DBD's community is more toxic than rust

I mean it speaks for itself and rusts whole community's existence is to be toxic. Wonder if this will ever change.
Survivors created it now they can sleep in it.
They created this environment.
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How melodramatic…
on that note: down with Golden Sands!
the flame burns eternal
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See super toxic lol
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Just pointing out the truth.
4v1 is a hive mentality.
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All shall tremble before the might of the flame
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pirates for all eternity
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The game isnt 4v1 in solos its 1v1v1v1v1
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At least we have tetanus shots to deal with rust. There is no prevention for the toxicity of dbd besides play something else.
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Most toxic? I remember back when I played tf2, joining a lobby of 14 year Olds ( or grown men acting like 14 year olds) and them just throwing around slurs was normal. Have a complaint? Too bad, because the mods of those servers weren't any better.
Not saying that dbd doesn have its own problems, but you have not lived if this is peak toxicity.
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You can stop yourself for reading the forum at least when it gets too toxic
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Huh? who play solos in this game.
literally every SWF players says game will die when SWF removed so community's opinion is pretty much "there is no solo"
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A lot of people play solo myself included. I have friends to play with but our schedule's are different some days so I have to run solos.
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Bro im 36 i played all the call of duties growing up and i play rust and this community tears each other down more than rust im not just talking about racial slurs and its not just on the forums its in game also.
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Ngl to you,
It's either Rust is still more toxic + more players,
Or League of Legends is more toxic..
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Literally a question of chicken or the egg. It's genuinely not possible to find the "patient zero", who was originally toxic to begin this cycle. Stop being so dramatic, this is a video game.
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Stop with the awful takes everything you post is braindead and cringe.
Yes this game is toxic just like how most PvP games are toxic doesn't matter if they're more toxic or not...
Overwatch exists,Dota 2 exists and they have voice chat PvP games are always going to be full of toxic cringey kids what can you do about that everybody knows that.
If you're tired of this toxic environment just go play PvE games such as Deep Rock Galactic players are so nice and friendly and take a break if you can't handle the hostile environment stay away from PvP games,that's all you can do.
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I played League of legends since 2014 and it's known that it has the most toxic player base in any video game but DBD is more toxic than that..
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I mean I feel you, but this game is always going to be toxic, some party is always gonna be dissatisfied by the end of the match, whether it's survivors with them dying or a killer with less kills. Pretty much the point is that one side will always be dissatisfied at the end and it just how people chose to accept it now
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DBD is so vanilla in regards to toxicity. I dont even notice it.
"Oh no someone hit ctrl or nodded at me, sooo toxic!"
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I joined an LFG to play my first round of Among us, instantly was met with slurs, sexism, sexual comments directed at myself (didn't even get to play a round)
It took me a few Lfgs to find a group that wasn't nasty.
So Among us is more toxic than dead by daylight I 'spose lol
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idk about that
I remember just starting out on League and was told to kill myself and called various slurs multiple times within my first few games just because I had no idea what I was doing
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Ofc the amount of hate and such messages are brutal we all got those messages but you can mute and reports are taken seriously, In DBD you can't mute Tbags and clicks and taunts and bully squads the toxicity is by actions rather than words and ofc the killers that will hit you on hook and move their faces , the tunneling and the face camping the DC's the suicides on hooks all of these are nearly in every match not as much as LOL
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suffice to say but PvP games are already inherently toxic, and on top of that dbd is made to be full of frustration.
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I'm sorry but Rust out of all games? Maybe your experience was different to mine but that game has some of the most absolutely unhinged people I've ever encountered in games in it. Especially on official servers/servers advertised as "serious".
Even the biggest ego in DBD is microscopic compared to the celestial body sized egos I encountered in that game.
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I've had my internet shut down for hours after I didn't play correctly according to a player in DBD.
if that isn't a celestial sized ego then idk what is
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I don't think DBD is a highly toxic environment.
It's just filled with people running the meta and crying when the other side brings a better meta.
Or people with a frail ego and want to "bully" a side because they shove their eyes on THOSE dbd youtube videos smh.
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Huh? people can do that nowadays?
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the balance and design of the game made it that way, it was a bit nice but boons kicked everyone who wanted to have fun and left only the most toxic and asses of this game, some of them returned this event but once its over its back to skipping end game chat
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I agree and behaviour didn't do anything to prevent it.
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They could have prevented it by removing the ability to see profiles and also removing the ingame chat.
