Why do survivors dc in first hook?

Title says it all,three games in a row had a survivor dc on first hook.
Only reason to dc is getting harshly cucked by rubberbanding. So far, it's driven me to the point I'm ditching the event.
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I find hook suicides pretty damn funny, but that's just me.
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I’ve had killers dc when a hex his cleansed in the first minute of the match. Why do they do that? They know the risk of bringing it. It goes both ways
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Fixed the title, as for your answer entitlement.
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Just to give the killer less BP and just to spite the killer.
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Funny thing is that an early game first hook DC usually all but guarantees a 3K, so it's actually helping the killer to get more BP. These DCs only make me mad when I am another surv on their team.
The answer to the OP is that it's that the surv felt entitled to the game going a certain way, and when it became clear it wasn't going to, they babied out.
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Pettiness. They don't like the map, the killer, how the killer played, or how they played during their first chase, so they scuttle the entire game for everyone.
It's especially baffling now, when every game is bloodpoint city.
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Because this first downed survivors has the most info/look on how the game will go. They know which (OP) Killer it is, multiple perks/addons, skill of the person playing the killer, bad latency hits. these are all things that determine how fun a match will be.
But the main thing is that the first downed survivor can see what the 3 teammates are doing (while getting carried to the hook) . And let me tell you that 9/10 times its not fun to look at, just people slow walking/crouching/doing totems/hiding in locker...
Everyone also hates specific maps or going against the same killer multiple games in a row.
In short, there are LOTS of reasons to die first hook, why would you stay in that match when you have enough experience to determine that you will have fun or not, i rather go next game knowing there is a high chance it will be more fun.
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DCing over your info at the first hook is still stupid. You don't know if that totem they're cleansing is a hex, or if they're dropping a fat boon into the game. I've had people ragequit because I wasn't running to save them, because my gen was 95% and I planned to get them after it was done. Heck, even the guy standing still or entering a locker might just be checking a text message or stepped out to get a package at the door. There's definitely bad omens you can get from the aura read on your teammates, but quitting over them is worse than anything your teammates might be doing. I've had games where I went "######### seriously?" at all three of my teammates crouching/walking around when I first got hooked, and the game turned out fine and 3/4e'd. You don't know how it's gonna go until it plays out.
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found the guy who likes to DC when he gets hooked first, basically this is all cope for being a giant baby and throwing a tantrum
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They mad
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With all the complaining about 'second chance' perks, why wouldn't you DC on first hook? According to these forums, you only get one chance, and that was it.
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Well I tend to be a pretty crappy killer main,I play for fun.If they get info on me and think it’s meta or that I’m op,they are getting bad info.I play trapper,plague and the doc of course.nothing screams super killer by the way I play so they just take what little good I accomplish at playing and flush it down the toilet.
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Most likely a rage quit for variety of reasons - don't like killer/have had multiple matches against same killer, felt down was unfair for some reason like that particular map/killer causing performance issues, teammate sandbagged them... probably more reasons that I just can't think of off the top of my head. Rarely could just be perfect timing of actual technical issue - game froze, they lost power/internet, there's a bug in the game that causes crashes when certain things happen.
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You're not a true surv main unless you DC during the hook animation but before the hook is scored to deny your BBQ stack. Bonus points for staying 10 minutes in post game to complain once the match is over.
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Because some people don't understand why you shouldn't queue up for a multiplayer match if you're not ready for the possibility of having a bad one.
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That's my MO. I usually DC on spawn or shortly after, or suicide on first hook for a few situations:
-Bubba (Not interested in being facecamped by a one-shot killer).
-Legion (Will never be interested in Mending Simulator #283455593743659-04-F with Warp Speed and Terror Radius-wide Killer Instinct).
-Swamp Map (Swamp Map; I'll give it a shot but the map wears thin fast, on both killer and survivor.).
-Trickster (if I've had more than three trials with one in the same play session. That guy is annoying spelled out in neon.)
-Any killer that is trying way too hard vs a potato group.
