Unpopular Opinion: "The Game" is better than a lot of maps.

HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Yes yes, I know. 35 god pallets will have you thinking this map is atrocious. But honestly after playing more and more of this game I slowly started to realize... a lot of maps are worse. With gideon yea there's a lot of pallets, but there's still barely any windows, so it's mostly pallets which once you break... they're gone. Nothing the survivors can do.

Meanwhile on maps like macmillan (god how I hate macmillan maps) you get about 15 different jungle gyms all within 25 feet of each other and mostly all of it is windows so you physically can't get rid of them, putting you in what is practically an infinite until the survivor either A. Messes up themselves or B. falls for some janky mindgame. Add that with shack that is a short distance away from all these jungle gyms and the chance to get a main building like storehouse where you can get looped there for a minute in just that building alone.

I genuinely wipe most of my gideon games and yet when I get on these maps like macmillan or autohaven, I lose most of the time just based off the sheer amount of jungle gyms and ultra safe loops within such a close distance of each other.



  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I can agree it's boring to have to break so many pallets but I genuinely would rather play on that map then play on macmillan or autohaven where it's just an abundance of overly safe windows, loops, and pallets where you can't even physically do anything about other than hope the survivors make a mistake.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    Nah ist 1 of the biggest Survivor Sided Maps im the Game M1 Killer gets Destroyed u need to break 10 God Palets before u can eben get a hit ist 1 of the worst Map in the Game and1 of the Maps i Instant AFK as Killer if i got it

    The only Map that is worse than The Game is the Abdomination called Policestation

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Macmillan is genuinely worse for M1 killers as you have unstoppable jungle gyms within 15 feet of each other and windows you cannot break / stop. You can break the pallets on gideon and get some hits in. You will be stuck in one chase for at least 2 minutes on macmillan maps.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    I wish the basement staircase could spawn under the big funnel drop and the vault would be removed if it did (stay if not).

    That would be pretty fun to experience.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I feel like that funnel drop would be cool (even with the vault) if it didn't just lead directly to one of the safest loops in all of dbd.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Midwich? Midwich is literally the best map in the game LMAO like genuinely my favorite by far. No over abundance of safe loops, hardly any windows. Literally the only map in the game where I feel I can win with any killer at be in a fair place.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Midwich is probably the most balanced game in the map other than MAYBE coal tower

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I would say midwich is more balanced. Coal tower (from what I can remember still trynna puts names to maps) still suffers the macmillan effect where it just has parts where it's just jungle gym after jungle gym after jungle gym, and ur just stuck in a constant state of looping super safe areas constantly.

    Midwich has only 2 god pallets, and all the other pallets are equally dangerous as they are safe, and can be mind game because they have large bookshelves and cages covering you if you need to hide red stain. Plus the biggest advantage... the size. It's the smallest map in the game which allows killers to actually be able to pressure multiple areas and gens at once instead of being like normal where you got to stop one gen but there's also gens being completely banged out on the other side of the map which you just can't do anything about.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Except that's literally what I stated in the OP.

    Only way you catch up to someone on macmillan is if they A. make a mistake themselves or B. Fall for some janky mindgames, which good players... do not.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You should never get to a point where survivors have dead zones on gideon before all the gens are done. If you do, then they didn't hold m1 for some reason.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I genuinely win like 90% of my gideon games, the map is small enough to where you can pressure gens while still getting rid of pallets. I can't say the same for a lot of the maps that have constant safe loops and gens with 100 meters of space between each other.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Gidgeon is great as Nurse it helps me improve my prediction game, macmillians suffocation pit however makes me want to just DC if they've got iron will.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Shadow dance and serpent wraith is lots of fun on the game. For the killer anyway.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2022

    No offense but you probably have yet to play against seasoned survivors. Midwich is a survivor-sided map, has always been.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    I'd like to thing my mmr is quite high. I get constant survivors running meta builds and who know what their doing. Midwich is still by far my favorite map and is easily the best map for killer imo. I have yet to not have a fun game on midwich.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    I find "The Game" to be a very balanced map for both sides.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I actually agree it's a bit overblown how bad Gideon's is I would go there a dozen times in a row if it meant never dealing with real atrocities like springwood, most corn maps, or the hourglass maps like suffocation pit and azarov's resting place.

