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How can people play on PC

Member Posts: 1,780

I'm not saying it's bad but I play on PS4 and when I watch people play on PC I get confused on how they can do it they use WASD to move and the mouse to look around simple enough but it's when it comes to abilities and wiggling it's stuff like LCTRL and such and it looks really hard. So how do you play with a keyboard so easily without button configuration.

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    It’s just what you’re used to. I haven’t owned a console in years and played Dbd on PC only. I actually purchased a PlayStation controller because I thought it would be easier to control my character since I have issues with my hands and find it hard to 360 the killer and look behind myself while running.

    Turns out using the controller was more frustrating for me and I promptly went back to the keyboard and mouse.

    Also, it’s not like Dbd demands a lot of interaction. Most of it is hold M1, press M2, Spacebar, Control and maybe one or two more commands.

  • Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2022

    Oh, bro, if you could see what I do in Dark Souls with KB and mouse, you'd start drinking heavily or go to monastery.

    But if being serious, it's just practice. WSAD is very habitual, after so many shooters and other games. More of that, I tuned sensitivity exactly like in all shooters, so it's all feels right (especially Deathslinger).

    All button actions I reconfigured. Skillcheck: space, action like dead hard or flashbang is Right Mouse Button. Killer Power is right mouse button, Killer ability three buttons at the same time: shift, thumb mouse button and wheel scroll down (for hag).

    Personally, I couldnt handle controller. I have two different, forced myself to use them with some platformers, but that's it. I think I need years to master it (mainly because of turning speed)

  • Member Posts: 939

    WASD is natural position for your fingers on a keyboard so it's easy.

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2022

    I use a PS4 controller and stuck with it since mostly due to back when struggling wasn't healthy for your keyboard.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    You get used to it with playtime, like all things.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Control schemes you're not used to look and feel completely alien, to the point you can barely even imagine it.

    I don't even have to think about my PC controls, but if you handed me a Xbox controller, i'd be missing skill checks left and right.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited June 2022

    Without button configuration? Why not? Personally I rebind crouch to C and killer things like reloading clowns bottles or tping as a hag to C.

    My thumb rests kinda between my spacebar (vault) and C button so it's very easy.

    I moved to PC shortly before the Xbox One came out and it took a bit but moving with WASD feels completely natural now. I only prefer controller when driving vehicles in games now. Otherwise I feel limited.

    By the way, other than the C button (for crouching or whatnot), if I ever feel like a button is hard to press my go to is to just rebind it to mouse4/mouse5 (side mouse buttons).

  • Member Posts: 2,057
    edited June 2022

    WASD is the default control scheme for mouse/keyboard in literally every game out there, you get used to it pretty quickly, honestly.

    EDIT: Oh, and you can still play with a controller if you don't want mouse/keyboard

  • Member Posts: 869

    I use a controller and lay back on my comfy couch.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I been playing games on PC for 15 years so it’s pretty natural, nothing hard about it.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited June 2022

    Controller for survivor unless I'm playing against Nurse or Huntress

    Mouse and keyboard for killer

  • Member Posts: 467

    Grew up playing on PC I rarely used any controllers It's easy but I can't use controller tho

  • Member Posts: 3,139
    edited June 2022

    If anything its harder to go back to controller after playing on pc for so long. Even playing DMC5 and MGR:R I still stuck with M&KB despite it feeling better on controller.

    Like I don't like the whole YAW camera movement system. I'd rather have free control via dpi plus I can be faster and more accurate with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Whenever a game wants me to use LCTRL, I normally switch it to LALT such as for crouching. Having to reach for LCTRL doesn't feel natural to me like LALT does.

  • Member Posts: 376

    In all honesty, PC is the most flexible platform for controller variety.

    In addition to the standard mouse and keyboard combo, you can pretty much use any console controller (from PS3 onward, and from the Xbox 360 onward) without any major issues. Direct connection with cable is the most straightforward way (Plug'n play), but wireless adapters can be had as well.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i only started playing on pc a few years ago, was a console player for pretty much every game that i played before that. mouse and keyboard is definitely weird at first but you get used to it

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    I play on PC and i cant imagine the struggle of trying to look behind you in chase with the horrible sensitivity options of a controller

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    MnK gaming is easy when you get used to it. I play on PS5 but played games on PC all my childhood so its natural to use that input

  • Member Posts: 469

    Lol this is my question to people who play on controller. I hate playing on controller, I just feel like I have so much more control on pc, but it's just cause thats what I'm used to.

