SoloQ SuRviVors aRe jUsT Bad

_VTK_ Member Posts: 383
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

It's funny how some killer mains think that soloQ is bad because solo survivors are bad. SoloQ became a miserable experience since BHVR tweaked game balance many years ago. In the first 2-3 years after DBD release soloQ experience was great, escape rate was around 50% if not higher, after balance changes it is probably around 30-35% now. Did all good solo survivors suddenly disappeared?

And are there no potatoes left among killers? This is BS of course. I face many killers who are just bad, they can't even swing properly, but most of them still get 3-4k in solo, because DBD is balanced around SWF nowadays.

Killer mains just try to downplay game balance issues for soloQ. But when they lose against SWF, it's not because they were bad, no, it's because the game is unbalanced and SWF is unfair. Such hypocrites.

"Better" matchmaking won't change anything, because it's not a matchmaking issue, it's a game-balance issue. And current matchmaking is as good as it can be without creating much longer que times. There's an almost equal amount of bad survivors and killers and if you match them in a different way nothing is gonna change.

There's a simple logical proof for that. If it was a matchmaking issue and there is an (almost) equal amount of good and bad players among both survivors and killers, and soloQ is miserable only because weak solo survivors are just matched to strong killers, then were are all the god-like soloQ survivors, who dominate killers in soloQ? I haven't seen them in great numbers. Have you? Again, that's why matching players in a different way won't change anything.



  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    The solo queue has been the same as it's always been since launch, garbage.

    Hell even back then DBD devs encouraged you to be selfish and leave the other people on hooks and escape.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    Uhh yeah because survivor was even easier before, the maps were more broken with more pallets, more god windows, pallet vacuums.

    In case you haven't figured it out yet, they balance the game around low skill survivors so they can still escape.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Im k8nda starting to wish there were some sort of in game LFG. Feels like i always pull teammates that seem intent on playing dumb.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    Nope. The devs can balance Solo Q by enabling MMR to raise through hatch escapes, but ONLY if you enter a lobby by yourself. “Parties” shouldn’t be able to raise MMR through hatch because they have synergy that single players don’t.

    This way solo survivors can run builds that help them escape after everyone dies. Wake Up, Left Behind, or Clairvoyance. Plunderers, and Appraisal for a chance to find keys after a hatch was closed. Why? If you’re up against a mobile killer you’re not opening any gates… 😑😑😑

    When you play solo you shouldn’t have any intention of helping everyone else escape. Everyone is a means to an end. You leave once that exit gate is powered, or when everyone dies.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    This is just sounds like us vs them swf defending garbo. You dont point out any of the "balance issues" just say that they exist. I could be wrong on this but I'm pretty sure that survival rates were above 50%. Killer main this killer main that. If you want people to take any of your points seriously avoid us vs them stuff. It just makes you look biased. So if you have any good intentions with this post its lost in your bias. To preface I think that the game is closer to balance then it ever has been with the outliers being swfs and nurse/blight.

    I play exclusively soloQ since my friend group doesnt like this game or the community. I have been bogged down in low mmr hell before. When I get good teammates its either a close game or a stomp for survivors. Minus the odd sweaty hug tech blight and op nurse main. Not that there are further outliers of other killers doing very well but I would clump them into the close game. Its almost never a stomp on the killers end. Unless my team gives up or refuses to do gens.

    This game even with the balance changes is still survivor sided imo, but its small in solo. So I'm not sure outside of swf if its an issue. If swf is brought to soloq levels or soloq brought up to swf then we can maybe find that balance. Better matchmaking is only ever going to be a good thing. With soloq gaining the most benefit.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    No, the game is not balanced around SWF that’s just completely false. The game is balanced around solo queue and very, very low skill level solo queue at that. The primary issue with solo queue is bad players and mmr. I win the majority of my solo queue games and the ones I lose are because I or my teammates played bad, or a suicide/dc. That’s it. That isn’t a solo queue problem, that’s a player skill problem.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500
    edited June 2022

    I wouldn't discribe myself as anything near "god-like", lol, never will, but I guess that most of the time I am pretty decent. I tried time and time again to get my real life friends to play DBD, but they didn't get the bug and moved on to other games. So I befriended a few cool survivors while playing dbd, but 90% of my time as a survivor I play soloQ.

    But my soloQ experience is far from the complaints you get all the time. Yeah, sometimes you are just unlucky and get camped to death on the first hook, sometimes you got real potatoes as team mates, but most of the time its a pretty fun thing and we get many cool situations during a match.

    Heck, last game I got a Ghostface sticky to me, who just couldn't shake the sunk cast fallacy and chased me for full 3 gens till he finally downed me, not using DH at all made me pretty decent at looping and I can only recomment it to anyone, not using the big ol' crutch perk all the time will help you getting that much better at surviving, as it forces you to learn its system, not just how to game it.

