Which killer has the best menu music?

The Trickster
One of the many things that makes me love him.
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The Executioner
Pyramid Head's is good. 10/10
Sprite is a close second.
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The Executioner
Oops, I probably should have voted Trickster actually. I like Pyramid Head’s music too though
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Not sure why I like Pinhead’s as much as I do.
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The Trickster
Ok I wanted to vote based on what you gave us, but in reality I feel like a cliché by saying this but I think Nemesis.
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Nemesis for sure
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Artist. I don't know why, but I love her menu music.
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The Legion
It's not really good but it's the only one I hear
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demodoggy >:((
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The Executioner
pyramid heads reverb and empty sound makes it way more haunting. Perfect for the game
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The Trickster
I have my husband's menu theme as my phone alarm sound 🥰
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The Executioner
I like that it has the main theme very obviously intertwined with morose tones and shrieking metal. It fits the game's aesthetic perfectly.
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The Executioner
I love the bold subtlety of this joke on so many levels.
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No one said Blight? Consider yourselves all lethally rushed.
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Both Artist and Plague have amazing menu music! Unbeatable!
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Call me biased, but The Plague's theme is absolutely sick.
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The Executioner
The Executioner menu theme is badass, but there are honorable mentions for Demogorgon, Twins, Nemesis, Legion, Deathslinger, and Blight. Hopefully, we'll get menu/terror radius/chase music for Freddy and Pig, too...
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The Trickster
anyone says anything other than trickster is biased.
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Old Halloween menu music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m4AVjPt7tU
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As much as I love the Trickster, I gotta go with either Demogorgon or Legion. Legion mostly because of nostalgia, when I was first starting out the game and terrified of playing killer. I think Demo sounds mysterious and soothing. I hear Trickster's too much so I'm kind of like meh to it now.
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The Executioner
Well, i think my top 3 would be this- Pyramid Head, Oni and Nemesis. Silent Hill sounds too cool. Oni... i love that japanese tune. Nemesis one doesn't even focus on sounding scary, it's just says "run, i'm gonna punch you into face" right away. His chase theme best one btw.
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The Plage's one is so cool.
Pyramid Head's too