  • Member Posts: 5,502
    edited June 2022

    Lol, you are cute :D A controller is a tight, lil package of control, its in its name. Duh. But most PC gamers got the keyboard and mouse controls ingrained and they offer you just awesome control and quick response. Especially the mouse is that much faster and precise than anyting you could pull off with a controller.

    I tried survivors a few times with the controller, and it kinda works, but I am way too used to keyboard plus mouse. Also, generally speaking, I don't get it why shooters want you to fire your weapons with the trigger shoulder buttons? I remember the good, old SNES times when it was either Y or X to shoot and B to jump. That much more comfortable to reach. I guess I am just old bones who can't compete with the youngsters on their turf. But I will hunt you down and hook you without a second thought with my trusty keyboard and mouse :)

    Post edited by Akumakaji on
  • Member Posts: 1,230

    In my opinion, playing killer is much harder on controller than playing survivor. Mainly because of killer being in first person and survivor being in third person.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I only play killer and mouse and keyboard offers way more precise control for movement and aiming ranged attacks than thumbpads. So at least in first person perspective killer mode it’s better on PC probably.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I'm actually wondering how people handle to play with a controller. For me, it's black magic. But it's only because I'm very used of keyboard and not so much of controller.

    But if you played more keyboard (and me controller), I think we'll see it's not that hard. Of course, I think we still have a preference for one or the other.

    I'm kind of jealous of people who can use a controller super easy...

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    I thought the same but I practiced and here im.Pc players thinks the same but of console.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Each to their own.

    PC is definitely more precise, but controller allows you to more easily control camera and movement independently of each other.

    I like playing killer with M+K and survivor with a controller.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Some of us have played on mouse and keyboard for over 20 years. I think i've bought maybe three keyboards in total, about the same in mice (i actually use trackballs). So that's three-four times in over 20 years I've had to get used to a new controller, but the changes are very slight anyway. Compare that to every console controller that has come out in that same time frame. It's a lot easier to deal with learning M&K.

    Also, I at a lot of sims like DCS, and Star Citizen, which would make your average console-only player's head explode with the number of keyboarding options.

  • Member Posts: 575

    You know we can change our key binds, right?

  • Member Posts: 113

    Been a PC gamer for a long time so it's really second nature to play like that. I've actually tried playing DBD with a controller and find it to be slower and more clunky than using a KBM. Back when FPS games started showing up on consoles, I couldn't stand using a controller for things like FPS games. Over time I learned to tolerate it, but I still find it's not as good as using KBM for accuracy and even camera movement.

    As far as wiggling, I've had a macro for that since I started playing. I even still have a hook macro from when you had to jam the spacebar for that. Those actions end up hurting my wrists after a while so a macro was necessary for me to play this game.

  • Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2022

    Space-bar for All Skill Checks and Right Click for Dead Hard | Side-button:R

    I wish I could use a second mouse for movement.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Keyboard and mouse provides better accuracy and better sensitivity allowing you to do slightly more than a controller allows and you're not capped by the system as much, not hating on console just being honest.

  • Member Posts: 361

    LCTRL bind is my only pet peeve for PC games. I always bind it to something else like a mouse button. Besides that, it’s just about getting used to it. If you grow up playing a console, of course it will be weird

  • Member Posts: 294

    It's really a "to each their own" situation.

    I've played on PC for over a decade now and KB&M is really more comfortable for me in pretty much every game, even games that are usually made for controllers like fighting games and souls-likes. Using a controller today is really much harder for me, and using sticks for character/camera is like superuncomfortable compared to WASD and mouse.

    LCtrl is definitely not my favourite button but I got used to it too. One thing to notice is that many of the KB controls can be harder for people with smaller hands. For example my sister has noticeably smaller hands than me, and she often complains about some buttons being hard/uncomfortable to reach but those buttons are totally fine for me.

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