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Rust’s community isn’t even toxic at this point. It’s just a cesspool of bigotry.
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Words aren't toxic, behavior is toxic. Feeding and throwing is the most you can do to be toxic with in LoL and even then it's only to your own teammates. It used to be that you could spam mastery badges/emotes but since they added an option to disable seeing those years ago, it's mostly tame.
I don't mind some id*ot typing words at me, I literally couldn't care less about that nonsense if someone paid me to care about it. What irks me to no end is the crouching and clicking and using filthy perks like DS and DH.
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you can be an ass verbally as much as you want to be an ass through actions. Both get the point across.
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Its not just survivors its killers too, I been told to get cancer and neck myself just because I found hatch. Like ######### its just a game I play for fun.
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I don't really think so, league of legends is still the peak of toxicity in video game, but I do agree that dbd is not really far behind
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Just because xyz video game is worse doesn't mean it should be tolerated. We're just gonna put up with it til people are slinging death threats and slurs, or worse? Like?? I don't get this mentality
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Not sure why you replied that to me, my stance is more of "grow thicker skin" I didnt say anything about any other game being toxic, I personally have had death threats, death wished upon me, slurs, and more. This week in fact. I ignore it, thats the difference, because, its just text on a screen. Have been online gaming since late 90s, toxic is not new I am just used to it.
PS its not "we" who tolerate anything. The devs created soft bbans, and people who used to be banned are timed out for 1-3 days or something. Then they come right back and do it again. The reporting function is also terribad.
PLayers are the ones forced to tolerate it because devs dont ban these people from the game, they get soft bans. Soft bans were created after Asylum exploit, we got them banned for exploiting but devs didnt want to ban so many players including some popular streamers who were showing the exploit on twitch, theywere unbanned by the weekend... now we stuck with soft ban timeouts.
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The devs can be amazing or terrible about banning toxic players, but that alone isn't going to improve the community. The community has to put in effort too as a whole, or else people just make alt accounts. It especially doesn't help when someone brings it up and your response is "yawn". Not sure what your goal is but try to get a gold medal for your experience, like?
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Why you being toxic? I am literally saying don't let it bother you, so you start replying to me days later wanting to argue,... now thats toxic. Later man
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This game wasn't actually that bad. It was on new Haddonfield, but the survivor group messed up from the very start when I got an early down, foiled the flashlight save by just pretending to pick them up, then got 2 easy hits and they never recovered from that.
They tried a few more times to tilt me, but it all ended in tears and a 4k. But thats the most hate I ever got, especially since I didn't do anything like camping or letting them bleed out. I think this was a 10 or 11 hooks game, so they all played evenly bad. I guess they were a full SWF group and the first one to die lingered all game, allowing their displeasure to fester ^^ But this here ain't the norm, this is literally the worst I have aver seen in this game, and I have seen quite a lot.
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Both sides created it.
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But it clearly shows your started the toxicity by saying gg ez so you are just as bad or even worse than them.
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well you shouldn't start a conversation with someone on the internet by "gg ez"
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You know how often I got "gg ez"ed? You are right, but according to BHVR a bit of smacktalking is expected and even encouraged. But two things.
1) this was obviously his second line, he had already started swearing before I even entered the post game chat.
2) In what world is wishing cancer to someone and their entire family the correct response to gg ez?
Yes, I was petty, but it was calculated, because they tried to tilt me so hard and it ended with a 4k. But I don't think that there is anything to be apologetic about this.
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First of all, nobody said wishing cancer to someone because they said gg ez was a correct response so don't make this up.
Then you're obviously taunting him a bit further wich doesn't help calming him down.
Finally you shouldn't even have responded to him after the first slur, just report him (for what it's worth lol) and move on, he is mad and is just trying to make you mad in return, the best answer you could give him is letting him punch his wall in real life while you just launch another game.
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Well, the guy directly above your initial response said that because I opened with "gg ez" I was "just as bad or worse then them", so I wouldn't say that I am making things up. Your assessment is fair enough, and usually I am pretty chill, but in all fairness, that was about the most tame taunting imaginable. Literally anything else in the taunting category would have been worse; I have probably been "gg ez"ed a coupe of hundred times and never wished anyone anything bad, least of all cancer. And while I am usually a chill guy, as you can see in my responses, they were an obnoxious bunch, so I gave into the urge and said "gg ez" myself for about the 4th or 5th time.