    There are a lot of pallets yeah but once they're dealt with most of the map is pretty unsafe and the map can even be fun if you bring something like shadow dance wraith or bubba and just chew through pallets with ease.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    Not having windows and almost only pallets doesn't make it good, that map is only worse for survivors with Lithe equiped and the only killers which do well in that map are Bubba, Demogorgon and Nemesis (aside the broken ones) because they break pallets very quickly (not Billy, he can't travel around the map).

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I like the game sometimes. It's okay

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    My main issue with The Game is how unrewarding the game feels.

    A survivor makes a mistake? Theyll just run to another pallet 5 feet away from the previous one they played around poorly. The map is just so much worse for anti-loop killers that are countered by holding W. Having a Dredge place their Remnant? Or how about an Artist place their Dire Crows? Just run to another pallet, and keep running until they catch up, attempt to use their power again, only to get countered by running in a straight line again. It's unsatisfying to play survivor on The Game because of it. There is no challenge to looping. There is no mind-gaming 20-30 god pallets.

    On the killer side of things, it's annoying to finally get a survivor into an awful position, only to realize that it doesnt matter since a pallet is 5 feet away and they have Dead Hard anyways. It's frustrating to have all 5 gens done and still having like half pallets on the map still remaining. And even if you down someone from creating a deadzone, it feels unsatisfying. I didnt outplay them or earn the hit, it feels like they just went down to awful map design combined with just breaking enough pallets.

    NOTHING about that map is enjoyable. For survivor it's boring and feels too easy. For killer it just feels awful to play on. The ONLY thing that map is good for is pallet breaking archives and nothing else.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469
    edited June 2022

    I think the map layout is okay, its just the 20,000 pallets on it. It makes it miserable on m1 killers. But I honestly hate RPD more, and maybe even swamp. The game would probably need a little fixing up if you removed a lot of pallets, cause it only really has pallets for survivors to work with really. Adding some more windows and some nice loopable areas and removing the mass amount of pallets would balance it out nicely.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    i prefer it over eyrie but honestly after playing it as different killers and with different surv builds i gotta say its just kind of boring. drop and W, drop and W, with no real chance of the killer mindagming your kinda forced to just break it instead of yctually challenging the surv

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    If the game is used as a map offering it means a free survivor win for me, i'll go have a sulk and afk in a corner.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    You are right about the windows on The Game, there are hardly any, though the problem is that there are just too many pallets, most of them save, only a few on the ground floor around the stairs are unsave. A survivor can literally run all game on The Game from pallet to pallet, predrop them and this will last them the entire match. There ARE some ways of forcing a survivor into a bad spot, but you just gotta be prepared to eat lots and lots and LOTS of pallets. This map broke me a couple of times, just like old Haddonfield.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    By the time you break those 40 pallets from the game, "the game" should be over, unless you go against brand new players that hide's in corners... The map is busted, 0 mind game pallets.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    That's only true on Suffocation Pit, which has a massive conglomerate of chained tiles in the middle. Every other MacMillan map is fine.

    The Game is as awful as it is because the pallets are all safe, with like two exceptions out of twenty-plus. Decent survivors can take you for 2-4 spins around each one before they're forced to drop it, and the next one is never far away, so rinse and repeat for massive timewasting potential. If you don't have an anti-loop power, you're completely #########; by the time you've broken enough pallets to be able to catch anyone, the gens are mostly done. You've got more of a chance if someone predrops pallets, but considering how many there are on the map, that can still be enough if everyone else is hammering gens.