-I also have special circumstance for instances, like events. Example: Trial has 4-5 cakes/flans/streamers up and the killer is playing like they need everyone dead before a single gen is done. They can certainly do that, of course. I look at it more like if I'm going out with ######### BPs, so can the killer. I'm really happy to see so many people have adopted this philosophy in the latest event. The items are wasted either way, so drop ######### BPs on the try-hard and hop into another trial. Time far better spent. :) One trial I was in yesterday had a killer go on a slugfest before the first gen was done. Two people LD'd on the ground, one suicided on the hook, all before I could even get the killer's attention so I could suicide out! I wound up finding the hatch first and got out!
As an FYI to rescuers, if someone is suiciding on a hook, you really don't need to bother trying to pull them off. Most of the time they'll stand there till they get hit/hooked again, giving you no Safe Unhook for stacks/BPs. It'll also likely just get you injured, and take time away that you could have been doing gens or something else. Even if you're doing it out of spite, it really is more of a problem for you.
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How do you get any games in quitting over all those reasons?how do you know they are a try hard on first hook of game?Maybe as killer I should quit after first gen is done?…SMH doesn’t make any sense to me…guess cause I’m not a “pro”.
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There's tons of trials going on now, and plenty of them that are fun. You just have to wait for them. Speeding things along helps greatly. :)
Just because I go out on the first hook sometimes, doesn't mean I was the first hook of the game. I prefer playing stealth at first and getting a good look around vs running around mindlessly leaving scratch marks everywhere and making noise.
A recent trial I actually got to watch a Nemesis camp their first hook at the farm. I mean a Nemesis.
Last trial I got out of was a Bubba running Insidious in Midwich, hooking/knocking people down then hiding around corners. The other three survivors kept running in and trying to save someone, and wound up on the ground beside them. Once I got away I went to the other end of the map and bounced between floors doing gens/totems. When everyone else was dead and the hatch closed, I sat upstairs between where the two exits were and listened to the Bubba's terror radius going back and forth for the entire timer. Most exercise he's ever gotten. At the end of the match they were like "so stupid easy". Truth be told it was. Mix poor character design and no way for the devs to fix it, with players who were empathetic to the point of being idiotic. I got some BPs out of it, but I'd known in the first 30 seconds of the trial what was going to happen, and that if I wound up on a hook I was out. The other survivors had to have someone do it for them.
It's not "pro" anything. It's just common sense. And yes, you can quit after the first gen on a killer all you want. Nothing's forcing you to do otherwise. It's not quite the same as skipping trials on a survivor, but if it's fun knock yourself out. By dropping out of the ######### trials and running more balanced/fun ones, I make way more BPs/shards over the same amount of time and walk away with far less stress than I used to have over the game. Win/win! Play what's fun for you. :)
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They were found first.
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I once got a bucket load of salt because I had 2 DC when playing as The Plague, and I just wanted the game over with and get into the next one. "How can you play like this with 2 DC? Should have let us go!" "Fggging tryhard" "Toxic killer". It was quite enlightening. But getting an early DC is a bit like tunneling someone out early: it gives the killer much more breathing room and takes a giant weight off your shoulders, so I relax my gameplay a lot and got for 8 hooks on the remaining survivors, letting the last one live. Doesn't protect you from the salt, but it surely reduces it a lot.
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Jesus, dude. I hope I never end up with you on my team. You don't even wait to see if the Bubba is camping? Swamp? Stuff like this is why people say solo is unplayable and your teammates are the real killers in this game.
Rescuers know you're going to keep suiciding, they're just pissed and want their points and WGLF stacks off of your corpse. You're wrecking the game by bailing; it's not like them getting injured in the attempt is going to matter to their chances of escaping, or making it out without depipping. An early 3v1 is impossible unless the killer is pretty bad. I honestly don't get how you can show this much disregard for your teammates. Does it seriously not bother you when you load into, say, Ormond, things are going fine, and then someone DCs 40 seconds in?
Also, killers that go easy at the start are opening themselves up to lose games with low scores across the board regardless of how nice they intend on being re: 5 flans. It's not like survivors are going to wait at the gates (well, they will, but to tbag) and give you your missing hooks. Of course everyone's going to go hard ASAP. Once you have control of the match, you're allowed to decide to let up or goof off.
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Players who regularly DC because something didn't go their way during the match are pathetic