SoloQ SuRviVors aRe jUsT Bad



  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    Remember that hatch isn’t considered full winning for solo Q. As in raising MMR. Normally as solo If I escape 5 times 3 of those times were probably the hatch. All because my teammates are bad at chases.

    Normally when I see everyone dropping like flies, especially to a Basement Trapper/Hag, I’ll do as many gens as I can. Cleanse as many totems I can find. Then I’ll hatch escape, but alas you gain nothing but pips that way. That’s the big problem. Solo Q should allow MMR increase via hatch escapes.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Also, you have to remember that when BHVR changes the meta, it basically means that survivor meta perks will be nerfed with meaningless buffs to the bad perks, while killer meta perks will get a slight nerf with massive buffs on the bad perks.

    It's just flat out better to play killer at this point. Although, I've been really curious about the Evil Dead game, it seems like those developers have been really proactive about nerfs and buffs for both sides.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    I didn't call anyone dumb. So please stop putting words in my mouth that I never said. As I said, I'm not a professional gamer, but I'm still better than average and still good enough to get through most of my matches. There are matches where I play really decent. And there are matches where I have my Baby Meg moments. And I only play at certain times. Maybe you should start reading more than the first sentence of my comments?

    If you lose so often after 1200000 hours (😂🤣), you should ask yourself if it's always because of your bad mates or the meanie killer.

  • M4d_Psycholog1st
    M4d_Psycholog1st Member Posts: 46

    Hello, I'm a DbD boomer, I play since 2017, I confirm all you said and you are totally right. I remember SoloQ was a joke at that times. Since they nerfed the OP pallet vacuum SoloQ now suck.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    And a sweet case of selective perception, ignoring the statement of @Bartlaus , even telling people to watch their stream footage for evidence.

    Some people love to ignore certain statements I make or put words in my mouth just to construct their own truth. At least u noticed it :D

    With only the "either" being a grammar mistake.

    Meh. Unfortunately, I'm not a native speaker, but please don't tell anyone. There is not much going on in the forum where I actually belong. Also, there is no Sluzzy there :(

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679

    I really like the idea of seeing each other's loadouts. For instance, if you see someone is runner Inner Healing and you find an obvious totem, you would know to leave it for that teammate. Hidden, sheer luck you found it, totems could still be taken just as a defense against NOED. That's a way to balance your teammate's needs with a potential endgame strategy.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Judging by your profile name i guess you are German like me?

    And I didn't mean it in an aggressive way but more like a possibly explanation why someone could misunderstand that specific sentence because it could be read like "i can't prove it either" at a quick glimpse.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183
    edited June 2022

    I don't hunt for grammar mistakes and didn't even address your message?

    I just saw your comment somehow as boasting about an unrealistic playtime and called it out.

    Seems i got it wrong and it was the other way around if you have "only" 1200 hours in this game and are one a normal level, my bad then.

    But there are more than enough people on this forum boasting that they played over 10k hours and I personally think that that's not an achievement to be proud of, hanging roughly 20-25% if their last 6 years infront of a PC/console and playing the same repetitive game.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Or stuck having to do tome/event challenges that require the person to not to participate as normal in the trial. In some cases actually throw the trial in order to accomplish the challenge (both survivors and killers). Neither of which I ever understood as to why that would be put in the game.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    Judging by your profile name i guess you are German like me?

    Sauerkraut, Lederhosen, Autobahn, Fräulein and Kindergarten. Yes you got me 😅

    And I didn't mean it in an aggressive way but more like a possibly explanation why someone could misunderstand that specific sentence

    Yeah, I know and I wasn't offended :) I also appreciate it when people point out my mistakes. That's why I corrected it in my first post.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Yeah, but point was not about boasting, but that with such "experience" I'm rendered bad. Ok, I'm completely good with that, I definetely not think I'm any good and never ever said otherwise. Question was what with so many other people? They have HUGE playtimes and still bad? There're only few very good? Then is this game made around 10% pro players? Otherwise it's statistically imposible that I'm matched almost only with bad players (and personally I don't think they bad in a slightest, but maybe that's my "bad player" opinion).

    TL;DR if all my teammates, besides me, dies almost every match, having huge playtimes, how it is possible that there are so many, that I matched with always, and almost never with mythical gods, which are plenty, if we believe some comments.

  • wizencrayfish
    wizencrayfish Member Posts: 58

    I play solo Q roughly 95% of the time. I escape quite often and I die quite often - do gens, unhooks, looping, etc.... all of it. Been in the game since the start. it really comes down to the killers (tunneller hello) and whether or not the other survivors are potaaattoooossss.

    What I can't stand are the solos who sneak around the map all games doing nothing ( I run bond). These are the solos giving us SoloQ a bad rap.

    I disagree about kindred being a base kit - it is over hyped in my opinion.

    Just my 3 cents. Where's the coffee?