Devs, are the 39 perk adjustments the only ones we will get this year?

Topic. Just wondering if other perks might see adjustments later on. I'd still love to see perks like Solidarity and Poised matter. It just hurts to hope for perk adjustments in patches that have none at all, so if this is it for the year, it'd be lovely to not feel disappointed later.
No, those are the 39 getting reworked in midchapter, there will be others. They honestly adjust perks often so I wouldn't worry about it being the only one
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Yeah they're probably working on the ones that are the most problematic (overused/overpowered, and underused/underachieving) first
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It's just the ones they worked on for this mid-chapter. As Peanits said in another post - they only have so much time to work on an update, these are the perks they could fit into this update.
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I would guess they probably are? Or at least, this year as in 2022 - this year as in year 6, probably not, and we're liable to see more each midchapter. But 39 is a lot of perks to handle at once and they're going to want to make sure everything is balanced before they start making more tweaks to perk spread.
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Yeah, I read that post, I was just wondering if future perk adjustments are still coming at all this year (already in the pipeline), or if the purpose of this patch is to not have to worry about perks for a while.
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good question.