    Windows can't be removed, but the killer doesn't have to stop a chase to break them and lose any bloodlust they might have.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Actually per stats from the devs Midwich has the highest kill rate of any map (62%). If anything it’s slightly killer biased. If I had to guess it might be because a lot of the pallet drops are unsafe compared to some maps, and despite being an indoor map it’s actually pretty easy to navigate and patrol. Also the door placements are not too far apart if you’re down to watching the door for the last survivor, meaning those situations are a little more likely to end in 4 kills versus 3 kills once the hatch is closed. (On some maps the doors are sometimes so far apart that you simply can’t patrol them both on most killers and it’s a 50/50 coin toss if you guess the door the survivor is trying to open.)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Midwich is kinda balanced, though, by the atrocious hook spawn logic. On no map have I lost more survivors to casually wriggling free, because there wasnt just any hook in reach! Oh yeah, there was one directly below me! But I can't phase through the wall, and the next drop or stairs are farer away then the next (unreachable) hook.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I admit, every now and then I’ve had a bad hook spawn on Midwich, but it’s rare, the great majority of games I have no problem getting hooks there.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    If most pallets have been dealt with in the game, then there is no excuse for survivors to have not finished all gens by then, if and only if they are not playing against nurse.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Depends on your build, if you're running all gen regression and survivors are throwing every pallet immediately this isn't necessarily the case.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    No they just have to waste all their time building up bloodlust to a tier where they can reliably stop windows. Which definitely isn't happening at tier 1. The fact killers have to waste time to wait for a speed up mechanic just to be able to counter loops is hilarious and stupid alone.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    In the wide majority of loops, Bloodlust is not necessary. A successful mindgame is all you need at most windows - Bloodlust is just for brute forcing a hit against the most knowledgeable and predictive survivors. And tier 3 takes 45 seconds of unbroken chase to land, which is prohibitively long in most circumstances but still better than Pallet Breaking Simulator.

    Point is, you're going to score a hit faster in a complex window loop area than you will in an unbroken pallet chain like the Game if the survivors know how to manage their resources. The only exceptions I can think of would be Grim Pantry with certain RNG, the Haddonfield double window houses, and Garden of Joy.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    I only like the game for when I'm warming up on Huntress or Nurse other than that I think it's pure survivor sided.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    You do realize every macmillan map has either A, an overpowered main or B, loops that just chain into each other. Even peoples precious coal tower which is claimed to be the most "balanced" map can and will spawn with ridiculous setups.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    I mean it's good for the break 5 pallets in chase or break 8 pallets event tome but unless you are a speedy or ranged killer that hits over pallets, no. It really isn't.

  • chatgiraffe
    chatgiraffe Member Posts: 113

    So you understand that an actually good killer can mindgame survivors on MacMillian and cut down on loop times... but would rather just stomp through pallets and then win chases that are just running away. "janky mindgames" lol just get better at mindgaming and you will realize how unplayable gideon is

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    No, there is so many pallets... That's probably the map I hate most with Wraith.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    So if survivors are not managing resources well they might have the small chance to lose?... Idk if im convinced thats good design, as any m1 killer will get destroyed in any scenario in the game if survivors have a little understanding on how to play the game.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    As long as the rest of the team is slamming gens throwing every pallet is 100% viable.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    It's one of those maps that depends entirely on the killer I'm playing.

    Hag? Artist? Plague? Nemmy? Dredge? Bring it on.

    Onryo? Pig? Demo? It's ridiculously hard if they know what to do.

    Demo doesn't break pallets any faster than other killers without a specific addon, and that one's only 15% faster. Game is tough for him, as there aren't many spots to hide portals, and all the loops are very tight which makes shredding a nightmare.

    The only thing I hate about it is that one loop where there's a small gap between bushes and a wall that survivors can fit through but killers can't (unless this got hotfixed) and that the main structure is stupidly dark, which is getting changed.