binding for each individual action and interaction.
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But console has a disadvantage in that regard towards PC too so I don't see how giving that access to console players is unfair when it's available to ALL console players. I'd also like to know what impossible techs are done on console with m&k that cause issues since everything else you said happens with PC players.