

Do you think Breakable Walls were a good addition to the game?

Member Posts: 57

Do you think Breakable Walls were a good addition to the game? 85 votes

24 votes
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  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Yes, they are BUT behaviour doesn't really knows how to place them, they place it with a window at their side so survivors can jump through it so that means you as a killer MUST break that wall... breakable walls are supposed to add a new experience to the map, let's break those walls and keep those others, so as a killer you have some control on which path you want the survivors to follow.

  • Member Posts: 822

    They could have been but right now no

    The only good example is in Midwhich which is the one that goes from 1st floor to 2nd floor.

    A good Breakable should not force a killer to break it & if gets broken gives either side an unfair adventage.

    They should be use to add Optional Shortcuts for Survivors & Killers with Low Mobilty

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    I feel like it depends on the case. On the maps that were added after breakable walls (Saloon and Midwich), they are absolutely ok, because if you go out of your way to break the wall beforehand the loop is basically destroyed or it becomes a really weak loop. The problem is on the reworked maps because BHVR added a breakable wall where there weren't any, so it ends up as a infinite loop with the wall and a still strong as hell loop when its broken (ex: Groaning Storehouse, Coal Tower, Father's Chappel).

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Good in theory bad in execution, I feel a lot of loops are stronger for killer if you don't break them.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Overall, yes. There are walls in the game that help the killer out but are ultimately optional, like most of the walls in Gideon's, and there are walls that certain killers want to break but other killers don't, like any wall that funnels survivors into a specific window vault while it's up, and both of those are totally viable concepts that make the game better.

    The existence of badly placed walls doesn't negate that, though they are regrettable.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Had the potential to be kinda poor implementation though, most tiles were adjusted and for some reason they used breakable walls to make them stronger and kept the base strength, not that fun to play around and feels unfair to use as survivor

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    They're just a waste of time and make strong loops even stronger.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Another time waster for killers. On maps like Dead Dawg for example you NEED to go out of your way to break some walls before chases if you don't want survivors to make massive distance on you while you do it.

  • Member Posts: 619

    This is not breakable walls,but breakmust wall.

  • Member Posts: 152

    I percieve them as a missed chance for more gameplay variety and increased player satisfaction with bringing in one or more actual interesting new gameplay elements for chase which also couldve helped to provide more options to balance in individual cases properly.

  • Member Posts: 809

    to game, yes.

    To THE GAME... hell no

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    I feel BHVR has been using them the Wrong way, but im fine with them.

  • Member Posts: 321

    They're a good idea but the execution of them has been pretty bad. Making shortcuts with them is fine but putting then in situations where the killer HAS to break them isn't

  • Member Posts: 225

    Good idea, terrible execution. They should allow the Killer to change parts of the map layout to their advantage, not make them lose time in chase because they have to break walls.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    They're either pre-dropped God Pallets or pre-dropped Hawkins Pallets

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    When I play killer, I don't feel like I have time to kick walls. When I play survivor, I run into dead ends because of them. I agree with the people who say it should have been a barrier survivors can make rather than a default obstacle killers have to remove.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    unnecessary, wastes of space, idiotic...what's the point? don't put long loops or infinites in game and there wouldn't be a need for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    A masterful concept that begs deeper investigation.

    They can be introduced to make safe loops much less safe through a small time investment of the killer.

    They can also be used on maps like Badham and Gideon to keep certain areas into isolated death traps - but open them up for mobility.

    They are conceptually good, but I feel that the developers have been a bit lax with their involvement.

    The one in the main building of the rebuilt Thompson House is super brilliant. A window that is a guaranteed escape as a god window for survivors can be made completely and utterly useless with the inclusion of a breakable wall.

    This mechanic allows players on both sides to have their cake and eat it too.

    It's a shame that most of the times, the walls are either too oppressively placed as to allow survivors several opportunities to evade and escape chases so long as the killer doesn't take several seconds to break the walls (Dead Dawg buildings) or could be so absolutely and fundamentally useless as to beg the question if they are even useful in the first place (Main Building Coal Tower)

  • Member Posts: 598

    why DON'T ALL killer shacks have a breakable wall or at least random

  • Member Posts: 129

    Yes. More ways to interact with environment is good and cool. There should be more flavorful things to do in general.

    ps. Obviously we don't want the opened ways to break the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,212
    edited June 2022

    No. They really only fit into 2 categories:

    1. This would be an infinite, so you have to break this wall for the map to not be broken. Or
    2. Never break this wall.

    They really just exist to make killers waste more time because they have to stop and break pre-dropped pallets that the survivors never had to drop.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Almost any action that makes killer stand still is usually a wasteful action,

    that's why people run Scourge Hooks, Jolt, Ruin, etc.

    So instead of going to the gen, kicking it for 2 seconds than finaly being able to move, they can either just shoo the survivor off the gen, hook someone or down someone near a worked gen..

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I like the idea of giving killers the choice of opening a new path and maybe even add some strategy with it. Sadly it just doesn't work like this. Some walls you absolutely have to break because otherwise it would be an infinite or close to it. Others you should never break because it opens new super save loops.

  • Member Posts: 464

    No, breakable walls should simply be open, the killer having to break it is not good.

  • Member Posts: 496

    I am against most 'survivor sided' things in the game... but breakable walls are really not a problem.

    1. Their patch removed a lot of literal infinites (Yes, they shouldn't be there in the first place... but at least they are gone!)
    2. You can break the wall before even starting a chase.
    3. You can strategically NOT break them to create traps.

    We really have bigger problems than this, guys. Look at dead hard, unbreakable, iron will (especially after buff), gen speed and hook distrubution.

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