I would want to play DBD, but...

I would really want to play DBD, with all its fun game aspects, but there are so many mistakes BHVR has made, and I don't want to play it anymore.
The most critical thing I hate about DBD is SBMM. It has been made sooooo poorly that it breaks the whole aspect of fun.
And the live stream where the devs said that they responded to us, the DBD community, but they have done EVERYTHING wrong, and it even starts to become funny! And about the whole SBMM thing, I will give you an example: "I will play as a Blendette and sit in the corner of the map until my teammates repair all of the gens and I will escape." I have no words for you BHVR. You have hit the lowest point in your career.
You have made a fun game and you yourself are kicking it while it is on the floor.
Update: I saw all of the perk changes that are coming to DBD, and it has restored some hope in me for DBD, but until SBMM is done PROPERLY, I will continue to play it.
That's called "I think we did a pretty good job so far."
Post edited by DogeDogeMan on1 -
Loop a killer for over 5mins in a chase but didnt escape?
Noob! Lower mmr!
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They honestly don’t give a toss about survivors in solo q hell. I’ve made peace with it now, many streamers are highlighting how hilariously bad it is and I think at the end of the day bhvr has done it to themselves.
Either way good loops in solo q is a necessity but you get nothing for it, worst case you get camped out of the match and no extra points for the time you’ve saved your team, pretty abysmal
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I started under RBMM. SBMM is a million times better. Note: not perfect, but better.
Here's the thing though. Increasing your MMR isn't a reward. SBMM isn't about rewarding you for winning - it's about trying to match people against/with each other more fairly.
The rewards you get are the BP from the match and the end of the month grade rewards, both of which said Blendette would be missing out almost entirely on. All she's doing, in essence, is making games harder for herself.
'Pretty good' - yeah, I'd agree with that. Not perfect - the lobby dodge issue desperately needs to be fixed, but definitely decent.
Under RBMM, maybe 1 game in 10 was remotely even. I was facing people with thousands of hours with less than 100, thanks to the silly resets and how ridiculously easy it was to get to purple ranks.
Under SBMM, I'd say maybe 3/5 are pretty even, win or lose.
Keep the word 'average' in mind here. If you're good enough to literally loop a killer for 5 minutes, you're going to escape more on average, even if you died in that game. Thus, your MMR will rise over time as a natural byproduct of this.
There is no such thing as an MMR hell in DbD. In almost all other games, it's mostly an urban legend.
Solo queue needs help, and BHVR have already stated that they are planning to do this. But in a world where SWF exists, balance becomes almost impossible, as either solo, killer or SWF is going to get the greasy end of the stick.
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You are not alone, i feel you, sadly they are too stubborn to admit is poorly designed
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Well, if you don't want to play it anymore, you don't have to. There are similar games, which were developed after dbd, maybe they are more to your liking. Generalising mistakes by BHVR won't help your cause. Not everyone shares your point of view, as @StarLost already made a very precice list and I myself would also disagree on many aspects. The most important thing after all is that you spent your free time with things you enjoy.
Have a nice day :)
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SBMM is a mistake by all accounts.
They need to either remove SBMM and stay as they are with balancing things (Nerf Pig + random buffs and nerfs that make no sense.)
Or double down on SBMM but actually give half a ######### when balancing things. I feel like the outcome of this 40 perk rework will be the make or break for a lot of players.
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I wish that was the case, sadly to say I died on first hook 5times today. While I'm happy I got 20k+ base BP each game I'd still like my skill the be rewarded, but doing stuff like that in games and still losing alot or that one person who didnt do anything escapes isnt a good feeling.
I just dont agree with Escaping shows skill
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I am very biased when it comes to SBMM, but that comes from experience with other games that should appeal to casual players, but it feels the opposite. Call of Duty went downhill after they implemented SBMM. It made the matches incredibly boring and stale, where pretty much every match played out the same. The sweat was real.
I see the same thing here. The matches are incredibly similar every time. No variety, like it used to be like. That is the problem with SBMM, the lack of variety. It makes the game predictable and boring. I'd much prefer the old matchmaking system to the one we have now.
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Hey, can you just give some examples of games that are similar to DBD? I know Resident Evil: Resistance, and I really like it, but I of course have to dump a ton of money on Resident Evil 3 before I can do that. So just throw some games at me, so I can pick one.
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Besides that being dumb, I don't understand why you would want higher MMR scores? That only makes the game more sweaty. Ugh.
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I don't understand why people are still complaining about SBMM.
The old rank based matchmaking was godawful, SBMM isn't perfect but it's still better.
Seems like a lot of confirmation bias to me.
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I hate the 'escape = MMR' because of that. There are matches I died while I ran the Killer the whole time and the others decided to leave me without even trying to help me. There are matches I clearly have done poorly but escaped by chance where I think I should have my MMR lowered (but if I have a chance to escape, I do).
I mean, before MMR, people were more likely gonna take the risk to save at the end. Because if you knew you already had done enough to earn your pip, you could die at the end doing an heroic action (and being the legend from the kids stories). Now, even if you do the most spectacular heroic action of all time, if you die, you're "not good" according to the game.
I'm no developer so I have no idea if changing the system would work, but I'd like the MMR taking into account the time we were chased, the number of unhooks/generators repaired, etc. But as I said, I don't know how to make it work correctly to match people better.
MMR is kind of OK though for me. I sometimes have that new player who is crouching everywhere and too afraid to do anything, but most of the time, I have decent people who seem to try their best.
But I can't play Killer because the game thinks I'm a god, while I have like 10ish hours of Killer gameplay under my fingers. I'm a Survivor main who's trying to play Killer too, but MMR disagrees.
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Its lightyears better than rank based match making