    I actually don't know what my win percentage is, but I don't care anything as much, as I do as a killer. If I get a bad game, it can be over in 2min and I am back in the Q again, where as a bad killer game can still drag on for 7/8mins easily. Thats why its easier to write a bad game off as a survivor, while they stick out much sorer as a killer. Yeah, as a survivor you could be slugged for 4min, but frankly, that has never ever happened to me. I know that some see it as a problem, and I don't deny that vitriolic killers like this exist, BUT I think the more toxic you play and try to tilt the killer, the more likely it is that they lash out and trying to ruin your game, ie slugging for 4 mins.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Glad you ask, I stream, you’re welcome to come watch and throw a follow. Also no, I’m not talking about hiding or counting hatch as a win, but that’s quite an assumption to jump to.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Blueberrycollective. Work the next two nights but I’ll stream after that.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited June 2022

    "experience was great, escape rate was around 50% if not higher,"

    4 players each has chances of espace more than 50%?

    should not there be about 20-30% chances of espape per surv which means about half of them can espape every game? It means 2 are dead and 2 survive.

    Even if you play solo your team has 4 players you cant be strong as killer because he plays 1vs4. In adition to that game is supposed to be about survivial not about demolishing 1vs1 an enemy you are supposed to fear

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035
    edited June 2022

    Im not a god survivor, but still smart enough to survive most of my matches. Two weeks ago I had 11 escapes in a row and I can prove it, if you dont trust me. I did it on stream while my cat and puppy were fighting in the background. That means I even wasnt 100% focused on my matches. Hatch escapes count as a win for me, but Im not hiding or waiting for it. My perk build has become my lucky charm: DH, BT, CoH, Shadowsteps. There was one match against a baby GF and I gave him a free kill, but that still counts as a win to me, since I was already standing in an opened exit door.

    To be fair I played at the right time and most of my mates were also decent, too.

    Post edited by Bartlaus on
  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    But my soloQ experience is far from the complaints you get all the time. Yeah, sometimes you are just unlucky and get camped to death on the first hook, sometimes you got real potatoes as team mates, but most of the time its a pretty fun thing and we get many cool situations during a match.

    Same experience to me. I have to completely agree with you on that, which I hate to do since you mocked me during my "Crop Top for Feng Min" campaign.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Dang, I remember that one. I am sorry mate, if you really want a Crop Top Feng Min or bathsuite or anything, I will sign anything you dangle before my nose.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    I'll take your word for it. The "Panda Onesie for Feng Min" campaign is already being planned 😃

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Just start the petition and I will sign it asap, no questions asked :D

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You can be the most intelligent person alive and still not win most of your matches because it is a 4v1 not a 1v1

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    Who are you to tell me what to count as a win? If you read my post correctly, you know I defined an escape as a win. So yes, I win/ survive most of my solo q matches regardless of how many of my mates escape. And that, although I play relatively relaxed and I don't really care if I survive or not. So what?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Funny how you got so defensive just because I said you being intelligent doesn't matter in a team based game if everyone else isnt good.

    First you "survive most of your games" but now "i dont care if i survive or not". Yea sure thing buddy. We're all gonna believe what you're saying. You and the other 4 people on here who make mostly complain about survivors and then say they win 90% of their matches because source: trust me bro

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    I'm glad to hear that, mate. I'm afraid it's not yet time for a panda onesie for Feng Min. Tempers raised over her crop top need to calm down for now 😂

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Well, I think we all have our win streak. A month ago, I had a 12 solo Q escape in a row.

    And sometimes, I have a dozen of matches where I die. Sometimes, it's more balanced, like I died twice then escape three times and died twice again.

    Solo Q can be terrible but fantastic as well. It depends.

    But I think it's kind of impossible to escape every match, every day, with zero death for a long time. Even as a SWF.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    Just don't tell me what to consider a win. Everyone has their own opinion on this. To make it easier for you, I'm only going to talk about escapes from now on, ok?

    I said you being intelligent doesn't matter in a team based game if everyone else isnt good.

    If my team is absolute trash, then there's very little chance of me escaping through the hatch, that's true. But I mostly have mates who know what to do. It wasn't always like that, but as I said, I only play Solo Q at certain times.

    First you "survive most of your games" but now "i dont care if i survive or not"

    Yes, there is no contradiction for me. It doesn't matter to me if I lose. But that doesn't mean I'm not trying to escape.

    We're all gonna believe what you're saying. You and the other 4 people on here who make mostly complain about survivors

    Just because I'm not on Team Sluzzy doesn't mean I'm lying. Especially since I wrote that I can prove it via VoD. And where did I complain about survivors here?!

    I secretly thought the same 🙈

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You don't get to define what a win is. If you die, you didn't win. Sure you can give yourself a pat on the back and be like "i had so much fun such win", but that's not really what a win is.

    "I mostly have mates who know what to do", so did I when I played SWF when I started the game.

