Pallets are not that valuable any more here's why

Let's start from the beginning. Tiles with double pallets used to be a thing in 2016 and 17. There were literary 2 pallets at every tile. Just imagine 2 pallets at every jungle gym, ik crazy. Well pallets back then where not valued too much because there were so many. You may of heard "camping pallets like it's 2017" before because back then looping wasn't really the thing at people just camped pallets.
Double pallets where removed in 2018 and they became more valuable then a stash of gold. That's also when looping a pallet became a real factor amongst everyone. Whenever someone pre threw a pallet or camped it and was just chucking wood everywhere people would absolutly rage and you would see salt messages after the match for throwing pallets like a mad man.
To this day pallets are 50/50 with value. I would say mostly veterans of dbd (2016 and 17 players) myself included value pallets the most, but shouldn't necessarily. Here's why.
I find myself not throwing a pallet every in the match because I want to "save it" but in reality you don't need to save pallets. Honestly go ahead and throw shack pallet early. Crazy right? Yeah imagine if someone said that in 2019, you would be hunted down and booty smacked 154 times by survivor mains. The reason why pallets arnt valuable is because of how fast dbd matches go now a days. It used to be 30-45 minutes a match back in the day, now it's like 15 to 20 because of all the changing game mechanics and strategies over the years. Overall don't sacrifice a pallet for a hook stage, in the end you won't ussaly find yourself needing that pallet that you threw again because you wouldn't (shouldn't) go back to that same time and truly, there are plenty of pallets.
(This is not an argument about gen rushing or if survivors have to many pallets, just how valuable pallets are) I would rather not see a whole nuclear argument about gen rushing in a pallet post
Flip-flop, Power Struggle, and Tenacity. You're welcome.
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The pallet you throw down early could be the one that pallet stuns the killer as they pick you up or when carrying you to the hook, also another survivor might drop it giving them the time to pick you up from dying state and take a hit for you while you get somewhere to be able to heal. The worst cast is if you thrown them early and the killer breaks them come towards the end off the match there is no pallets left for survivors to use leaving them in a dead zone.
I prob play 90% killer and the things i just listed is from what i have seen and has cost them the match or allowed me to hit someone because there was no pallets around to use.
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I like being able to make a chase last without using a pallet. It makes me feel so skilled to look back at 2-3 pallets I could have burned but didn't.
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Pallets felt like they were losing their value as more killers were being added that could damage or down you on the other side of one you threw to block the killer to begin with.
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I would like to see reputable data that most matches lasted that long back then. That’s certainly not my memory. I only recall waiting for lobbies that long sometimes.
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As long as map sizes and gen spread are ridiculous, pallets will never be a precious resource.
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Yes games are fast enough where you can safe drop all the pallets and probably be fine.
There's 2 viewpoints you can take, either games are too fast, or there's too many pallets. That just depends on how long you want games to be. Changing either would make pallets more valuable again.
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They are. Sometimes you don't know if you are in IKEA as Killer.
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THIS! There is usually a pallet at every loop, and while I understand that its part of the survivors only tangible defense, nowadays a lot of survivors have become really, really good at looping and don't need all those pallets, so they usually get more then they will ever need.
If the games couldn't be genrushed in 5min, then yeah, it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but a single survivor wasting your time just a little bit too long can cost you the game; its really a dance on the razors edge.
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It's a different game now. People understand how to run loops and structures a hundred times better than they did back then.
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Matches up to 15 and 20 minutes? That's optimistic. Most matches take from 6 to 10 minutes.
Overall, I agree that pallets simply aren't that much of a valuable resource on most maps. You can just throw most of them and since most of them are safe the killer just has to break it and if they stop to break every pallet in the game then all gens will be done before such a thing becomes impactful.
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The only real reason why pallets aren't that valuable any more is because the more of something there is the less valuable it is considered.
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They were much longer. I can prove facts about how urban was meta (stealth), which makes gens go slower, self care (people healing in the corner of the map because of nurses being meta), and old sabatour which made it where it took like 1 minutes to Sabo 1 hook so it would never come back leaving hook dead zones and people just running to where they can't get hooked. Matches lasted for ever.
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Yeah gens are so fast you can literally just pre drop them all and if your teams efficient on gens have the gates powered before you run out. That's why ironically if you watch top tier swf squads they tend to pre drop a lot because they know how fast they can pop gens especially when you aren't getting any regression perks activated from all the pre dropping denying early hooks.
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I did that recently and I posted a rant about how my soloq team just rolled me over four times in a single match. It's not viable in SoloQ.
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Ahh yeah SoloQ is a different matter entirely... That build has saved me in SoloQ but it depends on whether or not the randoms decide to drop the pallet to save themselves.