    I'm not team sluzzy. People who think solo q is a bad experience aren't team sluzzy, are team common sense from the majority experience.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    12 escapes in a row? Congratulations! I mean I know a streamer who escaped more than 30 matches in a row, but he plays absolutely selfish. I agree with you. Everyone has their bad luck. I was also often in the low MMR hell when MMR was tested. But all in all, my Solo Q experience isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people here are making it out to be. That's why I said that I only play Solo Q at certain times. It's no longer worth it in the evenings after 8 p.m., because that's when most of the good survivors are playing with their mates in a SWF and only the bad survivors are left.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2022

    Yeah. Don't play soloQ survivor when it starts getting late, it's like MMR is completely turned off, queues take longer and you get questionable match ups/teams.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    Thx for the meme :D That's exactly what I think about most comments here.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,268

    Hehe thx.

    I have it saved on my phone just for this forum, It's handy to have around.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Believe it or not, multiple things can be true at once.

    Unfortunately, this game cannot be balanced around both solos and SWF - because killers need to be able to win against SWFs, thus handing solos the greasy end of the stick. Your choice is between messing over all killers, or some survivors - the former is the rational choice. It's not ideal, but it's the better option.

    BHVR want to buff solo and buff killers, but the timeline of that...I have no idea.

    A few things though:

    • You're pulling stats out of your backside. Where did you get 35%?
    • Don't rely on the gross kills stats that BHVR gives out, they are distorted by new players.
    • This game was not balanced on DbDs release. Stuff like infinites, every map having spots where you couldn't pick people up etc. was awful.
    • Matchmaking is partially the problem, due to how lobby dodges cause the system to poop the sheets.
    • I see plenty of great players in solo queue. However, yes, serious players are likely to seek out other serious players and play in groups.

    At the end of the day, what BHVR need to do is: give solos better communication tools, incentivize solos not to just DC/suicide on the first hook, reign Nurse and Blight in slightly addons wise and then buff killers to be able to face the stronger solos and SWF.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Oh, how quaint, you hide insults that everyone is dumb behind "modesty". So, in my 1200K hours, half of time being matched with 1K-5K surivors, I still have maximum escape streak 3. Also thousand-hour-experienced players dying almost as fast as 500h ones. Also camping and tuneling completely destroys half of teams.

    So, again, it's just everyone is dumb, right? Or you just some coy looping god? Or there is myphical soloq servers with gods only, and I never been there?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,181
    edited June 2022

    Damn, 1200000 hours in a game that is out for 52560 hours, impressive /s

    And even if you claim to have 12k hours in this game, that's negatively impressive hanging on average closel to 6 hours each day in DBD exclusively.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    If Behaviour boost SoloQ to SWF level, good luck trying to find lobby as survivor, because Killers main are going to leave the Game.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Killer main here who plays soloq every night, its not as bad as people say it is.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,181

    First you "survive most of your games" but now "i dont care if i survive or not".

    There is no contradiction here.

    Only the statement that, despite not tryharding (not caring about death or escape), they escape/win most of their games.

    because source: trust me bro

    And a sweet case of selective perception, ignoring the statement of @Bartlaus , even telling people to watch their stream footage for evidence.

    Two weeks ago I had 11 escapes in a row and I can prove it (either), if you dont trust me.

    With only the "either" being a grammar mistake.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The idea is twofold:

    • Buff solos to SWF levels
    • Buff killers proportionally.

    If they don't do both together, yeah, it's going to be a nightmare. But fingers crossed it all works out.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    If that happens, I wish main Killers Who stay the BEST luck, because I am sure than 70-80% of mains Will quit. We still playing because Sometimes we can win any Game, if they make every single Game a Nightmare like playing abusers SWF, Good Luck

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I doubt they'll go that route, but as things stand - it's just not working.

    In the past 6 months, it's gone from instant killer queues and long survivor queues to long killer queues and instant survivor queues.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    "K" is typo, don't nitpick.

    Oh I see, you're hunting for grammar mistakes in comments. Well, if that somehow nullifies the message, I cannot add anything.

  • EterniquE
    EterniquE Member Posts: 31

    I don't agree as a SoloQ player.

    You can't put more IQ or experience into people. This is not behaviour's fault and it's happening in every game. I also don't enjoy looking like I'm defending behaviour because I really don't like this incompetent company.

    That said, I will give you an example. Yesterday I had a game where I got hooked first, 2 of the teammates were hiding/crouching at the other side of the map, slowly trying to come to me, 4th one doing a gen. Trapper saw one, placed a trap in front of them, started chasing them, and that person stepped in that exact trap 2 seconds later. Other 2 played extremely badly too, I got 1 hooked and died.

    Now how is this behaviours fault and how can anyone fix this. I'll give you the answer : no one can't fix this and it is in every TEAM game. You need a TEAM to play a TEAM game. If you don't have friends playing this game and if you still want to play, lower your expectations.